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East Cabilis
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Joined: Mar 8, 2008
Messages: 3

So I am working chanter epic 1.0 and get to this part where you swim in the tunnel, come up in the 2nd hole and climb out. Except I can't climb out. I tried making myself bigger, levitation and different shapes. I look up and climb but I can't get out. Is there a trick?  Normally I just look UP and go FORWARD. Sometimes adding a jump and sometimes weaving accross a rock outcroping...


Nothing works... at this point I am totally frustrated. I have spent over an hour, read all the walkthru posts... Tried another computer incase my video was the issue.  The walkthru says it is a deep hole and takes some effort to get out. Hope someone who has done it can shed some light on what I am doing wrong.





Joined: Sep 26, 2008
Messages: 108

I had the same problem when i had a baby shammy needing to get up there. I couldn't find a way up, but there is a way though the shaman guild tower that leads to the same set of tunnels. Be careful, there are a lot of one-way doors.

Message edited by Brie on 06/09/2009 19:46:22.


Joined: Oct 23, 2007
Messages: 904

I haven't been back to my beloved hometown recently, but if I recall correctly, there are ladders that lead out of all of the waterways in cabilis.


Hope that helps!


Joined: Oct 15, 2006
Messages: 66

I have no idea if it applies here, but I know I couldn't climb some ladders with a lev effect on. Clicked off lev and was able to climb.



Joined: Mar 2, 2004
Messages: 2249

Did you try being in 1st person view (through the eyes of the toon) not 3rd person view (overhead or behind the toon)?

Then in first person view, look up and move forward.


Joined: Apr 6, 2004
Messages: 191

I grab onto the walls, look up and jump alot without levi to get out of those areas.

On a related subject,  is there a walk through posted somewhere for the 1.0 enchanter epic?  I found one website, but it only has 1.5 and above walk throughs.  I decided to start playing my enchanter alt and looking for a good class board.  Haven't seen one I like yet.

Message edited by Aneggborn on 06/12/2009 06:17:04.


Joined: Sep 14, 2004
Messages: 55


Joined: Mar 26, 2004
Messages: 7153

The only enchanter web site that I know is, which you have probably found, as it doesn't seem to have a 1.0 walk through.  The old reference every one used was Diku Goldenmind's, but that seems to have vanished.  Try:


Joined: Nov 13, 2006
Messages: 394

I used Diku's both times I did the 1.0.

The trick to the waterways UNDER Cabillis, is in fact, 1st person view. If you are in 3rd person view, you will never get out. Look up as high as you can and swim out just like anywhere else. STAY in the middle of the wall. Some people like to go to the corners, you will not pop out from there...Practice practice practice. You need to have this down pat because the mob DOES run at low hp and he cannot be snared. He also runs through the one way doors, so you can't chase him, you need to jump in the water and cut him off. The BEST tactic is to have some melee with you that has push of some kind. A warrior to pin him in a corner and bash him over and over, or a monk with the Dragon Punch ability will help.

Also, this checklist is also very helpful
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