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Almar's Changes Weeee!
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Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

So, finally I got tired of waiting and decided to change my own website around:

Thats What I've managed to come up with, nothing is finalized officially yet, but this is what you're looking at for the future of my website. I'd like to make the left hand side navigation easier to see and change a few things around still... But this is, like I said so far what I've got.

(BTW Index page, aka home page is a big awkward looking since I only have one day on there, give it a week and it will look normal)

As for my Everquest guides. I'm going to be adding the mage 1.0 chart soon, which I still didn't get done. Also I'm going to add some locations to farm Augs.

Really, what I'm looking for here is any comments on my website how I can improve it and such. Since Everquest seems to be the friendliest game I'm most comfortable asking everyone here.

I'd also like to thank everyone so much for using my site and hopefully my site will make me enough money in the future so it could become a full time job for me.


Joined: Jan 16, 2009
Messages: 919

Cool redesign.  I suppose since you've worked your butts off on creating guides and helping returning players answer frequently asked questions, we owe you some ad clicks SMILEY

While I personally don't care for gold seller ads, I understand somebody's gotta pay for the hosting and the time it takes to write guides.


Joined: Mar 26, 2006
Messages: 447
Location: "Revolution, not evolution."

AlmarWinfield wrote:

So, finally I got tired of waiting and decided to change my own website around:

Thats What I've managed to come up with, nothing is finalized officially yet, but this is what you're looking at for the future of my website. I'd like to make the left hand side navigation easier to see and change a few things around still... But this is, like I said so far what I've got.

(BTW Index page, aka home page is a big awkward looking since I only have one day on there, give it a week and it will look normal)

As for my Everquest guides. I'm going to be adding the mage 1.0 chart soon, which I still didn't get done. Also I'm going to add some locations to farm Augs.

Really, what I'm looking for here is any comments on my website how I can improve it and such. Since Everquest seems to be the friendliest game I'm most comfortable asking everyone here.

I'd also like to thank everyone so much for using my site and hopefully my site will make me enough money in the future so it could become a full time job for me.

Make  the width of the site 1024 or less. I'm at 1024 resolution and I have to scroll horizontally. Not everyone, especially older people, is going to be at > 1024. In fact, I know people that still use 800x600 when they're capable of > 1200. Remmeber that older people have a hard time reading some of it. I'm not saying a lot of older people play EQ and other things, but it would be a little easier on the eyes.

Ya, like you say, brightne up the navigation section on the left.

May I suggest that you use one of hte free layouts on the net? I used a free layout once... Are you familiar with web design or coding?


Joined: Mar 26, 2006
Messages: 447
Location: "Revolution, not evolution."

And btw your site is real cool. Very helpful for new people and veterans (even!). I checked my favorites and I had a link to this site from months ago. I must have caught it a while back.


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

Mardy wrote:

Cool redesign.  I suppose since you've worked your butts off on creating guides and helping returning players answer frequently asked questions, we owe you some ad clicks

While I personally don't care for gold seller ads, I understand somebody's gotta pay for the hosting and the time it takes to write guides.


And I will make it to match 1024, thanks you reminded me what else I wanted to do =P


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

Also, after redesigning my website, im fairly familiar with Web Design and coding. It took me a lot of hour yelling at my monitor and tedious testing to get everything working well


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

Naudanyas wrote:

And btw your site is real cool. Very helpful for new people and veterans (even!). I checked my favorites and I had a link to this site from months ago. I must have caught it a while back.

Forgot to add, does it work better for you now?


Joined: Mar 11, 2004
Messages: 1543

Some Nationalist Socialist Grammar notes: (inner word caps used for emphasis)

"will take you less thEn 12 hours" -- thEn is for describing something chronologically (e.g. we went to the store then we saw a movie) or the result of a conditional (e.g. if this then that). thAn is used when making a comparison. Consider the sentance 'I'd rather have a root canal then see a Barbara Streisand movie'. Using thEn would mean you'd still be stuck seeing a BS movie, but at least it'd be after your root canal. If you'd used thAn instead, then you'd need only get the root canal and wouldn't have to endure a BS movie.

"every once in awhile" -- when awhile is an adverb it's written as a single word. When it's the object of a preposition (as it is with your usage), it should be written as two words ('a while').

"is it to late to jump" -- 'to' is a verb modifier, as in 'to jump', where you have it correctly used. It is not used when described a degree of something. In that case, you'll want to use the word 'too' (with two O's). This phrase should be 'is it toO late to jump'. The third homonym is for the number 2. It is spelled tWo

There are several problems with the answer to this question. The then/than error is there as is the to/too error. The second sentence might sound better if it were started as "With the addition of mercenaries, you can catch..." - notice the removal of 'especially' and the addition of the comma after the (uncapitalized) mercenaries.

"are 4 different types of Magic's. Alteration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation and Abjuration." -- You say there are four, but then you list five.

" in EQ, If you've played Morrowind before you'll" -- There should be a period after EQ instead of a comma. And a comma after Morrowind.

The distinction between Abjuration and Alteration is that hp buffs are typically Abjuration while all other buffs (e.g. stat buffs) are Alteration.

"caster (Or can even cast spells) You'll" Neither the 'or' nor the 'You'll' need to be capitalized. You might want to put a comma after the close parenthesis.

"Meditation used to increase your mana regen out of combat and In-combat." -- Unless something has changed, this is incorrect. Meditation skill increases your mana regen when you're meditation. You are meditation when you're either sitting down or on a mount without autoattack on. The regen rate is greatly increased once you're 'out of combat'.

"spell being canceled when" -- You should probably use the word 'interrupted' instead of canceled.

Regarding memmed spells, you might want to mention that you can right click on the spell gem to unmem it. Right clicking on an empty spell gem will also bring up a menu allowing you to chose which spell to mem in its place (this avoids having to keep track of where you put a spell in your spellbook). Bards have the same mechanics for songs as casters do for spells.

"choose from Healers and Tanking" -- put a colon after from. Either switch Healers to Healing or switch Tanking to Tanks.

"well its not" -- its is the possessive form of it (e.g. That is a school bus. Its color is yellow). What you are trying to say is 'well it is not'. For that, you need to use the contraction "it's". It's means only one of two things, either "it is" or "it has", never anything else.

"merc can solo any reds from levels" -- you might want to change that to 'yellows'. There's a lot of red mobs at level 10 that a merc isn't going to have any chance of killing (e.g. The Avatar of War). Changing it to yellow keeps it within scale of the players level.

"Same goes for a male" -- it's not really the same. If it were the same, you'd get a female merc in both cases. You probably want to use the word 'Similar'.

"Reach. (Granted you Start there) The" -- The period shouldn't be after Reach but rather after the close paranthesis. Granted doesn't need to be captialized and should be followed by the word 'if'.

"He couldn't of made it THAT easy." The word 'of' should never ever ever follow the words Could, Would, or Should. Granted, when people talk, it sounds like they're saying 'of'. What they're really saying is 'have' (e.g. Could have, Would have, Should have).

"You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing, then it starts to slow down." -- That's a run on sentence. Change that comma to a period.

"my merc on a LDoN" -- The modifier for LDoN should be aN. The rule isn't whether the word starts with a vowel or consenant, but rather if the word sounds like it starts with a vowel or consenant. LDoN is pronounced Elledawn, which starts with a vowel. A common example of this is the word hour ('an hour' sounds more appropriate than 'a hour'). You got it correct in the subsequent question.

"No your mercenary comes equipped" -- put a period or comma after No.

"Luclin expansion, AA stands for Alternate" -- Another run on. Change that comma to a period.

"generally a Expansion" -- a/an - see above.

"to that later, first lets start with" -- Another run on. Change that comma to a period.

"Hit "i" to open your inventory and look at the bottom of the window." -- Pressing V takes you straight to the AA window without the need for clicking through your inventory window.

"of AA's in it, click on them" -- Another run on. Change that comma to a period.

"Cost is how many AA's it costs to put 1 point into it" -- Cost is how many AA points it takes to get the next level of it. An AA 'point' is what you get after completing the five yellow bubbles of AAXP, not the levels in any particular AA.

"into it and finally Category" -- Another run on. Put a period after 'it'.

You may also want to mention that you'll need to be level 51 (or maybe 50) before you can start to earn AAXP and that you can have up to 30 AA points banked (unspent) before you can no longer earn AAXP.

Also, for the LXP, you must be the leader of the group to earn LXP. If you want to earn LXP and aren't the leader, the leader can mentor you. The benefits of your LXP only have effect when you're the leader of a group of three or more. This is similar for raids except that for raids, you'll need to have at least 18 people in them.

"to look nice new and pretty" -- put a comma after nice.

"is much different then other games" -- thEn/thAn

"less interesting then it really is" -- thEn/thAn




Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

I would quote your post "ChatHandle_03"

but it would probly take up a whole nother page =P. Thank you for helping me fix some spelling and miscellanious mistakes where my retardation kicks in. If you see any more let me know.


Joined: May 24, 2004
Messages: 816

I clicked to your site and the first thing I locked onto was the 3 really big advertisements for illegally buying gold / plat in MMO's.

And all the overt WoW advertising.  Might want to filter the WoW ads off your Everquest Website.


Joined: Jul 16, 2004
Messages: 913

Yeah I was thinking perhaps different portal pages for each game but then again that will probably just lead to targetted advertising SMILEY I don't like it but I understand why you do it.


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

My website is used for all the games listed. So the add does target some viewers. Sadly this is what google matches best to my website, and until they find something better I have to let it run its course.

The ads however, are finally making me money for all the work I've done writing guides, soo. yeah.


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

I nuked the gold advertising banners. Only one is still getting through and only on the bottom banner.


Joined: Jul 16, 2004
Messages: 913

It's cool man, you deserve to get something for all your work and you're right that's just the way Google advertising works.


Joined: Jun 8, 2009
Messages: 2

I just came back to EQ last night, your site is VERY useful =)


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

Silvee wrote:

I just came back to EQ last night, your site is VERY useful =)

Thank you, and I'm glad you enjoy it! =)


Joined: Mar 26, 2006
Messages: 447
Location: "Revolution, not evolution."

ChatHandle_03 wrote:

"You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing, then it starts to slow down." -- That's a run on sentence. Change that comma to a period.

I was known for those in my writing classes. To be honest, I like the comma.


1) You can level frojm 1 to 40 in about 12 hours of playing. Then it starts to slow down, but not too much!

2) You can level from 1 to 40 in about 12 hours of playing, but then things start to slow down due to the levelling curve.

What about 2? If you attach "but" to "then", can you then use a comma? (should i have put a comma in this sentence?)

Lol. It has been 11 years since I registered for WR121.



Joined: Jul 16, 2004
Messages: 913

Naudanyas wrote:

ChatHandle_03 wrote:

"You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing, then it starts to slow down." -- That's a run on sentence. Change that comma to a period.

I was known for those in my writing classes. To be honest, I like the comma.


1) You can level frojm 1 to 40 in about 12 hours of playing. Then it starts to slow down, but not too much!

2) You can level from 1 to 40 in about 12 hours of playing, but then things start to slow down due to the levelling curve.

What about 2? If you attach "but" to "then", can you then use a comma? (should i have put a comma in this sentence?)

Lol. It has been 11 years since I registered for WR121.


It's my understanding that no comma is required when 'but' is used, but you can use one if you like. Perhaps it's situational though? English was my weakest subject SMILEY


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

My theory is if you have a good guide written, that someone wants to view they aren't going to say "WHAT NO #@%@# COMMA? PERIOD IS IN THE WRONG PLACE? F THIS GUIDE" and close the website and never come back.


Joined: Jul 25, 2007
Messages: 190

Hi Almar,

I haven't played EQ in.. well lets face it, too long to know what the heck is going on in game these days.  The last time I logged in was during DoN where Creator missions were all the rage, however I never did any raids or xp'd otherwise in that expansion.  So effectively, my experience cuts off right around GoD/OoW. 

Now my question is, for those of us interested in maybe playing on the 51/50 server that is aimed to come out sometime early this summer, what path of Progression should we take or might be beneficial to find groups?  I have a feeling a lot of people are in my exact same position and will wonder where are likely places people will congregate at what levels and how to get there and such.  Keep in mind, we will be starting at level 51 with 50 AA's and likely defiant PoP level gear is my best guesstimation. 

Could you perhaps make some suggestions at zones that might prove to be beneficial for smaller solo or 2 box combos, and then maybe some zones where groups might thrive at what levels? 

Thanks for your consideration.


Joined: Jul 31, 2008
Messages: 357
Location: Kentucky

Love the site.... great work....


and for the 51/50 server... i say there will be a crap load of monks and casters... since they will be less gear dependent starting out they will flood the world killing everything they can... (beware zones with Vox and Naggy.... it want be pretty)...


Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Messages: 941

for the 51/50 server, I'd say LDoN's would be your best bet for leveling quickly and avoiding the massive amounts of people. Otherwise stick to the planes of power. It's really hard to say, every place popular is going to be jam packed. And like I said, If I was the one doing It I'd do LDoN's for sure.


Joined: Jul 25, 2007
Messages: 190

I seem to recall a lot of people saying that LDoN wasn't that great of XP after 50 back in the day.  Is my memory fuzzy?

Also, wasn't there some zones in the OoW or GoD expansions that had some level 50 areas in them?  I can't seem to remember.


Joined: Mar 11, 2004
Messages: 1543

Redeemer wrote:

Naudanyas wrote:

ChatHandle_03 wrote:

"You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing, then it starts to slow down." -- That's a run on sentence. Change that comma to a period.

I was known for those in my writing classes. To be honest, I like the comma.


1) You can level frojm 1 to 40 in about 12 hours of playing. Then it starts to slow down, but not too much!

2) You can level from 1 to 40 in about 12 hours of playing, but then things start to slow down due to the levelling curve.

What about 2? If you attach "but" to "then", can you then use a comma? (should i have put a comma in this sentence?)

Lol. It has been 11 years since I registered for WR121.


It's my understanding that no comma is required when 'but' is used, but you can use one if you like. Perhaps it's situational though? English was my weakest subject

You can use 'but' to combine both sentences into one, but the effect of using the word 'but' is that it discounts whatever is said prior. It's equivalent to saying 'everything i just said is meaningless krap, here's what's important...' [yes, i intentionally used 'but' in the above sentence because I wanted to negate what I said prior to it]

In this context, you don't want to discount the 'You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing' part as it is fully valid.


AlmarWinfield wrote:

My theory is if you have a good guide written, that someone wants to view they aren't going to say "WHAT NO #@%@# COMMA? PERIOD IS IN THE WRONG PLACE? F THIS GUIDE" and close the website and never come back.

As a writter, you have to be careful about making the assumption that what you're writing is a good guide and that your readers want to view it. A good writer will always strive to write text that grabs the attention of an audience that is only semi interested. When something appears to have been written by someone with poor writing skills it just makes the reader think the writter didn't really care enough about what they were writting. Or worse, it could make your readers think your retarded. In either case the effectiveness of your message is weakened. [yes, I intentionally said 'your retarded' cause it's just a funny TShirt]


Joined: Mar 26, 2004
Messages: 7153

EQ2Playa wrote:

I seem to recall a lot of people saying that LDoN wasn't that great of XP after 50 back in the day.  Is my memory fuzzy?

Also, wasn't there some zones in the OoW or GoD expansions that had some level 50 areas in them?  I can't seem to remember.

Way back, LDoN exp was great pre-50, that's true.  It was still decent through the 50s, especially if you could handle hards.  If the starter gear in 51/50 is at the level of Defiant, then I'd imagine that you'd be in great shape in LDoNs, if all the real camps were taken.

Don't forget Forgotten Halls if you want a genuine solo instance.

If you have a group, there should be some decent monster missions for 51 too, and some of the Dranik's Scar missions may scale down, and DoD missions.  And Dain.  I really don't think finding good instances will be a problem.  Dain to 55, spend your AAs, and away you go.

Back on topic, Natimbi (GoD) is 50+, and so is Dranik's Scar (Omens) - or more like 40/45+.  Open zone, not instance.

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