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Top 10 Pet Peeves
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Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

There's probably more, that's all I could think of in the spur of the moment.


  1. Utter lack of damage: every single mage pet leaves warder in the dust (inluding the ones from SoF)
  2. Add aggro machine:    On encounters where adds pop, or when pullers drop a batch of pulls on group/raid, due to retarded NPC AI and the enormous melee box of the pets, they often become the first target to be one-rounded.  After which, the mobs proceed to beat on the pet owner.  I have managed to get on rampage, get chain summoned or simply got one rounded far too many times due to this.
  3. Utter lack of ability to take damage:  "Hmmm, I coulda swore I had a pet a second ago, wonder $#@ happened.  And he even had fortify companion on him.  Sigh"  Warders are outtanked by every single entity in the game, save for non-mage pets, on which they're generally on par with.  In current content, an add very often manages to one round my pet, leaving me with less damage output, and an inability to snare runners.  I don't want the warder to be able to tank, but this constantly getting one rounded BS is getting old.
  4. Rebuffing the pet, especially on raids is a chore.  Buffers refuse to buff pets in general, and unlike the mage counterparts, warders actually need those buffs to stay alive a split second longer.
  5. Pet targeting spells/abilities.  Grrrr, I honestly have no idea why a spell that could only be used on one possible target has to constantly change your target (pet heal, promised heal, pet block lines, growl, emphatic fury).  That's almost as retarded as having all self buffs/clickies and discs target yourself every time.
  6. Relocate Companion.  While it is a decent idea in concept (for mages anyways), it is very poorly implemented for beastlords.  Constantly having to damage the mob from the front in order to reposition the pet on every single trash mob that enrages (during a raid clear) is not only annoying, but causes considerable dps loss due to mob avoidance abilities.
  7. Taste of Blood.  Is this the dev's idea of a practical joke?  I don't get it.  Other than the fact that it very rarely goes off, its effects are negligable as well.  And we keep getting just as useless upgrades to it every expansion.
  8. Suspend minion.  While having backup pets loaded with snare haste and other procs is a good idea, but when the second pet is a fully raid buffed pet at the end of the night, I'm forced to lose him upon camping out.  Suspend minion should alternate between the 2 pets.
  9. WT@ is this basilisk?!?  GIMME MY GATOR BACK!  Or at least give it a model that looks remotely decent / dangerous.
  10. Iksar warders.  I'm so glad I didn't start an iksar.  Is that freezing crap ever gonna get fixed?

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Joined: Aug 14, 2004
Messages: 3938

Just a heads up: You're more likely to get results when refraining from exaggeration.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

a)  The reality is, not much is likely to get any results.

b)  If you actually played a beastlord, you'd know that what I posted is pretty much how it happens, but feel free to point out where I err.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Even though it's supposed to be top 10, after last nights raid I thought of a few more of em.

  • Pet damage does not count towards the owners damage.  Meaning, a much gimper pure melee class can easily KS a pet owner.
  • Pet procs are unparsable by others, skewing your damage output
  • /tar name command targets warder instead of the player.  This doesn't really affect me directly, but can get annoying for others.

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Joined: Aug 14, 2004
Messages: 3938

Lillpiggy wrote:

... but feel free to point out where I err.

ok... see quoted post below

EQ Community Leader

Joined: Aug 14, 2004
Messages: 3938

Lillpiggy wrote:

There's probably more, that's all I could think of in the spur of the moment.


  1. Utter lack of damage <--- Not true. There is insufficient pet damage, in your opinion. With parses of both the beastlord & pet and then a mage & pet (with comparable level, AA, and gear), you can make an argument for fact. And I'm not being nitpicky here. The devs just do not respond to generalized exaggerations. All they see is, "I want more!" without some kind of data.
  2. Add aggro machine:    On encounters where adds pop, or when pullers drop a batch of pulls on group/raid, due to retarded NPC AI and the enormous melee box of the pets, they often become the first target to be one-rounded.  After which, the mobs proceed to beat on the pet owner.  I have managed to get on rampage, get chain summoned or simply got one rounded far too many times due to this.
  3. Utter lack of ability to take damage: <--- Not true. Your pet can take damage. It depends on the content, AAs, focus, gear, buffs, and mob debuffs. There have been widespread reports on the relative weakness of BST pets in comparison to their capabilities in SoF. I have yet to see some comparison parses, though.
  4. Rebuffing the pet, especially on raids is a chore.  Buffers refuse to buff pets in general, and unlike the mage counterparts, warders actually need those buffs to stay alive a split second longer.
  5. Pet targeting spells/abilities.  Grrrr, I honestly have no idea why a spell that could only be used on one possible target has to constantly change your target (pet heal, promised heal, pet block lines, growl, emphatic fury).  That's almost as retarded as having all self buffs/clickies and discs target yourself every time.
  6. Relocate Companion.  While it is a decent idea in concept (for mages anyways), it is very poorly implemented for beastlords.  Constantly having to damage the mob from the front in order to reposition the pet on every single trash mob that enrages (during a raid clear) is not only annoying, but causes considerable dps loss due to mob avoidance abilities.
  7. Taste of Blood.  Is this the dev's idea of a practical joke?  I don't get it.  Other than the fact that it very rarely goes off, its effects are negligable as well.  And we keep getting just as useless upgrades to it every expansion. <-- Full description of the effect, costs, intent, and actual effects required for any action.
  8. Suspend minion.  While having backup pets loaded with snare haste and other procs is a good idea, but when the second pet is a fully raid buffed pet at the end of the night, I'm forced to lose him upon camping out.  Suspend minion should alternate between the 2 pets.
  9. WT@ is this basilisk?!?  GIMME MY GATOR BACK!  Or at least give it a model that looks remotely decent / dangerous.
  10. Iksar warders.  I'm so glad I didn't start an iksar.  Is that freezing crap ever gonna get fixed?

Lastly, although I don't play a beastlord, I have a pretty strong insight into what the devs like to see in a "request" thread. Take the time to /testcopy and parse some stuff out in the Arena. Post all your variables with your results and hopefully others will follow suit. The more people to parse and post, the stronger your case for any assertions.


Joined: Sep 9, 2005
Messages: 68

Taste of blood increases the pet's dps by maybe 1 for 30 seconds after it gets a kill shot. I believe it now costs 12 aa's per rank as well. The best part is the buff counts as a detrimental spell and can be cured by RC.


Joined: Nov 19, 2005
Messages: 468

Maybe I'm getting old but it seemed like I had better control of my warder with the old commands. I am just not happy with the way pet hold is working now. I do NOT like the toggle commands.

Warder aa are very heavy cost for, from what I can tell, very little benefit.

I don't expect my pet to last more than one round on a mob and so I play with that in mind. I, too, wish for a bit more survivability but I could live with the way things are if they got a bit more inate dps.

Strange rez bug where if you make a pet before you take rez (in the same zone) suspend him, unsuspend him after the rez then you actually have two pets now so you end up logging with the fully buffed one going poof and the next day you have the pet with just the four buffs on him. (Does that make any sense? hehe)


Joined: May 20, 2004
Messages: 1221

Minimind are you goint to address all the points on the list or just pick on the easy targets? You also say you havent seen parses etc, sorry but then you havent looked in the right place. There have been parses to back-up in the communitys opinion the issue. Try the 1000 post thread for example, its in there buried deep in the drivel, and its on the beastlords forums. For the DPS, even the Mage correspondent suggested the warder parses are 200dps less than they should be. 

  1. Utter lack of damage:  <- See above
  2. Add aggro machine:    <- I have yet to see what you are descibing, if pet is on hold how exactly are you getting on rampage? warders do not get wtfpwned on trash mobs if you use rune and your tanks dont suck. If you are on rampage, you are not standing in the right place at the right time.
  3. Utter lack of ability to take damage:  (one rounding) <- Warders, rogues, zerks etc all get "one rounded" on raid mob enrage, so do mage pets, and anyone but MT that doesnt have the bugged AA. Apart from when i dont pay atttention and I dont have bulwark on warder it very very rarely gets one rounded.
  4. Rebuffing the pet, especially on raids is a chore.  <- Yes this is a PITA, and contributes to the "one rounding" effect, if the warder is not buffed then it will die more often. Like shaman, we should have in addition to the single casts, an single buff for haste/proc/rune etc.
  5. Pet targeting spells/abilities.  <- Yes I find this annoying too, it has been mentioned to devs a few times before.
  6. Relocate Companion.  <- Its a useless AA, dont buy it and dont use warder on trash, or back it off at 30.
  7. Taste of Blood.  <- Agree it is totaly useless, should be deleted.
  8. Suspend minion.  <- Swap warder. Yes this would be nice ability, has beren asked for in the past.
  9. WT@ is this basilisk?!?  GIMME MY GATOR BACK!  Or at least give it a model that looks remotely decent / dangerous.  <- Gators were too long and caused issues, some complaied, it got changed.
  10. Iksar warders.  I'm so glad I didn't start an iksar.  Is that freezing crap ever gonna get fixed? <- Nope


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Ivor_themad wrote:

For the DPS, even the Mage correspondent suggested the warder parses are 200dps less than they should be. 

When even mage correspondent agrees, you know the situation is bad.  In my mind warders should be close to outparsing mage pets on raids, considering they generally have 1-2 buffs on them the mage pets don't: Lynx and Arcane Ariette.  Even bumping our warders by 200 dps, while better than nothing, won't even close half of the gap between the pets (unless you're talkin about 200 dps unbuffed boost, which'll never happen, since that'd double our pet's dps).  You'd have to go back 2-3 expansions (years) to find a mage pet that parses so poorly.  I wonder what the zerker community would say if they'd be parsing as much as rogues did 3 years ago.  I'm sure they'd describe it as "insufficient".

minimind wrote:

With parses of both the beastlord & pet and then a mage & pet (with comparable level, AA, and gear), you can make an argument for fact. And I'm not being nitpicky here. The devs just do not respond to generalized exaggerations. All they see is, "I want more!" without some kind of data.

There's been tons of parses done in the past.  While the best serverwide beastlords (Inphared for one) say they are able to do 7k as an average burst (with glyphs and all seein his AA count), most real dps classes (mages included) would shutter at the thought of doin so poorly.  Heck, necros can sustain 7k for 10 mins on depending on the encounter.  Rangers are bursting for over 10k, and so can monks. Rogues (and I assume zerkers?) can easily surpass 10k, nearly doubling our burst.  As for sustained damage, since we have no way to burn our manabar (Summer's Mist style), unless the fight is around 10 minutes or so, you will not see the beastlord's "true potential".  Since this is a pet thread though and not a beastlord + warder thread, i'm not even gonna bother goin into the huge difference in resistances between ranger and beastlord dots for instance.  Just wanted to point out that we're pretty much bottom of the dps barrel when it comes to dps.

There are a few problems with arena parses.  Firstly, they're offensive parses only.  Sencond, procs don't land on dummies.  Third, pets get auto-backed off after 10 mins of attacking.  And of course, I don't have a mage I can use as a control, nor do I have the desire to level one up and max all his pet AAs for this purpose.  I see the parses in the only place they count, in actual in game scenarios, and have posted them more than once.


Ivor_themad wrote:

Add aggro machine:    <- I have yet to see what you are descibing, if pet is on hold how exactly are you getting on rampage? warders do not get wtfpwned on trash mobs if you use rune and your tanks dont suck. If you are on rampage, you are not standing in the right place at the right time.

This happens when the pet is still engaged when pulls are inc, ie chain pulling, and it essentially mimics the effects of the infamous "last in zone" bug, except on the warder.  While you can expect tanks to pick off 2-3 targets but when we have 6+ mobs on inc it can get a bit rough on them.  And runes don't mean much when those 6+ mobs inc pick the warder as their first target.

It also happens on encounters where mobs pop out of the blue part way through (while pet's still engaged with another mob).  Three brothers in FC was a prime example of this, but more current content near equivalent would be the ikaav adds, or the goat that spawns as AMV dies (which I pretty often end up rampage tanking)  from Overlord Muram event in Discord Tower.  Or say, the Sacrifice event in the Tower, when all the adds spawn, the ukun that spawns pretty much farthest away from the raid decides to summon me as soon as he pops, which has happened to me more than once.

Being on rampage has nothing to do with where I stand, it has all to do with the mob noticing pet activity before any pc activity (seen mages get smacked down due to this as well, so it's not a beaslord specific issue).

To sum it up, soft aggro = pet aggro if pet is engaged at the time.

Ivor_themad wrote:

Utter lack of ability to take damage:  (one rounding) <- Warders, rogues, zerks etc all get "one rounded" on raid mob enrage, so do mage pets, and anyone but MT that doesnt have the bugged AA. Apart from when i dont pay atttention and I dont have bulwark on warder it very very rarely gets one rounded.

This has nothing to do with enrage, as my pet has monk aura 95% of the time.  It has to do with the warder's lack of ability to take damage.  Whether it be AE rampage or one or more of the adds pickin off the pet.  There have been parses for this, and iirc the conclusion was that SoF mage fire pets outtank our warders.  I have said this before, but back when we were raiding mansion, I would purposefully watch mage pets on some of the encounters for which I left my warder suspended (Sixton for one, and the sceptres from the same event).  It's not even that they didn't even get damaged by the nasty AE rampages, but not even their prism skin was knocked off most of the time.

Ivor_themad wrote:

Relocate Companion.  <- Its a useless AA, dont buy it and dont use warder on trash, or back it off at 30.

While that's a workaround, it's not really a legit solution to the issue.  I mean, I could just back my pet off, and stop using swarm pets on AMV when I estimate the goat is about to spawn, or back the pet when I see a big pull inc to the raid, but I shouldn't have to.

minimind wrote:

Taste of Blood.  Is this the dev's idea of a practical joke?  I don't get it.  Other than the fact that it very rarely goes off, its effects are negligable as well.  And we keep getting just as useless upgrades to it every expansion. <-- Full description of the effect, costs, intent, and actual effects required for any action.

Taste of Blood gives your pet a chance to enter a blood frenzy when it gets credit for a successful kill. Blood frenzy increases your pet's damage and chance to frenzy upon a successful triple attack.

Slot 1:      75% Chance to proc Spell Blood Frenzy on a killshot on a "significant NPC"

Blood Frenzy at rank 4 does (8 ticks):

Slot 1:      Flurry Chance (60)
Slot 2:     Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 48%

Actual observable effect?  Negligible.  Frequency of occurance?  Maybe 1 in 10-15 when I'm soloing (goin by dps ratios between me and warder), all the way up to I would say 1 in 300'ish while raiding (ie once a night, if you're lucky).

While I have no idea what devs actually intended with this spell, it's mechanics are similar to that of Killing Spree, with the exception that killing spree is actually useful.

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Joined: Aug 14, 2004
Messages: 3938

Ivor_themad wrote:

Minimind are you goint to address all the points on the list or just pick on the easy targets? You also say you havent seen parses etc, sorry but then you havent looked in the right place. There have been parses to back-up in the communitys opinion the issue. Try the 1000 post thread for example, its in there buried deep in the drivel, and its on the beastlords forums. For the DPS, even the Mage correspondent suggested the warder parses are 200dps less than they should be.

Why address the points that don't need addressing? I just may agree with them. I may have no idea what the person is talking about. I prefer only talking about what I know. My assertion from the beginning was that it's best to show data with complaints and to leave out hyperbole. I was staying on topic.

Parses hidden in drivel do no good. Re-post them. If you're asking for a change, make the change as easy as possible for the person who actually has to do the behind-the-scenes work (as it is often *much* more than players understand).

Message edited by minimind on 05/29/2009 08:16:11.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

As for some of the parses:

Raid dps (My random raid parse)

Pet raid damage comparison (My parses on burn and sustained situation)

Warder tanking (my chart and Vidyne's pet tanking comparison)

While warder defense got bumped slightly a while ago (hardly noticable), the general picture is pretty much the same.



Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

minimind wrote:

... I may have no idea what the person is talking about. I prefer only talking about what I know. My assertion from the beginning was that it's best to show data with complaints and to leave out hyperbole. I was staying on topic.

Parses hidden in drivel do no good. Re-post them. If you're asking for a change, make the change as easy as possible for the person who actually has to do the behind-the-scenes work (as it is often *much* more than players understand).

Fair enough, and definately respect for tryin to stick to parts you think you know.  I posted my some parse links, while you replied, and they are kinda burried in threads, so will bring them up front.  It does feel kinda wrong quoting myself though.  Remember, these parses are slightly dated, iirc they're from crystallos / mansion era using weapons from there.  I can probably post more recent ones if I feel like wasting some time reformatting gamparse output to fit the limited buffer available for html code, we'll see.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Random raid parse

Lillpiggy wrote:

Damage by Total % of Tot Time DPS Scaled Hits Max hit Avg hit
Total 19385334 100% 160 121158 121158 14816 68226 1308
Nec1 + pets 1892891 9.76% 153 12372 11831 595 37515 3181
Nec2 + pets 1709416 8.82% 147 11629 10684 391 39365 4371
Nec3 + pets 1642528 8.47% 155 10597 10266 635 37521 2586
Nec4 + pets 1380362 7.12% 149 9264 8627 529 21394 2609
Wiz1 1292171 6.67% 144 8973 8076 30 68226 43072
Rng1 + pets 1123739 5.8% 155 7250 7023 771 20053 1457
Rog1 1119776 5.78% 157 7132 6999 745 20468 1503
Rog2 1085250 5.6% 158 6869 6783 749 20498 1448
Mag1 + pets 937083 4.83% 150 6247 5857 1170 28660 800
Bst1 + pets 894583 4.61% 153 5847 5591 1920 12941 465
Wiz2 + pets 872645 4.5% 144 6060 5454 57 61730 15309
Mnk1 851850 4.39% 155 5496 5324 1199 13246 710
Ber1 828982 4.28% 152 5454 5181 324 16037 2558
Mnk2 802825 4.14% 148 5424 5018 949 18442 845
Mag2 + pets 513291 2.65% 154 3333 3208 795 17462 645
Mnk3 437378 2.26% 149 2935 2734 810 7798 539
Mag3 + pets 412573 2.13% 153 2697 2579 577 21894 715
War1 377798 1.95% 157 2406 2361 553 3213 683
Shd1 + pets 334447 1.73% 154 2172 2090 386 28476 866
War2 311008 1.6% 151 2060 1944 614 6122 506
War3 222303 1.15% 156 1425 1389 506 1368 439
War4 183182 0.94% 158 1159 1145 270 3434 678



Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Lillpiggy wrote:

4 minute boss parse
Damage by Total % of Tot Time DPS Avg hit
Total 21109256 100% 225 93819 1227
Necro1 2058945 9.75% 201 10244 6886
Necro2 1825763 8.65% 219 8337 5966
Necro3 1740317 8.24% 219 7947 7343
Rogue1 1434528 6.8% 206 6964 1376
Rogue2 1345286 6.37% 207 6499 1202
Ranger1 1186414 5.62% 200 5932 1275
Ranger2 1150236 5.45% 213 5400 1222
Zerker1 938535 4.45% 205 4578 1607
Monk1 936538 4.44% 176 5321 739
Rogue3 870741 4.12% 177 4919 1122
Zerker2 840001 3.98% 202 4158 1541
Bst1 (me) 822083 3.89% 216 3806 760
Necro4 801016 3.79% 176 4551 3482
Wiz1 696665 3.3% 184 3786 10885
Wiz2 680629 3.22% 166 4100 17015
Mage1 583340 2.76% 138 4227 4985
Warr1 509732 2.41% 198 2574 571
Bard1 473985 2.25% 166 2855 679
Warr2 336529 1.59% 183 1839 692
Mage1 pet 297244 1.41% 167 1780 796
Mage1 swarm pets 236102 1.12% 153 1543 230
Monk2 213059 1.01% 137 1555 428
Mage2 173181 0.82% 121 1431 7215
Mage2 swarm pets 149673 0.71% 124 1207 800
Bst1 (me) warder 137882 0.65% 218 632 199
Mage1's 2nd summoned pet 127857 0.61% 135 947 456
Necro1 pet 86017 0.41% 205 420 240
Necro3 pet 68901 0.33% 158 436 240
Necro2 pet 47144 0.22% 133 354 216
Bst1 (me) swarm pets 45172 0.21% 202 224 108
Necro2 2nd summoned pet 24262 0.11% 203 120 192
Necro3 swarm pets 23005 0.11% 208 111 107
Necro2 swarm pets 18233 0.09% 60 304 123
 Produced by GamParse v1.0.1



Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

This was Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder parse.

Lillpiggy wrote:

This is a short disc fight, and the one that I actually ended up tanking for most of it.

23 second burn boss
Damage by Total % of Tot Time DPS Avg hit
Total 3449917 100% 23 149996 1538
Wiz1 364430 10.56% 16 22777 36443
Rogue1 218906 6.35% 23 9518 1954
Monk1 202982 5.88% 22 9226 882
Ranger1 190911 5.53% 21 9091 1660
Rogue2 177559 5.15% 21 8455 1614
Wiz2 174185 5.05% 19 9168 10886
Ranger2 173087 5.02% 22 7868 1748
Rogue3 164059 4.76% 20 8203 1930
Zerker1 151788 4.4% 18 8433 2710
Necro1 132288 3.83% 15 8819 13228
Bst1 (me) 115022 3.33% 22 5228 1017
Zerker2 111901 3.24% 22 5086 1963
Monk2 111233 3.22% 18 6180 1146
Necro2 108351 3.14% 13 8335 9850
Necro3 106720 3.09% 13 8209 11857
Necro4 106498 3.09% 13 8192 11833
Mage1 102855 2.98% 11 9350 3214
Warr1 75841 2.2% 22 3447 924
Mage1 pet 43899 1.27% 19 2310 828
Mage2 25177 0.73% 8 3147 8392
Mage2 swarm pets 23563 0.68% 8 2945 981
Bst1 (me) warder 20188 0.59% 21 961 296
Mage3 pet 15265 0.44% 17 898 508
Mage2 pet 14127 0.41% 15 942 441
Bst1 (me) swarm pets 12880 0.37% 21 613 149
Mage3 12610 0.37% 6 2102 3152
Necro2 pet 11047 0.32% 23 480 256
Necro swarm pets 9328 0.27% 9 1036 291
Necro1 pet 9087 0.26% 21 433 252
Necro1 swarm pets 8827 0.26% 8 1103 401
Mage1 swarm pets 6556 0.19% 17 386 78
Mage3 swarm pets 5904 0.17% 1 5904 1180
Necro4 swarm pets 3040 0.09% 7 434 253
Produced by GamParse v1.0.1


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Warder vs FoS Trash mob.

Lillpiggy wrote:

I thought we established that nameds in SoD were nothing more than harder hitting trash (ie: lack of scripts).  So named in FoS is roughly equivalent to trash in rathe theme, and rathe nameds are similar to kuaa trash.  Do you happen to have any parses for the warder tanking mobs by chance?  I would love to see them, as my warder would need a dedicated healer to keep him alive on even FoS trash mobs.  Without a real healer, they're little more than speedbumps for most of SoD content (other than the weak animals maybe).

As you can see below, there are a few places where the pet was taking 2k+ dps for over a 10-15 seconds, which is well beyond the beastlord's ability to heal, even with spamming (nevermind the ideal just toss a promised renewal on him every now and then).  Pet had gallantry rk. II, pet haste+ac buff as well as the stun proc, which actually landed on the mob and considerably reduced the damage taken (ie all the larger gaps between the blue lines).




Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Vidyne wrote:

It's difficult to parse stun because there are no high HP mobs that are not stun/magic immune.  So most mobs will die within 15min or less of the pet beating on them(less with mage).

If I can find one, it would be preferable to trying to do it against a FoS trash mob.


Here is what I've posted before, but my mage is only 81, and does not have SoD earth pet.

To get avoidance, you merely add hits/misses/parries/blocks/dodges/ripostes/magic,  thats your total.  Then you add all but hits.  Now divide all but hits by total.  RNG can make a parse vary though.


79 SS earth pet with comp agility 3, burnout VIII, iceflame tenement

898,785damage in 50:01
1226 max
454.39 avg
260 min/310 min punch
1978 hits
1194 misses
624 blocks
292 dodges
448 magic
328 parries
308 ripostes

77 SS water pet with comp agility 3, burnout VIII, iceflame tenement

959,501damage in 50:02
1277 max
496.12 avg
260/310 min punch
1934 hits
1189 misses
633 blocks
233 dodges
517 magic
281 parries
311 ripostes

78 SS fire pet with comp agility 3, burnout VIII, iceflame tenement

1,024,275dmg in 50:01
341.31 dps
1277 max
500.38 avg
260/310 min punch
2047 hits
1173 misses
603 blocks
259 dodges
392 magic
305 parries
297 ripostes

76 SS air pet with comp agility 3, burnout VIII, iceflame tenement

935,142damage in 50:01
1277 max
481.04 avg
260/310 min punch
1944 hits
1155 misses
637 blocks
284 dodges
515 magic
289 parries
312 ripostes

83 SS Hoshkar with comp agility 3, sturdy companion 3, flurry 20, crit 23, vaxztn rk 2, unrivaled rapidity rk 2, pet armor

1,231,445damage in 50:05
1277 max
260/310 min punch
2573 hits
1358 misses
362 blocks
285 dodges
280 magic
270 ripostes

81 Enc pet, speed of erradien rk 2, pet armor, dead in 14minutes.

465,677damage in 13:55
1277 max
713.13 avg
260/310 min punch
653 hits
292 misses
189 blocks
68 dodges
97 parries
90 ripostes



Joined: Sep 12, 2004
Messages: 56

I play an iksar beastlord and I have been bugging the Warder Freezing issue for many many years now.  If it can't be fixed I would just prefer a new pet, I don't care if it's a fluffy bunny at this point as long as it doesn't freeze.


Joined: Jul 5, 2006
Messages: 461
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Hey guys, been a while since i even looked at EQ (took a several month break after the frustration of SoD, plus a few other things)

There's /testcopy, which you can use to crunch the numbers by having your character dropped on the test server, and going to the Arena and summoning a parse bot (at least, i think you still can?) and just spend days having the warder's offensive capabilities parsed.

I built a few Parses in beta, and posted my conclusions afterward, but they were like spitting into the breeze.

I now only play EQ for fun, if i want to do something, i'll do it, otherwise i'll log off and do something else.  No more 2nd job for me~

Nodyin being gone, and Prathun still being there, we're kinda up a creek as for getting anything fixed so... just have fun with the game, and do what you can. (i know, it's a bash on the current dev team, but history has proven that beastlords are an afterthought at best)

Pets are alright, mine is able to OT valdeholm with just promised rejuvination with minimal defensive AAs and no fortify (EM1 though from solteris gloves)  DPS is kinda sad, but my 83 EM 1 warder with most SoF pet AAs done (maybe more) was able to out DPS a 71 'Zerker w/400~AA & 1.5 epic over the course of a night in valdeholm, so it's not abysmal, just lower than what it should be for the focuses we have for it.


Joined: Mar 10, 2004
Messages: 282

plexuss99 wrote:

I play an iksar beastlord and I have been bugging the Warder Freezing issue for many many years now.  If it can't be fixed I would just prefer a new pet, I don't care if it's a fluffy bunny at this point as long as it doesn't freeze.

The Iksar pet will never be fixed because it is actually a fix for a bug the devs introduced whilst fixing another bug.


In other words the devs want the iksar pet to freeze on procs so it is very doubtful they will give us a new pet either... not that I want one, I made my iksar beastlord when I saw one in fungus grove and her pet was as big as a house. It looked impressive, now it just looks like a sad little rat with epilepsy.

As for parses, don't bother they are discounted at every oportunity by the devs. If you want class improvements make a mage.

I agree with Tabar the beastlord is fun for me again now that I don't raid.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

After spending some time parsing today, here are up to date (ie after supposed warder damage taking ability fix patch) results.

The parses were taken in Korafax on even con ferans, 2-4 mobs for each case (depending on how fast they died).  The pet needed my cleric bot and 2 clr mercs to keep him alive (and it was still pretty close many times, although he never hit enrage).

Pet was buffed with gallantry rk. II, and pet haste/ac buff (ghetto focus and SV too, but they're irrelevant for this parse).  No stunning procs as it would skew the defensive parse (since I'm not really concerned about pet's ability to tank, but surviving possible adds and such).  All my pet AAs are max'd and I'm using EM8 focus.  Warder had no mage toys or armor.

My relevant buffs were: Gallantry Rk. II, Prismatic Ward and Spikecoat.  All my defensive and otherwise survival AAs, as well as mod2s, are max'd, and had 4642 AC at the time of parse.

As an afterthought, I decided to add some strike through calculations to my parses, so see how much effect they have in general.

Tanking summary for: Warder - vs - A bloodthirsty feran (unslowed) --- Total damage: 5667138 in 2739s @ 2097 dps --- Avg hit: 1639 --- Max hit: 4487 --- Swings: 4819 --- Defended: 745 (15.5%) --- Hit: 3457 (71.7%) --- Missed: 617 (12.8%) --- Accuracy: 84.9% --- Dodged: 244 (5.7%) --- Parried: 0 (0%) --- Blocked: 276 (5.7%) --- Riposted: 225 (5%) --- Absorbed: 0 (0%)

Tanking summary for: Me - vs - A bloodthirsty feran (unslowed) --- Total damage: 2959925 in 1903s @ 1579 dps --- Avg hit: 2264 --- Max hit: 4487 --- Swings: 3455 --- Defended: 1447 (41.9%) --- Hit: 1307 (37.8%) --- Missed: 701 (20.3%) --- Accuracy: 65.1% --- Dodged: 346 (14.7%) --- Parried: 0 (0%) --- Blocked: 808 (23.4%) --- Riposted: 293 (11.1%) --- Absorbed: 0 (0%) --- Strike throughs: 243 (18.1% of the blocks/ripostes) --- NPC damage attributed to Strike through: 358148 @ 188 dps (11.9% of NPC's dps)

Tanking summary for:  Me - vs - A bloodthirsty feran (slowed) --- Total damage: 3098407 in 2345s @ 1330 dps --- Avg hit: 2271 --- Max hit: 4487 --- Swings: 3567 --- Defended: 1519 (42.6%) --- Hit: 1364 (38.2%) --- Missed: 684 (19.2%) --- Accuracy: 66.6% --- Dodged: 366 (15.2%) --- Parried: 0 (0%) --- Blocked: 820 (23%) --- Riposted: 333 (12.1%) --- Absorbed: 0 (0%) --- Strike throughs: 279 (19.5% of the blocks/ripostes) --- NPC damage attributed to Strike through: 421983 @ 180 dps (13.5% of NPC's dps)

Effectiveness of partial slow: ~15.8%

After looking at the hits graph, some interesting trends came to my attention.

For one, since most of the hit numbers match between me and the warder, it appears warder has max shielding in effect.  It can be seen from parse result, but much more obvious from the graph that the warder mitigates much much better than me, ie the mitigation AAs and/or AC softcap return have much more benefit for him than me.  Or maybe this is the result of a brute force pet damage taking ability boost (aka patch).  The huge problem appears to be on his skillcaps (defense, dodge and block).  85% accuracy vs miss seems ridiculously high, as does the 71.1% hit ratio after all his defensive abilities are considered.

Now, considering raid targets.  Even if we don't boost their accuracy based on their levels and the fact that they're raid targets, when lookin at the 10k hitter adds, and essentially doubling the damage output from above parse (assuming only one add).  At 4k dps with 80%+ accuracy, we're lookin at a dead warder in short order.

As for the strike through calculations, which essentially equate to 10%+ NPC dps boost against beastlord tanks, it really makes me wonder.  Since we're effected by this the most of all melees, due to our reliance on blocks and such and lack of mitigation... But that's a topic for another discussion some other time.


Joined: Sep 20, 2004
Messages: 1026

It also looks like still nothing has been done to add parry ability for our warder (the other pets all parry) and if I remember right block skill of the other pets are ~8%.


Joined: Apr 4, 2004
Messages: 292

Updated SoF fire pet vs SoD warder parse for ya.

June 08, 2009, Test Server, Test Eighty-Eight

Spirit of Hoshkar, EM1 focus, max pet AA.  buffs used:  Vaxztn rk 2, Unrivaled Rapidity rk 2, pet armor given.

698,211dmg in 30:01
1248 max
466.72 avg
263/317 min(bash/punch)
1496 hits
882 misses
247 blocks
167 dodges
177 prism skin
0 parries
139 ripostes


Core of Fire, EM1 focus, comp durability 3, ele durability 3, pet flurry 13, pet crit 13, ele agility and comp agility 3,  Burnout VIII, Iceflame Tenement.

574,955dmg in 30:01
1358 max
512.89 avg
263/317 min(bash/punch)
1121 hits
811 misses
373 blocks
180 dodges
299 prism skin
171 parries
176 ripostes


Joined: May 20, 2004
Messages: 1221

Do you have any other of the focii except EM1 to test against? Seems a big difference on fire defensive to warder defensive still.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Vidyne wrote:

Updated SoF fire pet vs SoD warder parse for ya.

June 08, 2009, Test Server, Test Eighty-Eight

Spirit of Hoshkar, EM1 focus, max pet AA.  buffs used:  Vaxztn rk 2, Unrivaled Rapidity rk 2, pet armor given.

698,211dmg in 30:01
1248 max
466.72 avg
263/317 min(bash/punch)
1496 hits (53.8% accuracy vs miss + defense, including absorbed hits)
882 misses  (71.6% accuracy vs miss)
247 blocks
167 dodges
177 prism skin
0 parries
139 ripostes

3108 total attempts


Core of Fire, EM1 focus, comp durability 3, ele durability 3, pet flurry 13, pet crit 13, ele agility and comp agility 3,  Burnout VIII, Iceflame Tenement.

574,955dmg in 30:01
1358 max
512.89 avg
263/317 min(bash/punch)
1121 hits (45.4% accuracy vs miss + defense, including absorbed hits)
811 misses (74.1% accuracy vs miss)
373 blocks
180 dodges
299 prism skin
171 parries
176 ripostes

3131 total hits

I would be pretty interested in seein the hit graph, mostly to check if mage pet mitigation is as artificially skewed as the warder seems to be.  Ie: if the warder parses I got were the result of generic pet mitigation or a warder survivability hotfix.

As long as both pets had EM1, the results should be more or less valid (at least as a base comparison, not necessarily figures you'd expect to see in real situations).


Joined: Apr 4, 2004
Messages: 292

540 x 317
22 x 372
30 x 426
33 x 481
34 x 536
42 x 591
43 x 646
38 x 700
42 x 755
35 x 810
41 x 865
32 x 920
24 x 974
26 x 1029
18 x 1084
20 x 1139
8 x 1194
6 x 1248
10 x 1303
3 x 1358

This was yalp's graph of the fire pet, which doesn't have a paste function, though i could have screenshot it.


Joined: Aug 8, 2006
Messages: 62

Thx, so it definately seems like that curve is how pets mitigate damage with the AAs, and is not warder specific.  Good info.

That parse shows that even SoF fire pets have much superior defensive skills ( (71.6% - 53.8%) / 71.6% = 24.9% of hits defended for the warder, while (74.1% - 45.4%) / 74.1% = 38.7% of hits defended for the fire pet).  And on top of that, they also proc'd almost 2x the prism skins to absorb the hits that did get through.  Sad state of affairs.


Joined: Mar 14, 2005
Messages: 1330

I don't have a Beastlord, but this is an issue that every pet class can get behind.  It seems that the AA Companion's Durability, doesn't give the actual HP bonus it's supposed to. It only gives the CAPACITY for increased HP, without giving the actual HP.

In other words, with Companion's Durability fully maxed (which my Enchanter has), all my pets are being summoned at 91% health.  Presumably, this is because with maxed Companion's Durability, my pet is being summoned with the POTENTIAL for 111% of his normal HP (and the Devs probably effect their purpose by causing our pets to be summoned with some sort of gear on), but is only being SUMMONED at 100% health.

This might not be a problem for your Warder, since he'll be at full health in a few seconds.  But what about those summoned pets that require a target and are engaged the instant they're created, such as your "Raging Servant" type pet (which I don't know the name of), or my Doppelgangers or Phantasmal Opponent?  Mine are being summoned now at 91% health, and since they're in combat the instant they're summoned, they don't have time to recover the discrepency.

RIPOFF!  RIPOFF!  I want the pet summoned at full health.  I bought the AAs, and I want them to do what the description says they'll do.


Joined: Apr 4, 2004
Messages: 292

prism skin didn't proc twice as often far as I know.  Magician prism skin is twice as effective as beastlord prism skin


Block melee or spells (1)

Block melee or spells (2)


2 is mage, 1 is bst

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