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The Arena (PVP Discussion)
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    Customer Service Feedback (In-game issues, complaints, petitions etc...) 0
    07/12/2007 08:27:18
    Please read these rules first 0
    07/15/2005 19:59:44
    (Re:This is why the pvp server is dieing) <-- 47
    06/12/2009 20:56:04
    Incentive for being on Zek maybe? 17
    06/12/2009 13:29:02
    Enchanters spell line Tears of Qundieal/Xadrith 27
    06/12/2009 08:32:45
    SOE hates on Zek again!!! 16
    06/01/2009 00:17:32
    I'd like to see a new PVP server... 8
    05/29/2009 13:50:43
    05/21/2009 07:26:16
    This is why the pvp server is dieing 32
    05/20/2009 18:29:54
    Can I do this? 9
    05/19/2009 07:23:58
    Mercs at lower lvs (parses included) 36
    05/14/2009 07:21:31
    Mercs can't be snared, needs to be patched. 4
    05/05/2009 21:08:14
    Zek could *really* use a /bazaar channel 2
    05/03/2009 15:34:59
    [ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
    05/01/2009 12:54:59
    OOR mercs/PC in pvp fix 1
    04/23/2009 09:18:16
    the new fabled items should not be nerfed 13
    04/16/2009 08:27:33
    Bravo! Bravo, Mighty Prexus Wizard! 17
    04/09/2009 07:39:11
    New fabled items being nerfed 4
    04/08/2009 11:25:51
    Starting back up on Zek with my family 8
    04/07/2009 09:00:40
    who is the best ? 31
    04/07/2009 05:45:27
    New Server...Progressive PVP, Role-Playing Server with Vallon Zek PVP Rules! 11
    03/29/2009 20:17:08
    Shamans are most overlooked class! Devs do something 25
    03/27/2009 08:12:17
    [Moved] Macroquest dependent players destroying zek 0
    03/22/2009 21:46:38
    Returning.. another Zek question 2
    03/20/2009 16:11:03
    Rallos Zek and PvP Ruined -- Whhhyyyy :( 4
    03/16/2009 16:17:00
    Reflect - Upon Success Should Do Equal Damage What You Wouldve Taken 1
    03/15/2009 13:23:32
    New server 10
    03/14/2009 11:49:01
    Zek Server Bug! - Rezzes 15
    03/14/2009 11:36:32
    Take the Survey! 4
    03/14/2009 08:08:32
    Would you like seeing Zek switched to PvP-Team? 12
    03/12/2009 09:26:33
    Good PVPing or Harassment? 12
    03/01/2009 19:08:39
    What class? 5
    02/25/2009 22:47:14
    Hardcore PvP /copy only server 38
    02/25/2009 13:34:21
    Attention Brenlo 49
    02/20/2009 14:11:21
    Augs on Rallos Zek 1
    02/20/2009 14:10:19
    Beserkers Leg chop on PVP Server ETA? 3
    02/20/2009 14:08:11
    Do the Dev's ever listen to Shaman pvp concerns? 2
    02/20/2009 06:50:22
    Should I even try? 14
    02/12/2009 17:30:55
    02/06/2009 09:29:22
    recruiting on zek 2
    02/05/2009 13:43:36
    EverQuest » Top » The Wayfarers Rest (Playstyle discussion areas) » The Arena (PVP Discussion) Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , ...  24  Next
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