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Joined: Jul 31, 2004
Messages: 169

With the pending release of 16% OH clickable items in SoD, I have to ask, why?  There was a time when Battlecry of the Vahshir was the only OH in game; heck, bards owned OH *exclusively* until Quarm and the Silver Hoop of Speed; even then, the v3 haste on that item was only 5%.

There is a 25% OH cap and bards were once the sole master of OH in EQ.  Over time, this mastery has been eroded to the point we are at now where, given the documented "progression" of OH being farmed out, in 4 more expansions, our OH abilites will be entirely replaceable for melee classes.  With a 16% clicky being released, we will start down the road of adding 36% of the OH utility we used to; not at first, obviously, but, these clickies will filter down.  The high-end bards will witness the degradation of this core ability first, and the rest will soon follow.

That is just with SoD.  If the trend continues, then the next expansion will witness bards providing 28% of the OH utility we used to, and so on. 

What is the impetus and reasoning behind the calculated erosion of one of the classes (formerly) strongest abilites?  Why is one of the most powerful melee-enhancing abilites of the class steadily being eroded, and thus further whittling away what the class was ostensibly founded upon: utility?




Joined: Aug 29, 2005
Messages: 3628

We just use it as justification to get more features added to Aura/Aria lines. 

The relative value of the line drops as more overhaste & higher WORN spell foci becomes available. If we use logic, and present the math correctly, we can get it adjusted.


Joined: Jul 20, 2004
Messages: 2372

yup and all our support songs are trivial increases compared to champion, lynx, bloodlust aura, etc etc that don't take constant upkeep.


just reroll, dev's don't care about bards.



Joined: Jun 21, 2004
Messages: 3434

Don't worry, we still have highsun.

Oh wait, nm.

Someone asked in general today: "what is a bard". Reply: "a box of clickies in playerform".

To bad I'm not another class, or I'd have laughed.

Message edited by brd on 06/07/2009 11:01:28.


Joined: Mar 14, 2005
Messages: 1330

loki1loki1 wrote:

With the pending release of 16% OH clickable items in SoD, I have to ask, why?  There was a time when Battlecry of the Vahshir was the only OH in game; heck, bards owned OH *exclusively* until Quarm and the Silver Hoop of Speed; even then, the v3 haste on that item was only 5%.

There is a 25% OH cap and bards were once the sole master of OH in EQ.  Over time, this mastery has been eroded to the point we are at now where, given the documented "progression" of OH being farmed out, in 4 more expansions, our OH abilites will be entirely replaceable for melee classes.  With a 16% clicky being released, we will start down the road of adding 36% of the OH utility we used to; not at first, obviously, but, these clickies will filter down.  The high-end bards will witness the degradation of this core ability first, and the rest will soon follow.

That is just with SoD.  If the trend continues, then the next expansion will witness bards providing 28% of the OH utility we used to, and so on. 

What is the impetus and reasoning behind the calculated erosion of one of the classes (formerly) strongest abilites?  Why is one of the most powerful melee-enhancing abilites of the class steadily being eroded, and thus further whittling away what the class was ostensibly founded upon: utility?



The question in my mind is "How can it still be called overhaste if everyone gets it?"  What is the point in having a haste cap if everyone and his dog can break it?

Still, it does help with pets if the owner has pet affinity. And you do have a (admittedly marginal) advantage over the current overhaste enjoyed by the players.  That's probably no consolation, and I'm not saying anything you don't already know.  It sucks.    Your overhaste should progress further, then, to offset the benefits that everyone's getting. 

It also speaks to a larger trend in the game: everything is so freaking overpowered now.  The stats on gear are now well into the ridiculous levels and buffs and abilities are now obsolete because gear now has the stuff that people used to progress for.  Like Faerune on the helmets.  Why did I bother getting Innate See Invis or progress lung capacity to the point where I don't need to breathe?  Why bother with the buffs that confer this stuff, if it's going to be on your gear?

Honestly, the way they do things, I really think Sony is doing its level best to put this game to bed, so the Devs can be used on other projects.



Joined: Jun 21, 2004
Messages: 3434

darkpoet29 wrote:

We just use it as justification to get more features added to Aura/Aria lines. 

Pretty funny statement.

I'm sure that will turn out positive :p

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