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Joined: Nov 18, 2008
Messages: 30

Just started leveling a rogue for an alt and to make poisons for my main and other alts.  Here is what I was thinking.  Level to 62 and farm about 300 AA's in CoD.  Run3 (pretty much always first for every toon duh), then Poison Making 3, then CA/CS/ND 1 and 2, and then Ambi, Escape, and a couple other utility AA's cannot remember the names, and then Max out the Defensive abilities incase I need to solo. I should not really have to worry about runners in any of the zones too much because I can backstab.

Does this theory seem sound?  Also I was curious, right now I am only about 37 I think, GD is going slow, and I hate naggy's lair.  Is there a better zone to solo/merc group in. I know a know about a year and a half to two years ago I was screaming through levels in Gulf of Gunthak, on the beach the mobs do not run for the most part and in the tunnel when they run when they die the other mob is aggroing me so I dont need to pull a lot.  Then I would guess dulak till like 46-49 and then PoI.

One last question, I have been looking around for a better poison leveling guide the one on EQ Traders does not look like it has been updated to the new system. I defiantely want to start using them, on my monk it was insane when I get a poison from a friend. Oh and do we still have to level pottery?  I know if I get the Grandmaster Assassins Seal or what ever that item is is summons Vials....


Thank you in advance.


Joined: Sep 13, 2004
Messages: 429

merlyn6t9 wrote:

Just started leveling a rogue for an alt and to make poisons for my main and other alts.  Here is what I was thinking.  Level to 62 and farm about 300 AA's in CoD.  Run3 (pretty much always first for every toon duh), then Poison Making 3, then CA/CS/ND 1 and 2, and then Ambi, Escape, and a couple other utility AA's cannot remember the names, and then Max out the Defensive abilities incase I need to solo. I should not really have to worry about runners in any of the zones too much because I can backstab.

Does this theory seem sound?  Also I was curious, right now I am only about 37 I think, GD is going slow, and I hate naggy's lair.  Is there a better zone to solo/merc group in. I know a know about a year and a half to two years ago I was screaming through levels in Gulf of Gunthak, on the beach the mobs do not run for the most part and in the tunnel when they run when they die the other mob is aggroing me so I dont need to pull a lot.  Then I would guess dulak till like 46-49 and then PoI.

One last question, I have been looking around for a better poison leveling guide the one on EQ Traders does not look like it has been updated to the new system. I defiantely want to start using them, on my monk it was insane when I get a poison from a friend. Oh and do we still have to level pottery?  I know if I get the Grandmaster Assassins Seal or what ever that item is is summons Vials....


Thank you in advance.

Typically all AAs you purchase and when depend heavily on how and when you play your toon however I'd suggest Run 3 then Escape. After that I'd focus on survivability (you said you solo and that is very important to have max CA/CS/ND/Planar Power for your level) so that you can add to that survivability. After that, concentrate on DPS AAs (to include Ambidexterity/Chaotic stab, Sinister Strikes etc etc) and leave the make Poison AA for last. However, if you won't be playing the rogue much or as seriously once it gets within range of the poison making skill you desire then you can toss PM in there sooner.

In regards to CoD, those mobs do run. Even the named ones (puslings that summon are named; they can't be snared by players by the way).  For leveling try out Velks around 42ish? I forget when it becomes easy enough for the rogue to tank there with minimal/max buffs but I think 42 sounds about right. Prior to that there is the Overthere. Beyond that I have nothing to offer hehe because my most recent toon that I leveled I powerleveled so he was in Velks at 30 and when he hit 46 I took him to PoI where I PL'd him till 46 at which time he grouped with my lowest toon, the 76 monk.

That guide is still absolute money for leveling make poison skill fairly cheaply. If you use the new system, the recommended path is utility poisons. The DPS poisons have such a high trivial that you won't be able to make them until you are within spitting distance of it and at that point you would be better served moving onto something else. From my own observation (which was at 267 raw skill) it seemed that you also could not learn that new recipe until you were at a certain skill level which again was within spitting distance of the trivial for that particular poison. Granted at that point the idea of farming enough components to make utility poisons kept me making DPS poisons when I could (I mixed the DPS on the old system with DPS on the new system which helped minimize farming/vendor/seller farming) but I am stubborn. Also making utility poisons on the new system is not cheaply done.

As for pottery, on the new system you don't need it. However on the old system you do. My rogue and mage took turns, depending on skill, making the vials. The GMAS/V is a must have if you do decide to explore the old poisons because at a point you can make 20 shot poisons which will help eliminate some of the room issues. Also 20 shot poisons sell back better than individual poisons.


Hopefully this was somewhat helpful.



Joined: Nov 18, 2008
Messages: 30

Ok cool thanks for the help.  I just saw the guide and it looked like there were only 4 or 5 recipes in it.


Joined: Sep 13, 2004
Messages: 429

I don't know which guide you looked at but try this Poison Making path listed here. By the way, when you do xp in CoD, make sure you keep the Tainted Planar Essences. Those are used in a few poisons. Oh yeah, get yourself a geerlock tool (can't recall the name off hand heh) which gives you a mod to your skill so that you can attempt higher trivial stuff. This won't work for the new poisons though (at least not at the higher lvls of skill).



Joined: Mar 26, 2004
Messages: 7153

Geerlok only gives +5%, which is fine at low levels, but the TS trophy (from Freeport) works out better.  I'd use the short list up to Sloth at 275 in Cylint's link, then switch over to the new recipes.  You can get 300 from a vendor this way.  I got 300/max trophy this way, without bothering with Salvage or Poison AAs.


Joined: Sep 13, 2004
Messages: 429

Yeah the only real benefit of the Poison AA is to minimize failures on the 400+ trivials. Without it I found that I would fail about 50ish out of 200 combines on poisons at rank XV. With it, I fail about 6 out of 200. I do not have the salvage AA yet since it is entirely random what item it salvages apparently.



Joined: Mar 26, 2004
Messages: 7153

I believe that salvage is random - but, having said that, my researcher on spells almost always gets the (expensive) paper back.  I didn't care about fails on the poison skill up combines, although you do get a very slightly better skill up chance on success.


Joined: Jun 5, 2007
Messages: 8

For raising Make Poison I just did 3 recipes... started at 0 skill  (no I didn't waste exp points on any trade - faster to start working it than finding a guildmaster) started with Atrophic Sap Triv 98 - had lots of fails, but still got skill ups. Then moved straight to Spirit of Sloth 275 Triv, then finished off with Scoriae Bite (the drops you need are ultra common in Plane of Fire - nice place to PL) or can prob Vendor Dive in PoT or PoK and get stacks from the vendors cheap. All in All it took me no more than 4-5 hours and 10-15k plat to get to 300 Skill. Also got my Apply skill to 200 with what I made. Sold the rest back to the vendors (to recover what I was spending). And 2nd Vendor on the left in PoK Poison room sells The Scent of Marr that you can use for making Celestial Essences for Scoriae Bite.


Joined: Nov 18, 2008
Messages: 30

Hey where did you get the Vials?  I remember the first time that I tried to level Make Poison I had to level pottery also.  Is there a vendor that I can buy most of my Vials from?  I was thinking about buying or conning another rogue out of a Grand Master Assassins Seal if they are not using it anymore to summon those vials.  Will those work for any rogue posion?

I am not too worried about the price to level the skill, pretty much just the easiest way.  I have a 70 mage and about 3 other alts that are stopping to farm AA's.  I have a guildy and a friend that will craft my spells cheaply so I should be able to farm that money while farming AA's.  I have at least 2 other alts that will stop to farm AA's in CoD if not all of my alts besides the mage. I will be able to save all the poison materials dropped from that zone for my rogue.  I need to farm quite a few AA's accross 5 toons, I would say in the range of like 1500, really 200-300 each before leveling past CoD.  I just need to get my rogue to that level also, and he can make the spider bite poisons for my other characters right?

I know the mobs run in CoD and other places, but once my back stab gets high enough and I get a higher level dagger they shouldnt get too far before I drop them with back stab. If I am running into too many problems I will just go with a Snare type poison.  Is it possible for us to have a poison on each weapon? One last question, is there a vendor like the potion vendor that rogues can buy actualy poisons from until I get my poison making high enough?  Or just get them from the bazaar?

Thank you for the help so far.  I wil get the Run 3, Escape and then bounce around.


Joined: Sep 13, 2004
Messages: 429

merlyn6t9 wrote:

Hey where did you get the Vials?  I remember the first time that I tried to level Make Poison I had to level pottery also.  Is there a vendor that I can buy most of my Vials from?  I was thinking about buying or conning another rogue out of a Grand Master Assassins Seal if they are not using it anymore to summon those vials.  Will those work for any rogue posion?

I am not too worried about the price to level the skill, pretty much just the easiest way.  I have a 70 mage and about 3 other alts that are stopping to farm AA's.  I have a guildy and a friend that will craft my spells cheaply so I should be able to farm that money while farming AA's.  I have at least 2 other alts that will stop to farm AA's in CoD if not all of my alts besides the mage. I will be able to save all the poison materials dropped from that zone for my rogue.  I need to farm quite a few AA's accross 5 toons, I would say in the range of like 1500, really 200-300 each before leveling past CoD.  I just need to get my rogue to that level also, and he can make the spider bite poisons for my other characters right?

I know the mobs run in CoD and other places, but once my back stab gets high enough and I get a higher level dagger they shouldnt get too far before I drop them with back stab. If I am running into too many problems I will just go with a Snare type poison.  Is it possible for us to have a poison on each weapon? One last question, is there a vendor like the potion vendor that rogues can buy actualy poisons from until I get my poison making high enough?  Or just get them from the bazaar?

Thank you for the help so far.  I wil get the Run 3, Escape and then bounce around.

The vials you do have to make yourself (or get someone else to make them). The pre-PoP poisons do not stack so make sure you have plenty of room when you do combines. Unfortunately the GMAS is no trade as is the GMASV. They also only work with the PoP+ poisons.

The only poisons you can buy from a vendor are rogue only ones. The all/all you have to make (Spider's Bite trivials at 160 skill) yourself or buy from the bazaar. As to the snare poison, you can get that effect on prepop poisons but they may not be as reliable. When you use a poison, it no longer 'poisons' your weapon persay. You end up with a buff icon in your buff window which will have the name of the poison and the time left. For pre-SoD poisons, those lasted for a very short duration (I think first proc the poofed? Not 100% sure though since I never used them).


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