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Please remove MPG Trial Lockout Timers
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Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

AutomaticWarrior wrote:

If I recall, let's say you trial A and that locks you out of A for 3 days and B-F for 2 hours.  Then if you did trial B 2 hours later, that locks you out trial B for 3 days, but now A, C, D, E, F are reset to 2 hours, so it's not effective at preventing loot from entering anyway.

The 2 hour timer sort of made sense back in the day where it took significant time to get from one trial to another so half of the time passed anyway, but even then that didn't actually added anything to the game.  You usually still have to sit by the projections for a good hour or so unless you wiped on the way to the trials.

I thought they fixed that but origionally you were definately right.



Joined: Aug 11, 2008
Messages: 138

I have made a list of 'annoyances' and updated it accordingly.


Joined: Sep 26, 2005
Messages: 1140

IMO just as older content gets key/flag requirements lifted, so also should the lockout timers be removed. 


Joined: Mar 16, 2005
Messages: 85

The only reason want this changed is so they can check it of their list in a day instead of a week. It's not the end of the world stop rushing through the game and try to enjoy the ride cause Eq's days are numbered.


Joined: Sep 15, 2006
Messages: 1899

Scarpa wrote:

IMO just as older content gets key/flag requirements lifted, so also should the lockout timers be removed. 

I am kinda on the oppisite side on this one. I would prefer that all keys / flags stay in effect. If anything have a different series of events to flag for certain areas.


Joined: May 20, 2004
Messages: 294

Sitting afk at a projection for two hours is such an integral and challenging part of EQ gameplay.  Watching TV during downtime is what adds all the challenge to EQ and makes it more "hardcore" than all those other wussy games.

Please don't remove it, it would turn the MPG trials into "easymode" (rather than the difficult challenge they are) and we all know that's bad!



Joined: Mar 15, 2005
Messages: 146

With all the things that need fixing in this game this really isn't going to make it to the top of the developers' priority list any time soon even if they did feel that it was worth considering.


Joined: Mar 5, 2004
Messages: 2942
Location: Southeast Central IL

If the content was actually obsolete then we wouldn't even be having this discussion as no one would care that they are locked out.  For the trials to be obsolete they must not give any bonuses anymore, but they all still do give a definitive bonus in the form of the resist cap increases.  So as long that bonus exists (which it always will) then the trials will never become obsolete.  So that argument fails.

So it actually does come down to people whining because they have to come back either 2 hours later or another day to do another task.  What's the big deal about that?  Doing them with a group a friends, well do one at the start of the night and one at the end, assuming you group for 2+ hours a night.  That is just 3 nights of grouping to get them all done, or six or so if you fail or aren't on for more than 2 hours some nights.

It isn't worth the Dev's time and resources to change this stuff just because some people can't stand not getting everything instantly.


Joined: Apr 11, 2004
Messages: 453

They should add two hour lockouts between Frostcrypt and Ashengate events. We wouldn't want to floor the server with all that amazing loot so fast.



Message edited by Dysentery on 02/11/2009 00:53:46.


Joined: Jun 6, 2006
Messages: 2479

Weolyen wrote:

Sitting afk at a projection for two hours is such an integral and challenging part of EQ gameplay. Watching TV during downtime is what adds all the challenge to EQ and makes it more "hardcore" than all those other wussy games.

Please don't remove it, it would turn the MPG trials into "easymode" (rather than the difficult challenge they are) and we all know that's bad!


Sounds like MPG trials are all you have left to do in EQ if it's a good use of your time to sit afk at the projections.

It took my fellowship 3 days to do these, we opened the day with one, left and exp'd, leaving about 30 minutes at the end of the night to go back and do another.

It wasn't designed for you to sit afk, it was designed to encourage people to do something other than just farming trials.


Joined: Jun 10, 2004
Messages: 932

Eight or ten points to resist cap seems like a significant reward to me.

Back when I could upgrade gear and for some time even after I had all the drops the MPG trials were my favorite EQ target. Part of their excitement came from the build up.  You organized your group, cleared through the zone and you got one shot, one 15 minute time to do or die.  You didn't sit around waiting on pulling and splitting, you didn't sit around waiting on spawns, you pulled out all the stops to deal with the mobs that trial master was throwing at you.

Everquest has a lot of mechanisms to control the pace of advancment, of gear or other rewards entering the world in that pseudo macro economic model they love so much.  I find mission lockouts the least tiresome of these.  All I have to do to cope with a lockout is something else.  I know what the lockout will be, when it will expire and can plan my group accordingly.  When doing these we commonly opened a game session with an MPG trial, then something else, perhaps a camp or Ikkinz or later when Depths of Darkhollows came out a mission there, then if there was still time before camping we often did a different trial.  Coping with the lockout limitation contributed to other fun activities in stark contrast with camp competition and rare named spawns.  The MPG trials were always one of many things available to do.

Give me missions with lockouts instead of camp contention and rare named any day.  MPG trials were a huge success for me, a great source of fun and excitement.  We need more content like them, not changes to make their reward even more of a rubber stamp.

If any change is in order then let new missions with current difficulty and current drops provide an alternate means of earning the resist cap AAs.  This idea can also apply to Dragons of Norrath advancement AAs.


Message edited by Delbaeth on 02/11/2009 06:37:56.


Joined: Aug 6, 2004
Messages: 164

Wyvernwill wrote:

Weolyen wrote:

Sitting afk at a projection for two hours is such an integral and challenging part of EQ gameplay. Watching TV during downtime is what adds all the challenge to EQ and makes it more "hardcore" than all those other wussy games.

Please don't remove it, it would turn the MPG trials into "easymode" (rather than the difficult challenge they are) and we all know that's bad!


Sounds like MPG trials are all you have left to do in EQ if it's a good use of your time to sit afk at the projections.

It took my fellowship 3 days to do these, we opened the day with one, left and exp'd, leaving about 30 minutes at the end of the night to go back and do another.

It wasn't designed for you to sit afk, it was designed to encourage people to do something other than just farming trials.

I believe that the first post here was meant to be sarcastic.


Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 4132

At the least, the lockout should be per mission and not all of them at once.


Joined: Apr 7, 2004
Messages: 785
Location: Cabilis / London, UK

The 2 hour lockout on ALL trials is stupid. The 2-3 day lockout on winning an individual trial is fine. The latter reduces the likelihood of gear farming, the former is just an annoyance that forces most people to schedule several evening's worth of grouping rather than an enjoyable single evening.


Joined: Dec 23, 2008
Messages: 6

stop slacking and ge them done, by now any veteran player has a group of consistent players they play with, i am sure you can find friends to help you do these. Don't touch old lock outs, they arent that bad to work around, even if you have to wait 6 days doing one per night, you are still getting it way faster then many did when oow was new. I have no pity for people who complain i can't do all my mpg trials in one are you serious.....let me guess you came from WoW?


Joined: Sep 19, 2008
Messages: 350

Ancaglon_AB wrote:

The 2 hour lockout on ALL trials is stupid. The 2-3 day lockout on winning an individual trial is fine. The latter reduces the likelihood of gear farming, the former is just an annoyance that forces most people to schedule several evening's worth of grouping rather than an enjoyable single evening.

I'm sorry but, you got those the wrong way around. The 2hr lockout across all trials does far more towards stopping general farming, while the individual lockout only suppresses farming a specific item or items from that trial.


Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 4132

athientz wrote:

stop slacking and ge them done, by now any veteran player has a group of consistent players they play with, i am sure you can find friends to help you do these. Don't touch old lock outs, they arent that bad to work around, even if you have to wait 6 days doing one per night, you are still getting it way faster then many did when oow was new. I have no pity for people who complain i can't do all my mpg trials in one are you serious.....let me guess you came from WoW?


So by your logic, any pointless annoyance being fixed = wanting EQ to be WoW? Please explain to me what point the two hour lockout has.  The trials already have several day lockouts. 

And no, not everyone has a clique to get everything done with. I've had mine done for four years now, but that's not the point.  It's a superfluous lockout that is nothing more than an annoyance. It shouldn't be there, and it never should have been there.


Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

I know treat it Like the trials Affect your Soul. and Much like the "mythical" CoA AE It'll Kill you if you attempted Another before you had enough rest.

Yes it's a time sink it's a BLATANT one. It's EASY to Work arround it's not like you won't know when it'll come back.

My God People whine about Random Drop rates then give then a SET lok out and they still WHINE.

SOE doesn't Want them DONE BACK to Back. Hence 2 hour lock out. and As stated No matter the gear the "real" reward was up to 6 people getting a resist cap improvement.

It's so HARD to work around a SET lock out. As others stated you can go AFK for most of that if you'd like you could log out.

You could go elsewhere.

SOE Grants you the ability to CLAIM these AA's You just have to follow SOE's rules. to do so.  Asking to change the rules is shallow. It's not like anyone is stating the trials are hard. therefore I have little pity.  Never have never will.

Some feel the reward is NOT worth the wait. Then don't do it. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to get them. In fact for the most part they make little difference. Either A) your going to resist anyway or B) your unlikely to resists anyway.

there are a few excepotions to this but they are RARE. (Brinda only modern example that I can think of that cares far more about your Gear then these AA for the resistance.)

Why is it pointless? Just because you think you should be able to STEAMROLL them all in a shorter period of time then SOE is willing to allow?

Why shouldn't it be there? It's there to Ensure you can not get them within a minimum period of time. I guess they could just make the projections for group trials Random spawns? Would that make you happier?



Message edited by Arlakis on 02/12/2009 02:49:18.


Joined: Sep 15, 2004
Messages: 43

By the way, MPG Trials are different than many raid instances in more current content and more similar to GoD raid instances - you cannot add anymore people as soon as the event is triggered. Don't bother telling people that X and Y loots are rotting because they cannot get in by then.

Keep the lockout timers the way they are kkthx.


Joined: Jan 19, 2009
Messages: 317

Snotgrubb wrote:

FennyX wrote:

that's a lot of loot to just unlock like that.  you got some justification other than "i need the flags" ?

Umm, the loot is 4 years old, no drop, not relevant to modern content, and you can purchase equivalent or better cheaply in the bazaar.   Are you honestly worried about this loot unbalancing the game or being farmed non-stop?  As for justification, removing a no longer needed time sink and improving the game sounds like a good thing to me.  A group of people who need the trials should be able to just go and knock em' out one after the other.  These trials are still worth doing for every toon.

You guys are missing the point. What the OP is after is a quick easy place to farm level 69-70 spells to sell in the bazaar. The 'lower level people need to do them' is just an excuse.


Joined: Jan 19, 2009
Messages: 317

Sorry. Meant sell runes in the bazaar that could be turned into level 69-70 spells.



Joined: Sep 19, 2006
Messages: 158

Yeah, cause they're not No Trade or anything.


Joined: Apr 3, 2004
Messages: 98

Plebola wrote:

Yeah, cause they're not No Trade or anything.

Why start asking people to state actual facts or researched information now after all this time?

The logical reason why the lockouts existed in the first place was to prevent people from farming very nice loot.   Now you can get better loot in the bazaar.  The ONLY real reason that people do these now is to get their resist max up.  If people really believe that keeping the lockout so that the entire course has to be done over about the course of 13 hours is a good thing (tm) for the game, then it helps explain why the game is in the state it's in.  If on the other hand, the concern is over the devs putting resources into this rather than fixing the myriad of other things broken, then I guess I can understand that.


Joined: Jun 6, 2006
Messages: 2479

smr4 wrote:

Plebola wrote:

Yeah, cause they're not No Trade or anything.

Why start asking people to state actual facts or researched information now after all this time?

The logical reason why the lockouts existed in the first place was to prevent people from farming very nice loot. Now you can get better loot in the bazaar. The ONLY real reason that people do these now is to get their resist max up. If people really believe that keeping the lockout so that the entire course has to be done over about the course of 13 hours is a good thing (tm) for the game, then it helps explain why the game is in the state it's in. If on the other hand, the concern is over the devs putting resources into this rather than fixing the myriad of other things broken, then I guess I can understand that.

My personal concern is that this is a waste of time for a few people to get easier "One use only" content.  And it's not even easier... it's just removing something so they can do it all in one three hour shot instead of 20-30 minute bursts over a couple of days.

OoW has been around for 4? years now.  I find it rather unlikely that there are many people left without the resists, let alone, trying to get the resists, that it's largely a pressing or of any real importance.


Joined: Sep 19, 2006
Messages: 371

For the past two years part of the development cycle has included revising access to older content. I see this as easier on dev time than, say, removing the flags to AG/FC.

The strategic goal of consistently incorporating this revision to old content to the expansion releases, is to make access to outdated content easier. Removing these lock out timers OBVIOUSLY fits within the current vision of SOE.


BTW I voke Arlakis be the new BB. Arlakis do us a favor and come with misguided catch phrases like "Baaaroooken" like the past elitist board troll did. You fit the bill nicely, with that closed mind and blinders on, cuz...hey! we all gotta play just like YOU DO! lmao


Joined: Jun 10, 2004
Messages: 932

d0ckmaster wrote:

Snotgrubb wrote:

FennyX wrote:

that's a lot of loot to just unlock like that.  you got some justification other than "i need the flags" ?

Umm, the loot is 4 years old, no drop, not relevant to modern content, and you can purchase equivalent or better cheaply in the bazaar.   Are you honestly worried about this loot unbalancing the game or being farmed non-stop?  As for justification, removing a no longer needed time sink and improving the game sounds like a good thing to me.  A group of people who need the trials should be able to just go and knock em' out one after the other.  These trials are still worth doing for every toon.

You guys are missing the point. What the OP is after is a quick easy place to farm level 69-70 spells to sell in the bazaar. The 'lower level people need to do them' is just an excuse.


It is fine to disagree, I certainly do, but is it necessary to accuse Snotgrubb of asking for this change over some deceiptful ulterior motive?  It isn't like you know.  Unless there is another Snotgrubb around here I do know and it is exactly what he wrote.  He is organizing people who never did their MPG trials to get the resist AAs and running in to lockouts making that organization effort last for just one trial.

There is no need for the hostility which degrades these boards.



Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

Naginto wrote:

For the past two years part of the development cycle has included revising access to older content. I see this as easier on dev time than, say, removing the flags to AG/FC.

The strategic goal of consistently incorporating this revision to old content to the expansion releases, is to make access to outdated content easier. Removing these lock out timers OBVIOUSLY fits within the current vision of SOE.

How much Easier do you want? Go hail get Chest loot + AA?

NO one has Stated how "hard" any of these trials are now. in FACT it's Readily assumed to be EASY. So since difficulty isn't an issue what is? The lock out? It existed PAss or FAIL. I think that this mechanism should be used in More Modern content. To A) Allow equal chance. B) to allow people to set up times for activities much like is done in RAIDING.

I don't have an issue with the lock out it's Far EASIER then the "reported" difficulty in spawning named that drop essences. It's something you can Set up and "plan" for. So no I don't see a prevelent reason for change.

I think more content should "go" this way. Lots of other games do this as well. This modal should have been used more instead of several of the things done since. including how DoDH handled things.

Apparently once more it's ok to force the "elite" to deal with Bottlenecks and other *Halfling* but not ok if anyone else has to do them. Talk about double standards much.

 I'm sorry there's one ruleset for those that want to be ther best you can be BOTH groupers and Raiders. and there should be another Ruleset for those that don't.

I hate the Double standard. A Game should have rules. I'm sorry there isn't a monopoly board I know of that the Gives one person $300 for passing go and another $150 and remotely calls it fair.  I don't demand you do these in old gear. Getting new gear getting more power is in the rules. Why ask to make it even easier. Because you don't have the time? then do it over time. it's not like the MPG trials are going anywhere. They've been there for 3-4 years I don't see them going to be removed from the game.

So in 3 days with a grand total time investment of about 7h30m you can be done with these spread it over 6 days and it'll be about 1h 30m? So so hard...

Arlakis "Scrooge" Dreamslayer


Joined: Mar 1, 2004
Messages: 1886

I've four boxed each of these, added in two mercs and always had someone in the guild happy to get a dzadd.  They are still a challenge if you have never done them before (just have to learn the event).  Some are easier than others, make a list and do them.  There are two sets of lockout timers.  If you beat it, you have several days before you can repeat that one mission you just beat (so difficult to redo some of them for some folks).  The other lockout, prevents you from attempting any of the others for a few hours - easily clear to next mission within 30min to 1hr.  I think the timer is 2hrs or 4hrs.  That is the timer that needs adjustment.  Reduce it down to 1hr, and reduce the other one down to 20hrs.  The 1hr lockout would prevent folks from getting the rare items right away (if they were there "just" for the items).  20hrs would allow you to plan to help someone else get the missions complete the next night at the same time.


Timers need adjustments, not pure removal.


Joined: Apr 3, 2004
Messages: 98

Arlakis wrote:

Naginto wrote:

For the past two years part of the development cycle has included revising access to older content. I see this as easier on dev time than, say, removing the flags to AG/FC.

The strategic goal of consistently incorporating this revision to old content to the expansion releases, is to make access to outdated content easier. Removing these lock out timers OBVIOUSLY fits within the current vision of SOE.

How much Easier do you want? Go hail get Chest loot + AA?

NO one has Stated how "hard" any of these trials are now. in FACT it's Readily assumed to be EASY. So since difficulty isn't an issue what is? The lock out? It existed PAss or FAIL. I think that this mechanism should be used in More Modern content. To A) Allow equal chance. B) to allow people to set up times for activities much like is done in RAIDING.

I don't have an issue with the lock out it's Far EASIER then the "reported" difficulty in spawning named that drop essences. It's something you can Set up and "plan" for. So no I don't see a prevelent reason for change.

I think more content should "go" this way. Lots of other games do this as well. This modal should have been used more instead of several of the things done since. including how DoDH handled things.

Apparently once more it's ok to force the "elite" to deal with Bottlenecks and other *Halfling* but not ok if anyone else has to do them. Talk about double standards much.

 I'm sorry there's one ruleset for those that want to be ther best you can be BOTH groupers and Raiders. and there should be another Ruleset for those that don't.

I hate the Double standard. A Game should have rules. I'm sorry there isn't a monopoly board I know of that the Gives one person $300 for passing go and another $150 and remotely calls it fair.  I don't demand you do these in old gear. Getting new gear getting more power is in the rules. Why ask to make it even easier. Because you don't have the time? then do it over time. it's not like the MPG trials are going anywhere. They've been there for 3-4 years I don't see them going to be removed from the game.

So in 3 days with a grand total time investment of about 7h30m you can be done with these spread it over 6 days and it'll be about 1h 30m? So so hard...

Arlakis "Scrooge" Dreamslayer

I guess it's easier to make everything try to fit into a group vs. raider eternal struggle, but cmon, get real.  It's actually quite amazing that you can even make an thing like this warp into it.

The lockouts at day one did not make it harder even back in the day.  The were ONLY there to prevent farming.  There is no danger of farming them at this point.  Getting worked up over this as somehow minimzing your past accomplishments or making things too easy for people seems a little over the top to me.


Joined: Jun 6, 2006
Messages: 2479

smr4 wrote:

The lockouts at day one did not make it harder even back in the day. The were ONLY there to prevent farming. There is no danger of farming them at this point. Getting worked up over this as somehow minimzing your past accomplishments or making things too easy for people seems a little over the top to me.

They prevented farming as much as raid lock-outs prevented farming... they don't.  They just put a timeline on how much loot can be obtained by the six people involved.

You can still farm the missions every single time their lock out is up, just the same as a raid.  Yeah, there's a time delay on when you can do others, but that still does not prevent you from 'farming' them.

In my hayday, we were doing efficiency twice daily due to the lock out reset on the trials.  Do Efficiency, then any other, and efficency's time out reset to the two hour timer.


Joined: Apr 3, 2004
Messages: 98

Wyvernwill wrote:

smr4 wrote:

The lockouts at day one did not make it harder even back in the day. The were ONLY there to prevent farming. There is no danger of farming them at this point. Getting worked up over this as somehow minimzing your past accomplishments or making things too easy for people seems a little over the top to me.

They prevented farming as much as raid lock-outs prevented farming... they don't.  They just put a timeline on how much loot can be obtained by the six people involved.

You can still farm the missions every single time their lock out is up, just the same as a raid.  Yeah, there's a time delay on when you can do others, but that still does not prevent you from 'farming' them.

In my hayday, we were doing efficiency twice daily due to the lock out reset on the trials.  Do Efficiency, then any other, and efficency's time out reset to the two hour timer.

Pretty sure we're saying the same thing...  If it helps, substitute "over-farming" for farming.


Joined: Mar 6, 2006
Messages: 159

I'd be all for removing the lockouts.  Keep the multi-day one, but remove the across all trials one.  I've been trying to get friends and guildies through them for the resists. 

We normally gather a group, decide what we want to do tonight, and then off we go to work on it.  Hand aug in tbs?  Great, start on one island, work through the quests, on to the next, until we decide to stop for the night.  Bayles aug?  Same thing.  Face aug?  Same thing.  DoN missions?  yep. 

With these, it's get together, run out, do a mission then... ok, now what?  We can't do the next one for 2  hours...  At least raid timers only lock you out of the specific event, not ALL events.


Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

smr4 wrote:

I guess it's easier to make everything try to fit into a group vs. raider eternal struggle, but cmon, get real.  It's actually quite amazing that you can even make an thing like this warp into it.

The lockouts at day one did not make it harder even back in the day.  The were ONLY there to prevent farming.  There is no danger of farming them at this point.  Getting worked up over this as somehow minimzing your past accomplishments or making things too easy for people seems a little over the top to me.

It's not Grouper versus raider. It's About not HAVING Everything be the way SOME want. It might be NICE if I have a 10,000/20 weapon but at the current point of balance in this game should I have such? Of course not. I think a Unique and Unexplored Area of Content and admittedly LIMITATION. It should have been Further EXPLORED and Developed.

I don't think it should just be removed. You disagree. FINE. DEFEND you opinion. STATE Why you think it helps the game be "better". Better being Subjective.

I think it's rewards are Basically useless. Both in gear and the AA. But Why should it be changed. Are you Unable to get to them w/o lenghty work? NO. Never been prevented from "trying" them. Are you Unable to do them because of some other serious issue? no.  just a lock out that expires in 2 hours.

The reward is ONLY balanced to the TIME it was produced.

Avatar of War assuming you can find him UP. Drops TRASH loot for a level 60 He USED to be a level 60 HIGH end raid. The Value of his loot (Except unlevel limited dropables.) is Pathetic. But he's Still got a 3 DAY or 5.5 day lockout. (Can't recall if he was changed)

What I want to know is Why LOCKOUTS are such an ANTHEMA and need to be avoided. More content should be subject to lockouts IMO. In the process of creating "fun" events.

There are alot of things "locked" out Either they are GOOD or they are BAD. I think in their own way are good. They serve as limits and yet Block your ability to Block others.

As to the guy that Goes well what would we like to do tonight say In your example Go do trial Go do part of TBS in "downtime" Come back do another trial after 2 hours.

Was the LOCKOUT balanced when OOW was first done? If yes then to me there is NO ISSUE.

I don't even Mind the lockouts on LDoN. I go in Kill one in 10-15m and then Walk away for a bit.  Woohoo Another limitation to speed of Acquisition I can tolerate.


Joined: Apr 3, 2004
Messages: 98

Arlakis wrote:

smr4 wrote:

I guess it's easier to make everything try to fit into a group vs. raider eternal struggle, but cmon, get real.  It's actually quite amazing that you can even make an thing like this warp into it.

The lockouts at day one did not make it harder even back in the day.  The were ONLY there to prevent farming.  There is no danger of farming them at this point.  Getting worked up over this as somehow minimzing your past accomplishments or making things too easy for people seems a little over the top to me.

It's not Grouper versus raider. It's About not HAVING Everything be the way SOME want. It might be NICE if I have a 10,000/20 weapon but at the current point of balance in this game should I have such? Of course not. I think a Unique and Unexplored Area of Content and admittedly LIMITATION. It should have been Further EXPLORED and Developed.

I don't think it should just be removed. You disagree. FINE. DEFEND you opinion. STATE Why you think it helps the game be "better". Better being Subjective.

I think it's rewards are Basically useless. Both in gear and the AA. But Why should it be changed. Are you Unable to get to them w/o lenghty work? NO. Never been prevented from "trying" them. Are you Unable to do them because of some other serious issue? no.  just a lock out that expires in 2 hours.

The reward is ONLY balanced to the TIME it was produced.

Avatar of War assuming you can find him UP. Drops TRASH loot for a level 60 He USED to be a level 60 HIGH end raid. The Value of his loot (Except unlevel limited dropables.) is Pathetic. But he's Still got a 3 DAY or 5.5 day lockout. (Can't recall if he was changed)

What I want to know is Why LOCKOUTS are such an ANTHEMA and need to be avoided. More content should be subject to lockouts IMO. In the process of creating "fun" events.

There are alot of things "locked" out Either they are GOOD or they are BAD. I think in their own way are good. They serve as limits and yet Block your ability to Block others.

As to the guy that Goes well what would we like to do tonight say In your example Go do trial Go do part of TBS in "downtime" Come back do another trial after 2 hours.

Was the LOCKOUT balanced when OOW was first done? If yes then to me there is NO ISSUE.

I don't even Mind the lockouts on LDoN. I go in Kill one in 10-15m and then Walk away for a bit.  Woohoo Another limitation to speed of Acquisition I can tolerate.

I think it's been STATED why (I guess we're using CAPS now to help with emphasis?  Please don't break your keyboard) several times, but because you disagree with it in principle you choose to say it's not defended.  It's been stated several times now that if people, who are only wanting to do these things to get resist caps up on a toon want to get these done, the artificial lockout is a silly impediment.  Everquest is now a game that almost completely depends on retaining it's current player base, rather than bringing in new people.  Part of retaining that playerbase comes from people changing mains.  Part of the issue when people change mains is that there are several things that help a character still that are no longer considered current content and therefor difficult to get accomplished.  MPG group trials are one.  Funny, but raid power sources from Solteris are another (I'm betting you were against unlocking those in the way the devs did too?).  The same with the scaling AAs sub-1000 AAs.  Keeping to impediments in place is far more detrimental to the game than the cost of doing nothing and clinging to the past.  It's absolute trash to equate asking for this to asking for a 10,000/20 weapon, it only shows how flawed your thinking is.


Joined: Jun 6, 2006
Messages: 2479

smr4 wrote:

I think it's been STATED why (I guess we're using CAPS now to help with emphasis? Please don't break your keyboard) several times, but because you disagree with it in principle you choose to say it's not defended. It's been stated several times now that if people, who are only wanting to do these things to get resist caps up on a toon want to get these done, the artificial lockout is a silly impediment. Everquest is now a game that almost completely depends on retaining it's current player base, rather than bringing in new people. Part of retaining that playerbase comes from people changing mains. Part of the issue when people change mains is that there are several things that help a character still that are no longer considered current content and therefor difficult to get accomplished. MPG group trials are one. Funny, but raid power sources from Solteris are another (I'm betting you were against unlocking those in the way the devs did too?). The same with the scaling AAs sub-1000 AAs. Keeping to impediments in place is far more detrimental to the game than the cost of doing nothing and clinging to the past. It's absolute trash to equate asking for this to asking for a 10,000/20 weapon, it only shows how flawed your thinking is.

Ok, considering that there's 20 ranks of +5 all resists AAs... where is it that a newly created character is needing immediately that +50 from MPG trials?  Where are the posts regarding DoN AAs... afterall, those have some of the same restrictions including raid fights that were high end at the time... yet they pose a more powerful gain than +50 resists... especially in the current raid scene.

Why do I say the 'current' raid scene?  Because most AEs that devs want landing target Corruption, not the old five.  I'd love to see the profile of anyone with a 500+ Corruption resist... would be great information to have.

MPG trials are hardly any more required than all five of the DoN AAs... and arguably has less of an impact than any of the DoN AAs in current EQ.

There is also a major fundamental difference between raid powersources (and the flags required) and MPG group trial AAs.  Key difference... All gear to date, from TBS forward, has Infusible on it.  Unlike gear, however, the only place to get powersources (especially raid) are through killing bosses in Solteris for the proper flags (as raid were useless, even tradeskilled, without the flags).  MPG group trials are hardly a requirement of EQ... mostly due to a very poor working in the resist system, as well as the Dev Easy Mode bypass of just using Corruption when they want things to land.  (Which is not even close to maxable, nor affected by MPG group trials.)

I find it a waste, however, to go back and 'fix' something that's not broken when there are many things broken in both the current group and raid scenes, as well as with many classes.  Especially since people only really care about using the content once to their benefit, then never again.


Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

So as I stated your against Lockouts in general. Guess they should remove the lockouts on Inktu'ta After all it's obsolete and only for BiC at this point (I'd oppose this also)

IF your only Impediment is that you have to wait 2 hours I find it not sufficient for a change.

No one is saying you can't ride. no one is saying you can't do them just that you can not do them now.

Lockouts are there to prevent lots of things. What is it preventing. being accomplished in X consecutive time limit.

if you have a steady group you can go do a trial then go do somethign else rest of the Whatever period and go to the next the next night.

I think they should Make the best group content in the game in under lockout events. With a shared lockout. For a couple of others as you said I wouldn't do them all but then again there is alot of content availible.



Joined: Dec 20, 2004
Messages: 3960

Having lockout on group stuff is fine, but having a shared lockout for something you didn't do seems kind of dumb.  It'd be exactly like if you did the raid version of MPG and it locks you out of the other 5 raids for 2 hours.  It probably won't slow you down in a meaningful way but why put in such inconvenience?


Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

AutomaticWarrior wrote:

Having lockout on group stuff is fine, but having a shared lockout for something you didn't do seems kind of dumb.  It'd be exactly like if you did the raid version of MPG and it locks you out of the other 5 raids for 2 hours.  It probably won't slow you down in a meaningful way but why put in such inconvenience?

It still would have been a far far better then the current situation w/ regard to Keys. IT is a Barrier just like the Current Keys the last few expansions. and to be honest I hate KEYS. ( I hate EXPLOITED keys far more (the possibility of)) But I understand it's there to "slow" you down. Unfortunately slowing people down is needed. Oh and the lockout for that is 5.5 days

Hating Something doesn't necessarily dismiss it as something that is needed for the "good" of the game.  I dislike I will probably never find the Avatar of War up I'd love to se if I can kick his shiny metal self into broken bits of metal. I would honestly not care at all about the loot. But I understand they won't change him. nor do I think they really should


I still think a " shared" lockout is Better then a random spawn mechanic.




Joined: Apr 16, 2004
Messages: 4418

The false assumption that time investment is in any way linked to difficulty is a plague on these boards.


Joined: Dec 20, 2004
Messages: 3960

Arlakis wrote:

AutomaticWarrior wrote:

Having lockout on group stuff is fine, but having a shared lockout for something you didn't do seems kind of dumb.  It'd be exactly like if you did the raid version of MPG and it locks you out of the other 5 raids for 2 hours.  It probably won't slow you down in a meaningful way but why put in such inconvenience?

It still would have been a far far better then the current situation w/ regard to Keys. IT is a Barrier just like the Current Keys the last few expansions. and to be honest I hate KEYS. ( I hate EXPLOITED keys far more (the possibility of)) But I understand it's there to "slow" you down. Unfortunately slowing people down is needed. Oh and the lockout for that is 5.5 days

Hating Something doesn't necessarily dismiss it as something that is needed for the "good" of the game.  I dislike I will probably never find the Avatar of War up I'd love to se if I can kick his shiny metal self into broken bits of metal. I would honestly not care at all about the loot. But I understand they won't change him. nor do I think they really should


I still think a " shared" lockout is Better then a random spawn mechanic. 

I really don't see how you can argue shared lockout is a good idea.  Would it make sense when you beat Breakneck it prevents you from doing Krond for 2 hours because they're both minotaurs?  How about beating Ice wing in Crystallos and not able to do Fire wing for 2 hours because they're opposite elements?  It sure won't be hard to implement, and you can probably come up with a schedule to accomodate this, but what purpose would such a thing serve except to annoy people to no end? 

Better yet, how about when you wipe to anything in MMM it kicks you out of the zone and locks you out of MMM for 2 hours?  That's what the MPG group trials do when you lose to any of them.  If they implemented this 'shared lockout' idea on any raid people will be complaining a lot and it'd be for a very good reason.  Just because at the group level fewer guys are impacted at once doesn't mean the idea is any better.


Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Messages: 93

Snotgrubb wrote:

Please remove the 2 hour MPG trials lockout timers.  Returning and new characters still like to do these for the resist cap increase.  With the lockout removed, you could knock these out in one play session instead of dragging people into old content 6 nights in a row.  No one farms these anymore so there really isn't a need for the lockout timer.

If no one farms these anymore, then it's not worth the Dev's time to make changes to content that no one goes to.  If you are saying that people are doing these, then the lockout timers are still valid.  By the way, you should be able to knock these out in a weekend, not 6days in a row.


Joined: Dec 20, 2004
Messages: 3960

I just did MPG before going to sleep so that way the 2 hours don't matter but that still doesn't change the fact the 2 hour shared lockout was dumb back when the content was current (you usually just clear to the next trial and AFK for an hour there) and is even dumber now.


Joined: Oct 17, 2004
Messages: 1779

Automaticwarrior the thing your missing is what the purpose of the lockout is on RAIDS it is 5.5 days before you have a chance at those X items that drop from X mob.

In the group game it would ALSO serve to limit the Rate at which gear is Acquired but Allow people TO SCHEDULE their advancement.

This would mean that you wouldn't have to Hope X named Spawns to give you a chest essence You go do Event XYZ. and you get a Chance at Several top teir loots which one you get /shrug.

Even WITH the lockout 2 hours. the RATE at which group gear could enter is MANY times faster then Raid gear would enter.

Given a choice would you prefer a timed lockout that you can "spawn" at whim. (Except when locked out) Or would you Prefer random rare  spawn names? I'm firmly in the first camp


Joined: Sep 12, 2006
Messages: 184

Fine as is, no need to take development time away from something else to fix this.


Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 4132

Perhaps I'm wrong but I doubt it would take much time to edit whatever field controls the lockout time.

It doesn't affect me considering I've been done for years, but it seems like a reasonable request.


Joined: Aug 29, 2005
Messages: 3628

Zunnoab-Stromm wrote:

Perhaps I'm wrong but I doubt it would take much time to edit whatever field controls the lockout time.

It doesn't affect me considering I've been done for years, but it seems like a reasonable request.

There's zero need to change it though.  Why waste dev's time making a needless change.

Six trials, 2 hour lockouts, Groupable content.  Do 1 a day, and be done in a week.  Including clear time it takes less than an hour from /invite to /disband.  I did it two weeks ago myself to finish off the resist AA.


Joined: Mar 11, 2006
Messages: 221

Figured I would try and knock out these trials with my box group. Started with the Trial of Subversion. Now, my box group only has priest type of chest opening ability, so I knew this particular trial would be the most challenging for me.

I had bad luck in that none of the initial chests were of the "cursed" type, but I gave it my best shot and failed with 160 of 300 needed points. As I was porting out of the instance I was thinking of how to alter my strategy for the next run, and hoping for better luck with the initial set of chests.

I was literally floored when I saw that not only was I locked out from retrying the Trial of Subversion for 2 hours, I was also locked out of trying any of the other MPG group trials for 2 hours. I was shaking my head in disbelief. On a failure of a mission with a total running time of about 10 minutes, I am being locked out of retrying for 2 hours? That is ridiculous.

You can try and spin this any way you like, but stuff like this is exactly why WoW has 11 million subscribers and EQ is down to about 100K subscribers.



Joined: Jun 17, 2004
Messages: 3002
Location: the bean

why because you cant farm the gear which you wont even use?
these were the end game content now they are boxable why should they make these things easier then they allready have.
lockouts have allways been around since instances first started no reason to change them just because the content is not used in the manner it was originally used.


Joined: Mar 11, 2006
Messages: 221

I would have fully expected a lockout on a win.

What I find unbelievable is that on a loss, I am essentially being told to sit and wait for two hours to be able to retry.

And you are right, I don't need this gear. It is just something to do to get the extra resist cap increase, which I can only get one of, so farming does not apply.

Really it just boils down to I was expecting some entertainment tonight from these missions, and instead I am getting told to not play, just wait for two hours.

Again, I was fully prepared for the waiting on a win, just not on a loss. That just emphasizes that this mechanism is just there to waste my time.


Message edited by mite on 06/08/2009 18:27:20.


Joined: Jun 17, 2004
Messages: 3002
Location: the bean

i have thought it over and the total lock out seems harsh but the indaidual lock ob a per trial basis is not out of line.
if you fail do another till lockout is up sounds like it should be the locking of them all is not right.
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