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Dark Elfness

Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Messages: 2549

Welcome to the EverQuest II forums, and thank you for being part of our community!  One of the greatest things about any MMO is the people you meet.  These forums will allow you and your in-game friends and guildmates to keep in touch when you can’t be in-game.  To make sure that our forum home is as welcoming and fun as possible, we’ve compiled some helpful posting guidelines.


Important Things to Note

In order to post on the forums and send private messages you’ll need an active game subscription.  Also, please remember that the SOE Terms of Service do apply.


Help us to help you!

There are always threads that talk about important game issues.  In these cases it’s always the hope that the development team will take notice and agree with your suggestions.  Posting constructively increases the chances that your comments will be noticed.

For example:  “This sucks!  Fix it!” is less helpful than:  “This particular mechanic doesn’t appear to be working properly for these reasons…,” etc. 

Offering acceptable solutions to problems gives us somewhere to start.  Please note that constructive does not mean positive.  Negative feedback can be just as valuable as positive!



In addition to being a really neat song, it’s something that helps to make our forums a nice place to hang out.  It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and get heated.  A little snark is perfectly fine, but remember that everyone likes to feel like they’re respected.  So instead of posting:  “Zomg n00b L2P,” try something more like: “Try doing it like this instead and see if you get better results.”


Keep It Clean!

We like to have fun and joke around, but we need to make sure that it stays within the PG-13 rating on the forums.  If you can’t say it to a little old lady who bakes cookies and knits doilies, it’s probably not a good idea to post it on the forums. 


Keep It Legal

Obeying the law is important.  It is vital that we make sure that we behave and don’t do anything to gain the interest of the long arm of the law.  Saying that Brenlo eats babies would be somewhere we don’t want to go.  Oh, and drugs are bad, mmkay?  Just say, no!


The Community Folks and Mods Are Your Friends!

We’re all here to play and have fun.  From time to time, we may have to enforce the rules, but that’s all it is.  We’re not out to get you, censor you, or keep you from sharing your opinions with us.  We’re here to keep the forums a friendly place where everyone feels comfortable posting.  Anytime you have questions, concerns, or even just want to chat, feel free to send us a message. 

Don’t understand why something you posted was moderated?  Please send a private message and ask!  We’ll be happy to explain.

Been getting moderated and don’t agree?  Drop us a line and we’ll be more than happy to work with you to get you posting in ways that we won’t have to mod.



Signatures are fun!  They’re a great way to add your own personal touch to things and make the forums homier.  The only thing we ask is that you keep them just as respectful as your posting.  Remember, if you can’t show it to the little old lady with white hair who makes the awesome cookies, it might not be something you want to post.


Don’t Feed the Trolls!

Every forum has ‘em;  people who just want to stir up trouble and get everyone as riled as possible just for their own amusement. 

Trolls aren’t always trouble makers.  Sometimes they just want to play.  Playing is awesome and we encourage it… To a point.

Please remember that if what you want to say is going to derail a thread (or possibly get you moderated) then it may be a good idea to either start a new thread, send a private message, or not hit the submit button.


When in Doubt, Ask

If you want to post something and aren’t sure if it’s appropriate, ask the Community Manager or a moderator.  It’s why we’re here!  Even if you just have a question you want answered without a big, long forum thread, ask us.  We’re here to help.


It’s Not All Covered Here

There’s bound to be a situation, somewhere, somehow, that isn’t directly covered in these guidelines.  This is where it lives.  All kinds of things pop up that we can’t anticipate but still will need to be moderated if it negatively impacts the community.

You can disagree with others, but keep it civil.  Your feedback might be negative, but keep it constructive. Just because there’s not a defined “rule” here doesn’t mean that something won’t be moderated if it makes the forums uncomfortable for others, and we will let you know why. 


Have Fun!

Most important!  We all play an awesome game together and the forums are an extension of that fun, not to mention a resource for information when you can’t be in-game.  So, make sure to have fun within the bounds set by these guidelines. Welcome to the EverQuest II forums!


Message edited by Kiara on 05/19/2009 12:27:00.

EverQuest II » Top » General EverQuest II Discussion » Frequently Asked Questions
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