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Some models need to be able to use a horse
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Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 269

I think that its about time for iksar skeleton/orc to be able to ride a mount. Given how time consuming and intensive these quests are I don't think its an unreasonable request. If skeleton illusion can do it, so can these illusions. I mean I spent so much time getting my iksar skeleton and I can't even use it a lot of the time, because it cannot ride a mount.


Joined: Apr 11, 2008
Messages: 236

No joke..


Joined: May 22, 2009
Messages: 9

Necro's and SK's have dealt with this since SoD came out, both have Iksar skeleton lich illusion spells. SK's having an AA Horse, can't activate their mounts while in their lich form.


Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Messages: 36

Spiderlily wrote:

Necro's and SK's have dealt with this since SoD came out, both have Iksar skeleton lich illusion spells. SK's having an AA Horse, can't activate their mounts while in their lich form.

Don't let SL fool you, she never uses skelly form much less ride a mount.

EverQuest » Top » The Wayfarers Rest (Playstyle discussion areas) » The Veterans Lounge (Non-Newbie Discussion)
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