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(Re:This is why the pvp server is dieing) <--
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Joined: Apr 14, 2004
Messages: 105

I read that whole thread and no one has raised the BIGGEST reason why "PvP on Zek" is going down.

It is lack of real GM support.

The Zek rule set, since the server merger, is the previous Rallos Zek set. I can find the old threads and notices if you really want but it is public record. IF there is a link to SZ.rules.set (broken link) then either it is more broken than you thought or has been changed.

That doesn't matter because the GMs don't enforce it at all. The current GMs are Global GMs. They have been trained (lol) and set up to provide help to people across all the servers. None of them understand PvP, know the players or the guilds and not one of them really cares if follow any rules, as long as no one petitions and makes them come here.

It is NOT Sony policy. It is just the way things have worked out. I have noticed that if I petition a deleted item or zone bug, broken task or something else that is just me vs the game software andI get immediate GM assistance. POW item fixed, lost gear returned whatever. BUT if i have a problem that includes any other PC, NOTHING. Then, a few days later, I get an email telling me my petition is being closed, usually because I have not provided enough info or the like. They tell us how they (the GM) must wittness the hacking, but they refuse to come watch, they tell us how there is a Pvp solution... but they can't tell you want it is. They will tell you a thousand different things to get you to close the petition, but not one of them is going to help you.

So you do what I do. You stop relying on GMs, when the hackers come, just gate. Get your friends together and go back and stomp them.


Joined: Jan 15, 2006
Messages: 33

You're absolutely right. I remember thinking a couple years ago GM support hit rock bottom. I just came back from a year and couple month AFK to realize that I was wrong; it's much worse now. GM's are rude, ignorant, slow, and not willing to help/investigate when dealing with PvP issues. It's really not even worth the effort going through the trouble of submitting a petition anymore. (Ps, bring back "/petition your petition here")


Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Messages: 8

I've been back to EverQuest for a month or two.  My 2 RL friends and I decided to roll up characters on the Zek server.  I can tell you from our point of view, the reason Zek is dying has nothing to do with GM support.  It's because new people trying to populate the server aren't welcomed and the people already on the server act like foul-mouthed children.



Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Pharine wrote:

I've been back to EverQuest for a month or two.  My 2 RL friends and I decided to roll up characters on the Zek server.  I can tell you from our point of view, the reason Zek is dying has nothing to do with GM support.  It's because new people trying to populate the server aren't welcomed and the people already on the server act like foul-mouthed children.


Yup, been like that for years. I am still glad Zek exist because I wouldn't want those type of players on our server.

There was a GM on Zek but one of the top end guilds didn't like how he handled a situation and petitioned him out of their server.



Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

Slaughterhouse wrote:

Pharine wrote:

I've been back to EverQuest for a month or two.  My 2 RL friends and I decided to roll up characters on the Zek server.  I can tell you from our point of view, the reason Zek is dying has nothing to do with GM support.  It's because new people trying to populate the server aren't welcomed and the people already on the server act like foul-mouthed children.


Yup, been like that for years. I am still glad Zek exist because I wouldn't want those type of players on our server.

There was a GM on Zek but one of the top end guilds didn't like how he handled a situation and petitioned him out of their server.


Yup, he allowed a hacker crew to ninja loot items off Fabled Vallon Zek while we were pvping another guild as we dropped the mob.  Said there was a pvp solution... Then he even transfered those ninjaed items to their alts that could use the items...  Nice GM "support" eh?  /boggle.  Hi Sinkenn! 

If we actually had GMs, people might not act like twits.... alas, when the cats away, the mice will play.. Same could be said of any aspect of society really.  You take away the fear of authority and people push the limits.  It's not just Zek.  Ever read Lord of the Flies?


Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Messages: 8

I can see both points of view.  Although, I do remember a time when (at least in my guild) if you were found to be a ninja-looter, trainer, pest of any sort, spent a lot of time speaking in open server or zone-wide channels--especially if you were vulgar in them, you'd be promptly removed from the guild and you'd be looking for another one.

With that in mind, the players controlled how people acted on the server.  Mainly the players who led guilds and their officers.  These people can make big differences on a server without the help of a GM.  Cut these people off from the raid-loot source for their behavior and maybe they'll either 1) Change their attitudes 2) Quit and at the same time you may attract back those quality players you're looking for.

The ones that refuse to change how they act and continue playing will all end up in the same guild, which will most likely fall apart again and again.. or so has been my experience. 


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

There is only 2 top end raiding guilds and they recruit anyone that promises to be active. Both guilds don't act with high morales.  Their objective is to get gear and kill anyone they can by any means. Ask anyone about the guild leader of AsD and PDM. They won't praise them as leaders that promote fair play and they certainly won't ask their players to behave!

Zek isn't a happy go lucky place. You play there because you love drama and trash talking gets you all excited. It's not for everyone and as I said mentioned I am glad that SoE hasn't pull the plug on it. The server exist for those that play to grief and to satisfy the power trippers.

Anything goes on Zek.


p.s Sinkenn is a rockstar! I never knew him as being corrupted.




Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

Slaughterhouse wrote:

There is only 2 top end raiding guilds and they recruit anyone that promises to be active. Both guilds don't act with high morales.  Their objective is to get gear and kill anyone they can by any means. Ask anyone about the guild leader of AsD and PDM. They won't praise them as leaders that promote fair play and they certainly won't ask their players to behave!

Zek isn't a happy go lucky place. You play there because you love drama and trash talking gets you all excited. It's not for everyone and as I said mentioned I am glad that SoE hasn't pull the plug on it. The server exist for those that play to grief and to satisfy the power trippers.

Anything goes on Zek.

p.s Sinkenn is a rockstar! I never knew him as being corrupted.

True, there are two top guilds, and sure, I guess we do what every other top end guild does, recruit people who are active!  Not sure if you intended that as a jab or what... As for morales?  Well, I don't know what you are driving at...  We are here to dominate.  This isn't help your fellow player server (unless your guilded), this is a player VS player server... there shouldn't be a "play nice" attitude if that is what you're driving at with "behaving".... we are here to kill the other person. 
This is the toughest server to play on, and probably has the most knowledgeable players out there as we need to know what every class can do so we know how to defend against it ~ I, myself, don't particularly care for drama in abundance (it exists everywhere unfortunately) nor do I "trash talk".  But I do enjoy testing myself against the reasoning of a fellow player rather than fight a mindless AI.  Or sit in Guild Lobby and wonder "what to do now that I have all this shiny gear?" - I can go out and test my mettle against other players! 

My point is, there is ALWAYS something to do on Zek - PvP!  I, personally, don't know how blue server players keep playing, I would have been bored enough to quit years ago... to each his own though I suppose! 

Lack of support (developmental / customer service) is what is killing Zek, and all of EQ for that matter.  Plain and simple.


PS - I never said Sinkenn was corrupt, he just made up his own rules as he went along.  that is not right.

Message edited by Takeda on 05/27/2009 11:34:20.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Takeda, you seem like someone with an open mind but it suddenly shuts when you state your opinion about players on blue servers. 

Zek players are not better players than blue servers. That was a good laugh. Zek server isn't tough at all. I am glad you justify your existence on Zek but don't come here and say that blue players are less knowledgeable and they sit bored to death on their server. That is a myth that blue servers are boring.

You can kill each other all you want. I was replying to Pharine. The population on Zek is low and the leaders/officers don't care to discipline their members because they are more desparate for numbers than on blue servers so they can't afford to lose players. Train, hack, ninja loot and no GM it's funland for the rebels.


Message edited by Slaughterhouse on 05/27/2009 13:31:19.


Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Messages: 8

For some background on myself, I played EverQuest starting 4 months after it's release all the way up until Planes of Power the week before my guild downed Rallos Zek.  Through much of that time, I played 8+ hours a day.  I took a good break from online gaming, then the habit took me over again with WoW where I've led 2 hardcore raiding guilds.  I've since, once again, backed my playtime way back down; but even still I understand wanting those active players in your guild.

In the couple months I've been on Zek, I've noticed the attitude of players much much worse than that of the kiddos on WoW.  I will attribute a lof of that to WoW's suspending you at the drop of a hat, unlike what I've been use to on EQ years ago where people just would 'act right' because their guild insisted in it.  But, of course, I think we're all in agreement the Zek'inites could use an attitude adjustment.

Now, I've read time and time again that the appeal of Zek was to be able to use your uber armor and playing skills vs. other players and this is a big reason we rolled up characters on Zek, but that hasn't been the case for me so far. 

The couple handfuls of people that I've encountered in my level range (we're all mid 60's) usually did attack us.  They usually couldn't kill us, nor us kill them due to the mercs. 

Furthermore, we've ran into several red-conning PC's who *usually just trained us while we were fighting some mobs.  I'm not certain if they wanted the camp we were at or what exactly the purpose was.  A good example was in Bastion of Thunder just a couple nights ago where we saw a red monk and necromancer walk into our camp, then run past and come back with about 10-15 mobs and feign death right beside us while we were fighting a giant.  Going back to "using your uber armor and skills," does this really count?  I doubt pulling some light blues and feign deathing was really a challenge to these people, so in my opinion.. being on the receiving end of this type of 'pvp' as a non-raid geared sub-level 85, I think that's a poor argument.

But, I realize we can discuss until we're blue in the face and I doubt anything will ever change about the server, but it's interesting seeing things through other's point of view.




Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

Pharine wrote:

The couple handfuls of people that I've encountered in my level range (we're all mid 60's) usually did attack us.  They usually couldn't kill us, nor us kill them due to the mercs. 

I love reading stories and autobiographies...but this is only part that mattered.  "we're all mid 60's."  ZEK is not a lowbie server. Never is, never will be.  Its an increidbly hard server to start on since you'll only be fighting twinks of others at lower levels.  The real ZEK you only encounter at lvl 85...the rest is diluted nonsense.  Do we play nice? No. But every server has their share of jerks and deuchebags.  Due to the pvp and threats and challenges of PVP you genuinely start to dislike your opponents.  Some you respect, but mostly its grave dislike.  And the best part about it is that you can actually do something about it.  On blue if someone did something to you or you took offence at something you hold your breath and stomp your feet .... and take it.  On ZEK, we dont "take it."  We fight back.  Granted you win some and you lose some, but there is a lot of satisfaction in rocking the tool who stole your named or made you gate from your old xp camp. 

There exists the problem of 3rd party software on zek.  That is the only downfall of the server and could be fixed by a greater GM presence.  Follow around a select number of toons for a day or 2 in stealth mode...throw around some warning and the problemo would be solved. 

ZEK isnt for everyone.  Its for the "tougher" crowd and the more hardcore crowd, but thats what makes it infinetely more interesting.  On Blue every day is the same.  Fight mob X, healer player Y, pull mob X2, tank, snare, dps, rinse repeat ad nauseum.  On Zek every day is different.  No fight is the same twice.  Till u experience it, you dont know what you're missing.


Conandx of Pandemonium on ZEK


Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Messages: 8

Olbaid07 wrote:

Its an increidbly hard server to start on since you'll only be fighting twinks of others at lower levels. 

Maybe you didn't read all of my post. 

Pharine wrote:

They usually couldn't kill us, nor us kill them

I should probably rephrase that to--I have yet to be PK'd unless I was trained by a red conning monk, necromancer, or once a paladin.

Olbaid07 wrote:

Due to the pvp and threats and challenges of PVP you genuinely start to dislike your opponents.  Some you respect, but mostly its grave dislike.  And the best part about it is that you can actually do something about it.  On blue if someone did something to you or you took offence at something you hold your breath and stomp your feet .... and take it.  On ZEK, we dont "take it."  We fight back.

Again, I've had 0 problems with the people who've attacked me, because it was a fair fight, hence I didn't die.  Maybe you should reread the thread?

Olbaid07 wrote:

Granted you win some and you lose some, but there is a lot of satisfaction in rocking the tool who stole your named or made you gate from your old xp camp. 

It's as if you can't train someone on a blue server.  This makes "ZEK" very special.


I'm not certain what you're argument is from.  Is it because we're only level 65 that it's acceptable to be trained?  Is this the Zek experience?  Is it common practice for level 85's on Zek to train each other?

Do you think I have a problem being attacked by people my level?  If so, I'll assure you I don't--otherwise I wouldn't of made a character on this server. 


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

At lvl 65 you are irrelevant.  Stop crying and deal with it...or ZEK isnt for you. 


Joined: Nov 19, 2005
Messages: 468

Bogebogbudicus_RZ wrote:

I read that whole thread and no one has raised the BIGGEST reason why "PvP on Zek" is going down.

It is lack of real GM support.

The Zek rule set, since the server merger, is the previous Rallos Zek set. I can find the old threads and notices if you really want but it is public record. IF there is a link to SZ.rules.set (broken link) then either it is more broken than you thought or has been changed.

That doesn't matter because the GMs don't enforce it at all. The current GMs are Global GMs. They have been trained (lol) and set up to provide help to people across all the servers. None of them understand PvP, know the players or the guilds and not one of them really cares if follow any rules, as long as no one petitions and makes them come here.

It is NOT Sony policy. It is just the way things have worked out. I have noticed that if I petition a deleted item or zone bug, broken task or something else that is just me vs the game software andI get immediate GM assistance. POW item fixed, lost gear returned whatever. BUT if i have a problem that includes any other PC, NOTHING. Then, a few days later, I get an email telling me my petition is being closed, usually because I have not provided enough info or the like. They tell us how they (the GM) must wittness the hacking, but they refuse to come watch, they tell us how there is a Pvp solution... but they can't tell you want it is. They will tell you a thousand different things to get you to close the petition, but not one of them is going to help you.

So you do what I do. You stop relying on GMs, when the hackers come, just gate. Get your friends together and go back and stomp them.

I agree - GMs respond pretty well when you accidentally delete an item but you get nothing if it is a "rule" violation you are petitioning.

The most visible part of the server are pretty much sociopaths - they take over more and more as time goes on.  Yeah, it's a tough server but it doesn't have to be downright disgraceful.  And it is getting downright disgraceful fast atm.

I'm just killing time until something good comes out then I'm outta there.



Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

People on Zek aren't tougher. They just like to play without rules. Zek guilds do the same thing as blue servers, raid a lot and get gear. Some people on blue servers pvp in Arenas more than some Zek players who just log off  right after raids.

A lot experienced PvP servers more than you think because PvP was fun at one point when there was a lot more PvP servers and more top end guilds to fight against.

Conandx, ignorance is bliss! It amazes me, what people believe in to justify their existence.



Message edited by Slaughterhouse on 05/27/2009 20:49:51.


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

Slaughterhouse wrote:

People on Zek aren't tougher. They just like to play without rules. Zek guilds do the same thing as blue servers, raid a lot and get gear. Some people on blue servers pvp in Arenas more than some Zek players who just log off  right after raids.

A lot experienced PvP servers more than you think because PvP was fun at one point when there was a lot more PvP servers and more top end guilds to fight against.

Conandx, ignorance is bliss! It amazes me, what people believe in to justify their existence.



Maybe. But I am a server xfer myself.  Transfered from the #2 guild on the Combine to the then #3 guild on Zek (Defiant).  Thus I have insight on being high end on both a blue and a pvp server.  PVP in the arena is no comparrison to PVP in the open field.  I know its a stretch, but ever hear military people say that no simulation can ever replace live armed combat? 

Dueling someone in the arena is like "Hi Jack, lets spar a little bit after raids old chap"

Getting PVPd on the battlefield is like "Ok Bill, inc mob X, did you slow it yet Jackie, ok good, make sure you are landing Fire nukes Stafford, HOLY SHIZZLE they got 5 inc, get rdy to evac if need be, make sure you dispell their selos, assist on the wizard first /g {inc Toon Z} Assist me on {Toon Z}, go go go


Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Messages: 8

Olbaid07 wrote:

At lvl 65 you are irrelevant.  Stop crying and deal with it...or ZEK isnt for you. 

And here lies "why the pvp server is *dying."


Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Messages: 8

Olbaid07 wrote:

But I am a server xfer myself.  Transfered from the #2 guild on the Combine to the then #3 guild on Zek (Defiant).  Thus I have insight on being high end on both a blue and a pvp server.

In other words, you didn't even level up on the pvp server... you leveled while you couldn't be killed.  That is "tough." SMILEY


Joined: Jun 20, 2004
Messages: 1284

Pharine wrote:

Olbaid07 wrote:

But I am a server xfer myself.  Transfered from the #2 guild on the Combine to the then #3 guild on Zek (Defiant).  Thus I have insight on being high end on both a blue and a pvp server.

In other words, you didn't even level up on the pvp server... you leveled while you couldn't be killed.  That is "tough."

Leveling on zek isnt tough, you just have to be willing to take a little longer by using out of the way zones / instances.

One thing that could help out zek population wise though would be double exp.

Anyways the tough part of zek is once you get level 85 your a little gimp untill you have gear. That time that your a gimp can be painfull.

Message edited by RannyFromDF on 05/29/2009 07:21:32.


Joined: Apr 14, 2004
Messages: 105

I find it funny that any Blueie would come to the PvP thread and whine and snivel about Zek players, at all. What is your point? You think your few attempts or one time here is in anyway equal to the years of game play we have had?

Yes, Zek is harder to play on than the other Passive servers. We have to fight our way to the mobs, then fight our mobs, then defend our raids until loot is awarded and then fight to the next camp. It takes longer, and it takes way more skill and EQ knowledge, period. All you bluebies do is steal, beg or buy the strats from your fellow raid guilds and try them out.

I don't know a lot of Zek'ers who go to the passive boards and post, we see it as beating up the slow retarded kid so we mostly just don't.

As for morals and ethics, in the absense of law and order, the lowest common demnominator always wins. Thus, the reduction over time of GM support, the utter lack of understanding of the game mechanics by these bluebie born GMs when it comes to PVP has left us now with complete chaos.

As for the trash-talking and locker room antics of the youth of the server, what can I say? most of us who have five and even tens years of game play sure don't support it, like it or do it. But the only option is to move to a GM-supported server, BLUR, and I would rather quit than surrender to those cowards.


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

Bogebogbudicus_RZ wrote:

I find it funny that any Blueie would come to the PvP thread and whine and snivel about Zek players, at all. What is your point? You think your few attempts or one time here is in anyway equal to the years of game play we have had?

Yes, Zek is harder to play on than the other Passive servers. We have to fight our way to the mobs, then fight our mobs, then defend our raids until loot is awarded and then fight to the next camp. It takes longer, and it takes way more skill and EQ knowledge, period. All you bluebies do is steal, beg or buy the strats from your fellow raid guilds and try them out.

I don't know a lot of Zek'ers who go to the passive boards and post, we see it as beating up the slow retarded kid so we mostly just don't.

As for morals and ethics, in the absense of law and order, the lowest common demnominator always wins. Thus, the reduction over time of GM support, the utter lack of understanding of the game mechanics by these bluebie born GMs when it comes to PVP has left us now with complete chaos.

As for the trash-talking and locker room antics of the youth of the server, what can I say? most of us who have five and even tens years of game play sure don't support it, like it or do it. But the only option is to move to a GM-supported server, BLUR, and I would rather quit than surrender to those cowards.

Bluebies have no way of knowing what Zek is like unless they've already played on it...couldnt handle it...and xfered.  Reading these boards and lvling a toon to 65 wont give u a sense of the true ZEK server.  Its the equivalent of pretending to know what jail is like because you watched Prison Break on Tv.  Its not the same till you are actually in it neck deep.

As for morals and that other nonsense, its well known that nice guys finish last.  On zek there is morals and other dynamics within a guild, but outside of it, anything goes.  Why should it be any different?  On ZEK, everyone that isnt a buddy is a potential enemy looking to kill you, steal your named, or ninja loot yer drop.  Plus if I wanted nice, i'd go watch carebears.  As the premeire smack talker on the server (definately top 5) I actually enjoy my gameplay a lot more when I flame and demoralize my enemies.  They dont like it? I could care less.  I sure as hell aint gonna apolagize for it either.  I play to wreck someone's face and get loot and chill with buddies.  Thus if I take those buddies and pwn and flame my enemies thats even better. Nuff said

Conandx of Pandemonium on ZEK


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Boge and Conandx, listen up. You won't convince anyone that Zek is tougher and that the players are smarter. You have done a good job convincing yourself of that to justify why you play there but don't think for a second that others believe you except of course other Zekkers.

I don't think anyone expects you to be nice or act nice because as you said other players goal is to grief you and train, steal mobs, ninja loot and they freely use hacks to kill you faster and easier. Nobody expects you to behave and act normal because you wouldn't survive on Zek if you played with a milder attitude.

ZEK IS DIFFERENT NOT BETTER. I am glad SoE keeps Zek going. Your playstyle and mentality isn't something others would be to excited to have to deal with and that is something SoE realizes so they keep your server going.


Message edited by Slaughterhouse on 05/30/2009 23:53:54.


Joined: Apr 14, 2004
Messages: 105

Slaughter, who are you trying to convince ? I don't think about you all believing me at all cause I really don't care, thatswhy I don't go to the Passive boards and post about what I know nothing about... you should try it.

Why is the important to you? why are you even reading these PvP -based boards? is your passive server so boring you need to come here and argue with the "low class types" who play PvP? - Dude, take a deep breath, understand that we will not agree with you, nor will you agree with us, and leave it at that? I dont know you, and i dont think you want to know me. So lets not fight over something you and I will never agree on, ok?

Conandx: As to morals and ethics. You are 100% correct. Since SONY merged the other pvp servers into Rallos Zek and renamed it Zek, the "play nice" rules changed. RZ had a code which many guilds followed. I have been in serveral RZ guilds in which we were not allowed to talk in /ooc (for trash talking) nor were we allowed to grief or harrass other players. We were forbidden to swear at others and, in short, we wore "white hats" ...

Then they merged and all the fair play mind set went out the window.

And I believe this was because the once the servers were merged the GMs decided to stop enforcing any rules that related to pvp. So, now we have lowered ourselves to the level of our enemies in order to fight on a leveled playing field. Funny thing is, some on both sides have started to play by the old code again. There are enemies who I will go sit by and wait for them to finish their mob and be ready before we fight, this is because I respect them and I feel they respect me, there are many others who see nothing wrong with attacking someone while they are on a mob and I attack them on sight regardless.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Boge I play on Zek. I just find it embarrassing when Zekkers come here and tell blue servers that we are tougher and smarter. How stupid do you think they are? Stop pretending Zek is wonderful and better than blue server.

Just read and don't need to post a reply. I stay on Zek because my friends are there but we don't pretend we are special and think blue players are boring people. Check how many blue servers there is compared to pvp server. Do the math, it's not that difficult to figure it out.

One thing I concur, let's agree to disagree on this matter. I am not here to argue with you but I hate reading ignorant remarks about EQ players whether on Zek or blue servers. I also mentioned Zek players behave the way they do, to survive. It's a dog eat dog world on Zek. People believe honesty.

Happy Hunting!




Message edited by Slaughterhouse on 05/31/2009 11:54:33.


Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

Slaughterhouse wrote:

Yup, been like that for years. I am still glad Zek exist because I wouldn't want those type of players on our server.

Didn't you just say you played on Zek?  Is your lvl 85 "main" on Zek?  Doesn't sound like it from this statement earlier in the thread... I have a 72 BST on Bristlebane that I havent touched in a year, can I still say I play on that server? =\



Joined: May 19, 2004
Messages: 106

I wouldn´t necessarily say Zek players are better than blue, but I would say they adapt better to certain circumstances and are more resourceful. I came from SZ (good team), and a glaring example of this was how "Hate" managed to progress so efficiently in pve, despite major issues with restrictions on classes available to them (eg there were no druids and paladins at all if memory serves) due to server rules, yet they beat Time.

As a disclaimer though, realistically a lot of the original pvp players, from pre server merge, no longer play, or no longer play on Zek, and Zek has a fair share of people who started post merge.

PVP means you are always looking for an edge, so you get to know more about your various discs, weapons, spells etc etc, and what way works best to use them, in what order and so on. Im not saying blue players dont know the same stuff, but as a larger percentage, Zekkers are forced into knowing this much earlier and use them much more frequently. I think we are probably less afraid of dying trying something as well, as death is a much more common feature of life on Zek....

What irritates about blue posters on the pvp boards for the most part, is their belief that duelling someone in the arena bears any resemblance whatsoever to pvp on Zek, yet they base numerous arguments on those duels and their thoughts. And then there are the old Zek (or various pre-cursors of) who think that pvp today bears any resemblance to the pvp of PoP era.....about as accurate as the arena fighters.

I was on Legends for a few months post PoP, and was amazed at how little some people knew about their classes compared to those on SZ.

Our issues are many. Apart from the obvious game mechanic ones (mercs, lack of class balance etc etc), we are largely to blame. Anyone new to the server who joins general chat would probably leave Zek within 5 minutes. Its quite simply pathetic that channe; the need to insult, degrade, compare e-"car" sizes, accuse of hacks, etc etc etc. What we need is, as Boge implied, to regain some old values, drop the griefing and insults and accept that some days you win some days you lose. We all suffer from hate tells, but its actually a lot better after you pvp, win or lose, to have a nice converstaion with opponent (yes not always possible), or simply say nothing and move along. I actually dont mind dying when the tell I get is "wow, didnt expect to beat you then I landed that 20k round" as opposed to "wow you got pwned you noob". The latter simply exacerbates the hate tells and pevents any feel good factor for anyone on Zek.

Rambling, but in short, gms, or lack of, are not the issue by any means on Zek. It is down to us to run our server, and so far we are doing a spectacularly awful job of doing so. That is why we are ignored and hated on.

Message edited by Erev on 06/01/2009 06:23:00.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Erev wrote:

Our issues are many. Apart from the obvious game mechanic ones (mercs, lack of class balance etc etc), we are largely to blame. Anyone new to the server who joins general chat would probably leave Zek within 5 minutes. Its quite simply pathetic that channe; the need to insult, degrade, compare e-"car" sizes, accuse of hacks, etc etc etc. What we need is, as Boge implied, to regain some old values, drop the griefing and insults and accept that some days you win some days you lose. We all suffer from hate tells, but its actually a lot better after you pvp, win or lose, to have a nice converstaion with opponent (yes not always possible), or simply say nothing and move along. I actually dont mind dying when the tell I get is "wow, didnt expect to beat you then I landed that 20k round" as opposed to "wow you got pwned you noob". The latter simply exacerbates the hate tells and pevents any feel good factor for anyone on Zek.

Rambling, but in short, gms, or lack of, are not the issue by any means on Zek. It is down to us to run our server, and so far we are doing a spectacularly awful job of doing so. That is why we are ignored and hated on.

That is my point. Well said, Erev.


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 269

Conandx used to play on combine before he came here maybe you should take him more seriously. You just come off as amazingly arrogant trying to dismiss him like that. In fact, many of us used to play on blue before we tried pvp. Perhaps it is you who is being ignorant.

Message edited by buckeye90 on 06/01/2009 15:33:31.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Erev, understood what I meant.  Blue servers aren't your enemies and you should try to get some to join us on Zek instead of making ignorant remarks about them.


Message edited by Slaughterhouse on 06/01/2009 20:33:08.


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 269

"Anyone new to the server who joins general chat would probably leave Zek within 5 minutes. Its quite simply pathetic that channe; the need to insult, degrade, compare e-"car" sizes, accuse of hacks, etc etc etc."

It was different before they took the pvp boards down. In the old days you either knew who the top players were because 1)It was a super small world and they were known by world of mouth, given how much more dangerous the world was (didn't have 50 billion zones to hide in, had to cr when you died etc) people took notice of the great pvpers.

2) You had a functioning leaderboard. You could check and see who the top dog was any time, and you knew that if you ever made it up there people who know without you ever having to say anything.

Now, people don't feel like they have that sense of community or recognition on pvp. So they let everyone know via general chat. Doubt leaderboards will ever be fixed but thats my take on the situation. As for hack accusations, in my experience it is not the experienced pvpers that rush to accuse others of is the new players, who probably came from blue themselves.

But overall I would agree that if so many people didn't feel the need to treat blue red relations as some kind of war we'd be better off as a server. Often times you communicate more with your mannerisms then you do with your actual words..

Message edited by buckeye90 on 06/02/2009 01:50:53.


Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

I agree that they should fix the dam leaderboard... I mean, how does something like that "break" to begin with?  We know the code is there.... Although the leaderboard is actually meaningless, because the points are meaningless, it would still be nice to have.  An update of items bought with PvP points would be the catsass too, but that is pie in the sky thinking imo...



Joined: Jun 21, 2004
Messages: 3434

People in this thread are confusing "a difficult challenge" with "a painfull waste of time" here.

Its not hard to level on zek (done it), it *is* hard not being annoyed by people 20 levels higher with few other interests then training & harassing lowbies and lesser geared people.


Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

brd wrote:

People in this thread are confusing "a difficult challenge" with "a painfull waste of time" here.

Its not hard to level on zek (done it), it *is* hard not being annoyed by people 20 levels higher with few other interests then training & harassing lowbies and lesser geared people.

You don't get it...

Because, you know, no one trains on blue servers right?  /boggle...

At least on Zek you can call in reinforcements to drive the harrassing party out of zone.  On your blue server, you bend over and take it with no recourse.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Takeda wrote:

brd wrote:

People in this thread are confusing "a difficult challenge" with "a painfull waste of time" here.

Its not hard to level on zek (done it), it *is* hard not being annoyed by people 20 levels higher with few other interests then training & harassing lowbies and lesser geared people.

You don't get it...

Because, you know, no one trains on blue servers right?  /boggle...

At least on Zek you can call in reinforcements to drive the harrassing party out of zone.  On your blue server, you bend over and take it with no recourse.


  Blue servers handle trainers just as well as we do on Zek. Stop being so defensive and close minded.


Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

Slaughterhouse wrote:

Takeda wrote:

brd wrote:

People in this thread are confusing "a difficult challenge" with "a painfull waste of time" here.

Its not hard to level on zek (done it), it *is* hard not being annoyed by people 20 levels higher with few other interests then training & harassing lowbies and lesser geared people.

You don't get it...

Because, you know, no one trains on blue servers right?  /boggle...

At least on Zek you can call in reinforcements to drive the harrassing party out of zone.  On your blue server, you bend over and take it with no recourse.


  Blue servers handle trainers just as well as we do on Zek. Stop being so defensive and close minded.

I take offense to the fact that he comes here and says I "painfully waste my time", of course I will defend my stance for playing on Zek... so move along, ok? 



Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

A simply reply would have sufficed. For example, you could have said "I don't find my playtime on Zek a waste time!" Stop giving them reasons to think that Zek players are ignorant fools.



Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

Slaughterhouse wrote:

A simply reply would have sufficed. For example, you could have said "I don't find my playtime on Zek a waste time!" Stop giving them reasons to think that Zek players are ignorant fools.


ZEK players dont care what others think of least outside the guild parameters.  There was nothing in Takeda's comments that indicated any ignorance, much less that we're fools. 

Conandx of Pandemonium on ZEK


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

It's foolish to think that players on blue servers take training lightly.



Joined: Sep 25, 2006
Messages: 287

Slaughterhouse wrote:

It's foolish to think that players on blue servers take training lightly.


No one said that except you!..... I digress.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

It's ok, Takeda. Just keep your nose clean and try not to swallow your words on a daily basis.


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

Slaughterhouse wrote:

It's ok, Takeda. Just keep your nose clean and try not to swallow your words on a daily basis.

i digress too....whatever that means


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 269

There are no red cons that roam around newbie zones looking for people to train. They just don't exist sorry. It boogles my mind just how inaccurate and inlogical that comment is.


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Reading is a wonderful thing, some of you should try it.

Message edited by Slaughterhouse on 06/10/2009 06:28:17.


Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 107

Slaughterhouse wrote:

Reading is a wonderful thing, some of you should try it.

you have gotten better at trolling <10>


Joined: Oct 11, 2004
Messages: 142

Conandx you fail at posting just like you did on ZekForums.


Joined: Apr 3, 2004
Messages: 80

It's been a fast expansion all around, I figured maybe I could learn a thing or two trying out some zek PVP. I have won a few botb's have been around since EQ started and raided every zone since GUK.

I have leveled geared and actually played most classes to 85 minus 3 , love to play have lots of time. Figured I would go over box me up a decent level toon and check it out.

I decided to check out out mostly because we get zek people once in awhile telling us in our general channels how suck we are and calling us bluebies and we don't know how to really play EQ etc.

Took about 3 days for me to figure out that Zek really doesnt' want anyone lol. Don't dare ask any questions about guilds or pvp or you get completely ran out of their general channel.

I don't mind the elitest attitude but if you aren't willing to even talk to people or keep people coming, why bother asking why your server is dying. It's dying because like you guys have posted lots of times you don't want lower level people coming there so you are stuck with what you have atm.

I am sure I am not the only one to get pretty much ran off the server for bothering to show up there and see what it's all about lol. Have fun with your "server".  All I really saw was stagnation people staying low levels to pvp since it sucks at higher levels, and 2 guilds that raid........... wow. fun.


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 152

I was in PDM for along time, and I don't understand some of your posts. The Leaders of PDM enforce a lot of rules, and I've seen them remove long term members for violating them!

Pharine  - Are you still around on ZEK? I would love to help you out lvling, or killing any epic mobs for you. Zek is just like any server, you have to meet the right people. Given Zek has more of the child-like players, but a lot of great players too.


Joined: Mar 24, 2004
Messages: 152

Quiptos wrote:

It's been a fast expansion all around, I figured maybe I could learn a thing or two trying out some zek PVP. I have won a few botb's have been around since EQ started and raided every zone since GUK.

I have leveled geared and actually played most classes to 85 minus 3 , love to play have lots of time. Figured I would go over box me up a decent level toon and check it out.

I decided to check out out mostly because we get zek people once in awhile telling us in our general channels how suck we are and calling us bluebies and we don't know how to really play EQ etc.

Took about 3 days for me to figure out that Zek really doesnt' want anyone lol. Don't dare ask any questions about guilds or pvp or you get completely ran out of their general channel.

I don't mind the elitest attitude but if you aren't willing to even talk to people or keep people coming, why bother asking why your server is dying. It's dying because like you guys have posted lots of times you don't want lower level people coming there so you are stuck with what you have atm.

I am sure I am not the only one to get pretty much ran off the server for bothering to show up there and see what it's all about lol. Have fun with your "server".  All I really saw was stagnation people staying low levels to pvp since it sucks at higher levels, and 2 guilds that raid........... wow. fun.


 Zek would have a couple more raiding guilds, if someone could convince the fifty little guilds to combine. And most people don't join the general channel, because of the troll-rats that spam it up.

Message edited by FironiaaSZ on 06/12/2009 20:56:34.
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