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Cleric AA Advice.
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Joined: Nov 18, 2008
Messages: 30

Ok, I was googline for a couple hours and could not really find a guide for AA suggestions for a Battle Cleric.

Here is my suggestions and I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.


Slay Undead Rank 3 (I think)

CA 3

CS 3

ND 3



Healing Adept 3

Healing (the other one lol) 3

Right now I am drawing a blank on the rest that I wanted.  Would this be a good start or have I missed the mark by a mile.  I think this maps out around the first 96 AA's.  I was planning on getting to 62 and farming in CoD until I had all the decent level 62 and lower AA's and banking 30, then moving on to 65 or higher and stopping before 70 to farm another 100 or so AA's to use.  I am about to head to Gulf of Gunthak to farm the beach, it should be fairly simply, does anyone know of an undead zone after that to farm, or mobs that wont frun from me?  I know PoI and then CoD not sure what the next undead zone is after Crypt of Decy. 


Almost forgot Mnemoic Retention (spelling?)

Any other suggestions also, like maybe a specific weapon to go for or a shield?  Etc.  I will have to find  a spell crafter for me bu that is something I will address when I get to 55+. 


BTW I play on the FV server so most everything is droppable.


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Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2350

I saw you said you'll get to 62 and then hold, but what level are you currently?  That will make a difference since there's not a lot of AA's available to someone at that low level.  A lot of the AA's are geared for higher levels and those will be important to get at that point.

Slay undead = I think you mean turn undead.  Each rank above 1 only increases the size of the dot, not the chance for the 32k proc.

Healing gift = the other one SMILEY

Spell casting reinforcement and spell casting reinforcement mastery - I'd add this to your list as this extends both your wards you'll use as well as buffs and elixers (which help you both in your tanking and your healing).

Celestial regeneration 1 - Adding this reason I'd say this is it is a mana free heal that you can pop on yourself as needed.  If I get into trouble, I'll hit this and DA myself, so I can raise my hp out of trouble without taking damage.

Innate invis to undead - might sound strange but I invested in this early and loved it, and I mention it since you talk about undead places.


Shield block - this isn't available for you at the low level yet but when it is, you should definitely add it to your list.

Healing boon - when this unlocks as well, grab at least the first level.  All elixers, vov recourses and celestial regeneration can crit each tick with this.

Gift of mana - when you hit this level start working this AA (casting spells for 1 mana is good)

Celestial hammer - mana free short term dps (which stacks with your own spell cast hammer pet)

Divine avatar - you will want to invest in this also, it's a timed buff which increases some melee stuff to make you more efficient while it's active

Critical affliction - allows undead dots to crit



In terms of undead locations, Almar has a leveling guide.  Scroll down and you'll see a section on undead zones (by level range).

There's also an old school post here with a number of other suggestions.  Just scroll down to the undead area. 

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Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2350

In terms of weaponry and shields, I'm really not up on current stuff.  Dark ember is what I had used until I got my epic 1.0, but that was back in 2002 and too much has changed.

However, just in case you haven't given it a thought, there are some gearing things you can do to help you as a battle cleric:

  • Pick gear to raise your avoidance and shielding mods
  • Pick gear to raise your +damage shield
  • Get as many melee type clickies as you can (examples of what I own are below)
  • Look for an item with +haste on it
  • Do LDon's to get the +% to dodge type 3 augment
  • Look for good AC gear or augments

DS clickies:

Haste options:

Other clickies that might be useful:


Joined: Nov 18, 2008
Messages: 30

Currently I am around 40, way below the AA mark.  I am just planning ahead.  My gear is going to be the defiant which alone I am pretty sure maxes out the DS cap or really close to it and gives me all the Spell Focuses I could ever need until 75+.  I cannot remember the hammer I have but I think it is the Clr/Shm/Dru rec 62 with a proc, akin to the Coral Hilted Tulwar.


Thanks for the quick response.


Joined: Sep 4, 2007
Messages: 169

When ever a cleric asks me for advice I reply work your defensive aa first.  Max out defensive, hp, ac, shield block etc.

"A dead cleric can not heal"



Joined: Jun 5, 2007
Messages: 237

i wouldnt look at the over haste item, we dont get offensive AA's and since it was only during the upgraded Lguk/Unrest time period, the sellable ones in baz are way up there for a beginner.

A few of the things on the list are potime RAID, something you wont solo as a battle cleric. Can check bazaar.

The avatar weapon is from bosses in a 60 raid zone, doubtful you can solo there. Bazaar, to be a good battle cleric, might cost you some farming is hard at the intended level of the bosses solo.

In the Dragons of norrath, they put a spell Ward of the Rebuke at levevl 57. This is a proc defensive DD when things swing at you, not hit you, swing. Been lots of times i had it up, while DA and things would die around me, so its a good combo for the DA hammer from griegs (a mob who doesnt summon, but hard to melee down cause he can DA too) that is on a 3 day timer, and spawns on server resets. Odds are you can find it in the bazaar. Divine Hammer of Consternation.

you might try seeing what a Sap encrusted branch runs. Snare proc is a godsend, and you will have alot easier time then some soloing, can use it  to snare, and out run mobs till they forget you, then get stuck out of range of their friends.

I would see bout getting your shielding up and defensive aas to be honest, if your gonna battle like this you will need to not get one rounded by dark blues. Cap on shielding is 35, you wont see much of this on groupable gear till 80 ish, although 70 plus raid gear will start to show it.

I will come up with more later, but for now, there is alot here to start up with, after that its gameplay.


Joined: Sep 25, 2004
Messages: 614

Agree with a lot of what Crystilla said, but I would like to add in one more very important thing. For a battle cleric, it's all about Defensive mods, AA's and AC. Crystilla pretty much listed all the important ones but one that hasn't been mentioned is Heroic Agility.

When you get to the point that gear starts getting heroics, hAGI is THE heroic to look for as a tanking cleric. Sure hWIS is important for mana gains as well. hAGI has shows massive gains in avoidance once you reach a certain amount. It's one of the main mod3's I look for now when gearing up. This may not come into play for a while though. At least till you are in the 70+ range when you can use the gear. Just something to think about when the time comes.

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Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2350

Yeah.  Not knowing how close you were to 61, I gave more of a list of various types of things over time you could work towards, and all of the items I linked I carry with me in my bags to aid me when I play that battle cleric role.

I also don't know the FV economy at all, so wasn't sure what was available etc.


Joined: Oct 15, 2004
Messages: 286

When my cleric was lower level, I used a Sarnak Devastator from Chardok, 6 second duration stun proc that lands on mobs up to level 55. After that I used the summoned hammers until I got one of the Hand of Holy Vengeance proc hammers.


Joined: Aug 16, 2006
Messages: 17

I would have to agree with defensive AA's being super important.  Clerics are capable of tanking quite well if need the need arises.  Obviously getting healing AA's are important along with gift of mana AA's.  My personal preference is getting defensive first when a new expansion comes out for the exact reason Lana stated.




Joined: Nov 18, 2008
Messages: 30

Yeah, I know for most every class the defensive AA's are listed as the first ones to aquire.  However depending on the level that I stop to get them I have always wondered if it is better to aquire about 20 before those, especially with the new (er) buff to the AA experience.  A problem that I encountered with my Mage which is 70 right now is that everyone said ingame to get Mnemonic Retention first, and work on your pet AA's, pet disc, suspend minion etc and then self.  But my main problem is filling up those 9 slots with spells that I would be using on a regular basis that warrants getting that AA before the defensive.

I was wanting to get the Turn Undead before the Defensive AA's because I would be farming undead the whole time and thought that it would aid me killing faster.  I am not wanting to put off the Defensive AA's that much I was just curious about other higher priorities for dps.  Usually the way I did my AA's on my SK, monk and rogue on the other server was CA1>CS1>CA2>CS2 etc and bounced around getting the cheapest AA for the biggest bust.  That was my thought process for my cleric.  Like getting the first rank in each of the important Arch Type and or Class AA's that are first grabs to get a bonus from each so I benefit in each area.

I plan on making a shaman to do some Skin Spike potion crafting because all I use now is the level 25 ones, because the rest get expensive.  Of course I might not have to do that, if I stop and farm all I will need money for is haste, ds, regen and kei potions. I should have max worn DS by 59 so I will just need to find a clicky, and maybe a nice Mage to buff me for my 30-60 minute farms.

Here is a quick question for gear, I have seen the list posted above and will adhere to that as much as possible. When I am fighting would it be better to find a AoE proccing weapon  (is there even one a cleric can get?) to melee with to make sure that I am damage everything or is one of my word spells sufficient? I am sure Sword and Board (well mace/hammer) is the best way for the AC/other increase is the best. Is there anything else I should know or a strategy I should use?  I know there was some spell a cleric was using to pl a guy in Velks where it is like a reverse DS/heal thing but I remember him saying that I cannot pull that off till 72.


All this advice is very informative and when I get back home I will read all the links the undead one and the items were an awesome find.  Thank you all for your help.  Wouldn't suppose anyone is on the FV server are you?

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Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2350

I'm not sure about aoe weapons though there may be one; usually it's a stun/ae rather than an nuke ae etc.

However, there is an issue with the word line of spells, get too many mobs on you and it's hard to channel through that long cast time, plus if you aren't backed into a solid corner, the push from all the mobs means you'll get interrupted a lot with nuke casting.  So just a couple of things to consider.

There was a weapon I got from one of the DoDH group spell missions with ae stun on it, and I used that as my aggro weapon during the level ~75 era, but that's a ways away out again for you.


Editted to add:  spell lineup at your level might be something like - elixer, remedy (or the regular heal line as I forget when remedy name started), root, atone, pacify, ae pacify-if that spell line you can mem yet, stun x2-though remember one of them is non damage, the other causes damage.  That's 8 spells right there before adding a nuke or anything else you might want.

Message edited by crystilla on 06/11/2009 15:26:30.


Joined: Mar 26, 2004
Messages: 7153

Get Turn Undead rank 1 when you do; that gives you the max chance for 32k damage, and the increases are never worth it.

You should prioritise SCR and SCM alongside the defensive AAs and above Avatar, as SCM gives the biggest returns on conserving mana, and SCR big returns on heal over time and mana saving.

The Elixir/Remedy split starts in low 50s.


Joined: Jun 5, 2007
Messages: 237

Radiant cure 1 was what i had for a long time, got rid of malo/tash. Undead dot 1 would be all you need, i only bought more cause i was capped xp and AAs.

i would honestly look into things like planar power and what ever it is that boosts capped stats like stam/wis/int. you would be surprised at what kinda boost that is ( keep in mind each level gives 5 per stat to cap) ND3 boosts hp by a % so upping your stat cap (mainly stam) will make this better, can keep your eyes out for the Elaborate/elegant/warped steel items, i am sure they are prolly cheap, just need the levels to fill them. Heroic Stats (in gold) work to boost you over the cap (the one in mulitples of 5) so thats extra hps/mana/ac/what ever the stat might be.

I remember maxing AA charisma so i could buy cheap things while i was dead at raids, then came in handy for soulstones. but that is a mute point cause you spawn with gear, so stay away from those and tradeskills/resist aas.

Healing boon 1 is good, lets you crit on Heals over time, where before you couldnt (dont know if with 0 ranks if you still cant ?) This will help with Vow of Valor level 71 ish spell, cause it procs a DD with a heal over time, great to use with ward of teh rebuke (level 57) to ward of the ### current level one. Once you get Vow, you will prolly want more crit rate and focused crits, normal crits for spell procs are times 2, where once you start getting aas, they get times 2.5 or something like that.

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