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Joined: Apr 2, 2007
Messages: 16

Shadowknight, druid, cleric, mage & shammy.

What goes in the last spot? Keeping in mind I have some concerns about a couple fun zones that require lockpicking, I was considering a bard... but that's a 3rd plate class. That leaves a rogue, but they don't have much else to offer when boxed... positioning, etc. If I ignore lockpicking, then I start thinking about a BL or necro for added dps. Enchie adds crowd control & crack I guess... but then I could come back to the bard. Decisions, decisions. SMILEY

I gotta tell ya... I've had more fun in the last few days just researching & thinking about what classes to put together, than I had actually playing Wow, EQ2, etc etc. 5 years is a long time to be away. SMILEY

Thanks for your ideas.



Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 904

I'd look into a monk.  They don't have rogue DPS but will make pulling easier.


Sure, you can pull with the SK just fine, but, SK pulls can be way slow (i should know, I play SK puller all the time).


But, anything you add would just be icing on the cake.  It's a real solid group thus far =)


Good luck!

EQ Community Leader

Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2350

Are you looking for a 6th (and you're boxing all 6)?  It's not completely clear if these are all separate folks or some you are boxing, some someone else is - though it sounds like you're going to box all 6.

You have these areas covered:  primary puller, primary tank, primary healer, secondary healer, secondary healer, slower, DPS, secondary tank.

Area missed a little would be a primary crowd controller, unless you plan for the SK to only bring in singles 100% of the time.  Shammy could root if quick enough, druid could kite if set up for that (and sk/druid would be snaring), but in terms of mez ability or any mana regen capabilities other than mage mod rods - that's currently missing.

Doesn't mean things can't be done as you're finding out.  There's always ups and downs, for example, you could consider swapping the shammy with a chanter.  You still get slows, you would pick up mezzing, mana regen, mana dps aura boosters in its place.  The shammy only has a mage pet/SK he can boost with his dps buffs.

Ultimately though if you're having a ball with the classes you've chosen, that's what is most important.


Joined: May 20, 2006
Messages: 1477

CLR/DRU/SHM in the group would be a bigger problem than 3 plate classes, gear wise.

EQ Community Leader

Joined: Aug 14, 2004
Messages: 3938

rjzellers wrote:

Shadowknight, druid, cleric, mage & shammy.

What goes in the last spot? Keeping in mind I have some concerns about a couple fun zones that require lockpicking, I was considering a bard... but that's a 3rd plate class. That leaves a rogue, but they don't have much else to offer when boxed... positioning, etc. If I ignore lockpicking, then I start thinking about a BL or necro for added dps. Enchie adds crowd control & crack I guess... but then I could come back to the bard. Decisions, decisions.

I gotta tell ya... I've had more fun in the last few days just researching & thinking about what classes to put together, than I had actually playing Wow, EQ2, etc etc. 5 years is a long time to be away.

Thanks for your ideas.


Bard is my first instinct. You have AMPLE healage. You have good tankage (relative to gear, AAs). You lack in DPS. A bard will add personal and attributed DPS along with utility. However, if you're looking to box this toon, you're better off with a click and forget kind of DPS.

Wizard is much easier to box. Phatty DPS. However, drop one super-bomb and you better hope your SK has mean aggro or else your silky goes splat.

Zerk and Rogue DPS is kinda attention-demanding. A Zerk has to mash buttons on different timers and a rogue has to smack backstab right when it pops to get the best DPS (not to mention positioning).

A Beastlord is nice, but controlling both pet and melee is a bit intensive, too. Necro is kinda the same. Send pet in, but you gotta cycle DoTs... which may not be the best idea.


Joined: Apr 7, 2008
Messages: 21

seems a tad low on DPS, I'd add a wiz.  If the wiz/druid is too much overlap an extra mage is always good, and easy to box.

I 6 box War, clr, mage, mage shm, wiz.  Pulling is sometimes an issue, but if I need to I can split my group in two with mercs and handle just about anything in group content anyway.


Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 904

I'm ammending my statement to include Wizzies for optimal DPS.   They're easy to box, just click and go boom!


Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2017

Honestly unless you are set on those 6 toons I'd go with: Warrior, Enchanter, Druid, Cleric, Wizard, Wizard(or Mage). Gives you a ton of DPS along with CC, pulling (pacify), the clarity and auras to keep the casters going longer, transportation, snares, all kinds of slows and ATK debuffs, etc.




Joined: Jan 16, 2009
Messages: 919

If you are set on your current class choices, I'd go for a bard.

If you are willing to swap things around, I like a chanter for their crack, crowd control, slow, haste, and ability to split pulls.  And having both druid and shaman in the same group, you could probably axe one of them and put in a wizard (in place of druid for ports and dps), or chanter (in place of shaman).

Message edited by Mardy on 06/09/2009 15:18:53.


Joined: Sep 15, 2006
Messages: 1899

Bard or Monk. Bard over monk tho hands down!


Joined: Apr 2, 2007
Messages: 16

Wow, lots of great feedback. Another thing I came to miss... a great community.

Yeah, planning to 6box them. I used to 4box regularly... monk, druid, shammy & cleric. And I was in the process of raising a young sk for some much needed plate tanking. But that was like 4 years or so ago. Last thing I was doing steady back then was the Dranik's Hollow murkglider instance, but without the sk.

I still have all those chars, but I'm looking to start a "dream team" from scratch. Had given some consideration to being able to split up into 2 groups as suggested. Thought about the wiz for burst dps, but was thinking something steadier might make it easier on the sk's aggro control. There SHOULD be enough heals to offset the advantage of a faster fight that the wiz brings. Trying to really think ahead for some endgame stuff too, don't wanna leave too many holes.

And there's really no reason to eliminate the 7th char either really. I could always have 2 of the interchangeable chars on the same account & just float them as needed.

Hmm... something to consider.




Joined: Jan 14, 2005
Messages: 435

DPS, DPS, DPS.  If you weren't boxing, I'd say dump the druid and add a monk and rogue. Since you are, maybe just add a wizard.


Joined: Aug 9, 2005
Messages: 1099

As someone who regularly boxes with a SK as both puller and tank, I'd like to point out that it's a lot easier when your puller isn't also your tank.  Like when you've got the mobs split, but you still have aggro on some wandering back and can't stand up yet.  It's very doable, but more time consuming.  So I'd agree with the people saying to make a bard.  More dps, easier and faster pulling, and you can even easily split snare immune mobs (HATE you, library).  The only major problem is that bards aren't the most fire-and-forget class (though melody has helped a LOT with that), and you really need the fire-and-forget aspect when boxing that many.


Joined: Feb 7, 2005
Messages: 3217
Location: Bristlebane



Joined: Apr 1, 2004
Messages: 269

Rogue. Because of their new posions for a group geared group I believe they would be the best choice. If your goal is constant grinding anyways.


Joined: Sep 23, 2007
Messages: 289

Obvious ditch the druid and cleric. Pop a merc cleric to cover heals and get wizard for ports - dps, and bard for mana regen, pulls, melody singing.

Could even ditch sk for a merc warrior. EQ is super easy mode now. Might as well take advantage of it


Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2017

mofabulous wrote:

Obvious ditch the druid and cleric. Pop a merc cleric to cover heals and get wizard for ports - dps, and bard for mana regen, pulls, melody singing.

Could even ditch sk for a merc warrior. EQ is super easy mode now. Might as well take advantage of it

Hey mobdiculous just because you got your feelings hurt in the nerf mercs thread doesn't mean you need to come spout useless nonsense in every other thread on these forums.

Be helpful or be gone.



Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 276

Id say a bard too if ya can handle it. Ive been playing around with a war druid and bard combo lately and I must say I love the bard. I didnt want to box more then the three and the bard just seems like the perfect balance of utility and dps.

  Also as someone else mentioned /melody really helped boost the box prospects for bards. Ya just need to set up some keys with different melodies and stuff like that but if you've been four boxing you already know that.



Joined: Sep 26, 2005
Messages: 1140

I'd swap the druid for a bard, big time.  A sk pulling v. bard pulling is a fart v. supernova.  And the 6th would be a wizard and entirely optional / convienance. 

Bard would do so much for the group dps, capabilities, survivability; the druid will be providing minimal contributions.



Joined: Mar 5, 2004
Messages: 497



Gets you more DPS, crowd control, stacking buffs with all your other toons and splits off pulling from tanking.

Message edited by Falamil on 06/10/2009 06:36:22.
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