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Joined: Mar 26, 2007
Messages: 25

 Whats the devs lastest stand on cleric class? anyoneknow???? 



Joined: Jan 21, 2006
Messages: 1095

I dont think anyone knows at this point. I havent heard anything in a long time. Maybie FF will bring something.



Joined: Sep 25, 2004
Messages: 614

The last official, public, statement was something like "We feel clerics are fine as they are and no plans to change anything at the moment". That isn't a direct quote and I can't remember which dev said it. I'll see if I can find it.


Joined: Sep 25, 2004
Messages: 614

Ok, found the quote.  I'm still not sure who said this as the poster only quoted his name as "David", which I would assume is David Ford(Nodyin).  Here goes:

The gap between Cleric healing and the other Priests needed to diminish for the health of the game. This wasn't directly tied to Mercenaries, and it was something we had been discussing for several months before Mercenaries were in a state where they could be compared to a player at all. We were very careful to leave Clerics with a fair margin in healing power, but we needed to bring the other healers into range where they were functional. We feel Clerics have a sizable advantage in healing over Mercenaries and are an excellent choice for a group healer, as always. We will continue to keep an eye on the feedback we get, but I'm not aware of any plans right now to add any additional tools to the Cleric class, but I like to keep my options open if a need presents itself.


Joined: Jul 16, 2004
Messages: 1737

We feel Clerics have a sizable advantage in healing over Mercenaries and are an excellent choice for a group healer, as always.

couple problems with that

1.  the mercs are GOOD ENOUGH--IE all that is needed.  who needs a car that does 100 when the speed limit is 65

2. the mercs are known--IE you know them---good clerics get passed over because people dont trust them

3.  the mercs 10715 point heal means clerics actually dont have a higher set heal

4.  the mercs started out with an 82 rk 2 buff--ie gallantry when the clerics only had rk 1


they missed their mark and now WONT admit it


Joined: Sep 23, 2007
Messages: 289

Hopefully they lose enough accounts from it. Sure they gained alot since EQ is now easy mode. Can play any class and not even have to talk to another person now. The soloers are happier than ever.

We can hope they put some dev time into more robots with next expansion. Mage merc 4tw!


Joined: Mar 26, 2007
Messages: 25

sadly that was the last thing i read as well.  Any of the class reps able to get  some insight for us ?


Joined: Sep 21, 2006
Messages: 28

Brum said:

"4.  the mercs started out with an 82 rk 2 buff--ie gallantry when the clerics only had rk 1"

They started out with all rk IIs.  The Hand of Gall rk II was the biggest thorn in my side- took me a long time and finally was a gift from friends who felt sorry for me.  Last I checked it was going for 200k in the bazaar.

Rk II as a standard on the mercs should not have been done. 

I'd also like to see their mana pool and MR rate, because it seems overpowered. The J5 merc can really crank out the Light!



Joined: Mar 26, 2007
Messages: 25

ill take that as a no

EQ Community Leader

Joined: Mar 29, 2004
Messages: 2350

Has it come up?  Yes.  Can I talk about anything that's been said?  No.


Joined: Mar 26, 2007
Messages: 25

Thx for the update.  Its good to know that much

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