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Possible to add some versatility to existing ammenity?
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Joined: Nov 22, 2005
Messages: 46

I would like to see something implemented for the guild Harvest Box.

1.  A way for guild leaders to check and see who puts something "INTO" the harvest box. (Individual contributions other than sendng guild harvesters out)

2. A way to see who "SENDS OUT" the guild harvesters, and what tier they sent them out for.

3. A way to get a report of guild member's usage of items in the harvest box.

4. A way to restrict or ban specific users from using the items in the harvest box.

5. Mabey a way to set a threshold of usage vs contribution to the harvest box, if you contribute nothing u can use nothing etc....


I can't speak for any other guilds, but there are some members that put 10 crafters in a guild and do nothing but craft using guild resources, but do nothing (no writs or anything) that benefit the guild.  I do not mind helping people craft up their skills, but 90% of the ones I see in our guild don't even send out the guild harvesters, let alone even go out and harvest anything to put back into the harvest box,  any more.  Crafters have gotten a bit lazy, even to the point they can't send out the harvesters every two hours. For awhile we were buying harvestables off the broker and putting them in the guild harvest box to keep up with the demand, but for all these tiers, that gets expensive, not to mention those that tinker all the way to 400.

We have bank logs, so it shouldn't be a far stretch to create some versatility with the harvest box as well. 

Just a thought SMILEY

Server: Runnyeye
Guild: Order of the Guiding Light
Rank: Acolyte - 5,000+ & Alt Rank


Joined: Feb 24, 2006
Messages: 556

Totally agree - I have just come back to EQ and found my guild with a lovely T3 Guild house, and the stockpile of raws. I am a compulsive harvester and dumped all my raws inclusing eg >1000 carbonite - back several days later to level my weaponsmith and no carbonite - kept my eye on it for the next few days and no more in either. I have never found the harvesters out - I send them out every time I pass now.

EQII Programmer

Joined: Nov 28, 2006
Messages: 638
Location: San Diego

niteowl53 wrote:

I would like to see something implemented for the guild Harvest Box.

1.  A way for guild leaders to check and see who puts something "INTO" the harvest box. (Individual contributions other than sendng guild harvesters out)

2. A way to see who "SENDS OUT" the guild harvesters, and what tier they sent them out for.

3. A way to get a report of guild member's usage of items in the harvest box.

4. A way to restrict or ban specific users from using the items in the harvest box.

5. Mabey a way to set a threshold of usage vs contribution to the harvest box, if you contribute nothing u can use nothing etc....


I can't speak for any other guilds, but there are some members that put 10 crafters in a guild and do nothing but craft using guild resources, but do nothing (no writs or anything) that benefit the guild.  I do not mind helping people craft up their skills, but 90% of the ones I see in our guild don't even send out the guild harvesters, let alone even go out and harvest anything to put back into the harvest box,  any more.  Crafters have gotten a bit lazy, even to the point they can't send out the harvesters every two hours. For awhile we were buying harvestables off the broker and putting them in the guild harvest box to keep up with the demand, but for all these tiers, that gets expensive, not to mention those that tinker all the way to 400.

We have bank logs, so it shouldn't be a far stretch to create some versatility with the harvest box as well. 

Just a thought

This has been discussed several times since guild halls were added.  Unfortunately bank logs are also a major source of disk usage and loading times for servers.  We're cautious about adding on more that might degrade performance.  We have already made a few fixes to the supply depot to deter taking advantage, such as requiring trustee access to take components out. 

I would love to revamp housing permissions in the future to allow more finite control over who can use certain features, but its not something we are currently working on.



Joined: Nov 13, 2004
Messages: 3500

Rothgar wrote:

niteowl53 wrote:

I would like to see something implemented for the guild Harvest Box.

1.  A way for guild leaders to check and see who puts something "INTO" the harvest box. (Individual contributions other than sendng guild harvesters out)

2. A way to see who "SENDS OUT" the guild harvesters, and what tier they sent them out for.

3. A way to get a report of guild member's usage of items in the harvest box.

4. A way to restrict or ban specific users from using the items in the harvest box.

5. Mabey a way to set a threshold of usage vs contribution to the harvest box, if you contribute nothing u can use nothing etc....


I can't speak for any other guilds, but there are some members that put 10 crafters in a guild and do nothing but craft using guild resources, but do nothing (no writs or anything) that benefit the guild.  I do not mind helping people craft up their skills, but 90% of the ones I see in our guild don't even send out the guild harvesters, let alone even go out and harvest anything to put back into the harvest box,  any more.  Crafters have gotten a bit lazy, even to the point they can't send out the harvesters every two hours. For awhile we were buying harvestables off the broker and putting them in the guild harvest box to keep up with the demand, but for all these tiers, that gets expensive, not to mention those that tinker all the way to 400.

We have bank logs, so it shouldn't be a far stretch to create some versatility with the harvest box as well. 

Just a thought

This has been discussed several times since guild halls were added.  Unfortunately bank logs are also a major source of disk usage and loading times for servers.  We're cautious about adding on more that might degrade performance.  We have already made a few fixes to the supply depot to deter taking advantage, such as requiring trustee access to take components out. 

I would love to revamp housing permissions in the future to allow more finite control over who can use certain features, but its not something we are currently working on.



What about something in the middle?  keep the logs for a short time, then shoot a summary in email to anyone at guild leader level and purge the log?

It would increase storage requirements, but not as much as long term logging... something similar could be done with bank logs if needed.

Server: Kithicor
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Nov 12, 2004
Messages: 499

If this is becoming a serious issue for you I have some advice.

Step one: Consult with the officers in your guild.

step two: Change your guild motd to reflect that you have become aware of this issue and that if it does not improve you will be taking certain steps.

step three: Restrict who has invite privilages within your guild.

step four:  If the situation persists,  then remove those that do not contribute to the functioning of the guild. 

step five: Reevaluate the situation.  Rinse and repeat as nessessary.

You can only tolerate slackers and users for so long before your Guild becomes a haven for them, and drive out or subvert contributing members.


Joined: Apr 27, 2009
Messages: 74

Noih@Kithicor wrote:

If this is becoming a serious issue for you I have some advice.

Step one: Consult with the officers in your guild.

step two: Change your guild motd to reflect that you have become aware of this issue and that if it does not improve you will be taking certain steps.

step three: Restrict who has invite privilages within your guild.

step four: If the situation persists, then remove those that do not contribute to the functioning of the guild.

step five: Reevaluate the situation. Rinse and repeat as nessessary.

You can only tolerate slackers and users for so long before your Guild becomes a haven for them, and drive out or subvert contributing members.

Overall, what you say appears to make sense. However, when you get down to the practicalities, doing what you say would only be possible if tools like the ones mentioned by the OP existed:

Step one: Simply talking to others so they can have the same concerns doesn't solve anything

Step two: No decent leader can make false promises or empty threats; threatening to take steps is dangerous if the threat can't be carried out and the threat can't be carried out if there are no tools such as those mentioned by the OP.

Step three: Calling a halt to recruitment is a sure way of avoiding this type of problem, but it will also mean the ultimate demise of the guild; it's not that different to unplugging your computer from the Internet as the only definite way to ensure that you don't get spyware.

Step four: Dealing with the culprits would of course be the right thing to do, provided they could be positively identified, which again requires the right tools.

Step five: There's nothing to re-evaluate if nothing can be changed

Without something similar to a bank log to keep track of what goes in and out of the box, even if it's only deposits and withdrawals and excludes normal use by crafting, there is no way to identify culprits so that appropriate steps can be taken.


Server: Kithicor
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Nov 12, 2004
Messages: 499

Gladiolus wrote:

Noih@Kithicor wrote:

If this is becoming a serious issue for you I have some advice.

Step one: Consult with the officers in your guild.

step two: Change your guild motd to reflect that you have become aware of this issue and that if it does not improve you will be taking certain steps.

step three: Restrict who has invite privilages within your guild.

step four: If the situation persists, then remove those that do not contribute to the functioning of the guild.

step five: Reevaluate the situation. Rinse and repeat as nessessary.

You can only tolerate slackers and users for so long before your Guild becomes a haven for them, and drive out or subvert contributing members.

Overall, what you say appears to make sense. However, when you get down to the practicalities, doing what you say would only be possible if tools like the ones mentioned by the OP existed:

Step one: Simply talking to others so they can have the same concerns doesn't solve anything

Step two: No decent leader can make false promises or empty threats; threatening to take steps is dangerous if the threat can't be carried out and the threat can't be carried out if there are no tools such as those mentioned by the OP.

Step three: Calling a halt to recruitment is a sure way of avoiding this type of problem, but it will also mean the ultimate demise of the guild; it's not that different to unplugging your computer from the Internet as the only definite way to ensure that you don't get spyware.

Step four: Dealing with the culprits would of course be the right thing to do, provided they could be positively identified, which again requires the right tools.

Step five: There's nothing to re-evaluate if nothing can be changed

Without something similar to a bank log to keep track of what goes in and out of the box, even if it's only deposits and withdrawals and excludes normal use by crafting, there is no way to identify culprits so that appropriate steps can be taken.


Wanna bet, No seriously I think you have completely misunderstood me, or are unaware of various methods to tell if someone is just using a guild for ports and harvest depot. 

1) get officers on the same page, compare data.  Yes this is important.

2) Comunication, not an empty threat, not simply announcing steps will be taken, but announcing specific measures.  No changes to the tool currenty avaiable nessesary. Really and truly

3) Restricting privileges is not halting recruitment, it does mean that newbie x cannot simply move 10 crafter bots into your guild by himslef ( I have seen several guilds with completely open recruitment ) and directs recruitment through officers or other trusted members.

4) perhaps you did not read the original post?  The issue is more then the harvest box going empty, its not contributing to the guild in any fashion while using the guild's supplies, that is easy to check over the course of a week or two.   No new tools needed except the officers paying attention.

5) what did you misunderstand about this part?  It is easy to check if your supply use vs inbound supplies have normalized, over the course of a week you should have similar or more supplies in the Harvest box.

You can only tolerate slackers and users for so long before your Guild becomes a haven for them, and drive out or subvert contributing members.  These folks can often be identified without any additional in game tools.  One hint, if they do not play with or talk to guildies , you  do not need them. 

 Unless of course you are a raiding guild, then the answer becomes if they do not show up or performyou do not need them...and it is even more important to get the users and slackers out.

Server: Butcherblock
Guild: Defenders of Norrath
Rank: Officer


Joined: Dec 25, 2004
Messages: 1673
Location: Reading, UK

niteowl53 wrote:

1.  A way for guild leaders to check and see who puts something "INTO" the harvest box. (Individual contributions other than sendng guild harvesters out)

Nice idea, however, unless they change it so that the harvesters dump directly into the harvest depot, this cant be tracked, cos at the moment it goes into the inventory of whoever collects the stuff, and at that point, there is no way to tell if it was actually harvested or whether it was given by the guild harvester.

niteowl53 wrote:

5. Mabey a way to set a threshold of usage vs contribution to the harvest box, if you contribute nothing u can use nothing etc....

For this to work for many it would have to be done at account level which would make it trickier. eg. I have 3 crafters, but only two of them ever harvest and dump into the depot - the third one is a low level crafter so he doesnt go visiting all those dangerous places when my main can just wander about without fear and harvest stuff SMILEY, I would be most upset if he wasnt allowed to use stuff cos he hadnt personally deposited stuff whereas my other two had deposited stuff. For those with multiple accounts this could be a complete nightmare.


Joined: Nov 10, 2004
Messages: 1323

Rakk@Butcherblock wrote:

niteowl53 wrote:

1.  A way for guild leaders to check and see who puts something "INTO" the harvest box. (Individual contributions other than sendng guild harvesters out)

Nice idea, however, unless they change it so that the harvesters dump directly into the harvest depot, this cant be tracked, cos at the moment it goes into the inventory of whoever collects the stuff, and at that point, there is no way to tell if it was actually harvested or whether it was given by the guild harvester.

Guess it would help if the harvesters had a log of their own on who used them and what they got?  You could then compare that to the logs on the harvest box SMILEY

Server: Venekor
Guild: Avatars of Hate
Rank: Guardian of Hate

EQII Allakhazam

Joined: Oct 4, 2006
Messages: 5150
Location: Connecticut

While there are certainly blatant moochers who tradeskill using resources directly from the Harvesting Depot. I also believe that there are just as many new players who are oblivious that they are using resources that others have contributed when they tradeskill in the Guild Hall. Educating them helps of course. But, I'd like to see the toggle shut off by default. As it is now, people pull from the depot unless they uncheck the box on the intial tradeskill screen.


Joined: Dec 6, 2004
Messages: 1640

Spyderbite@Venekor wrote:

While there are certainly blatant moochers who tradeskill using resources directly from the Harvesting Depot. I also believe that there are just as many new players who are oblivious that they are using resources that others have contributed when they tradeskill in the Guild Hall. Educating them helps of course. But, I'd like to see the toggle shut off by default. As it is now, people pull from the depot unless they uncheck the box on the intial tradeskill screen.

 If you have mats on your person while crafting in the hall, those mats are used first.  If you run of of mats on your person, THEN the box is used.  

Pulling from the depot is only used if the toon tries to craft without enough mats on their person.

The only time the box is not used at all is if you un-check on the crafting window.

Server: Unrest
Guild: Inner Circle
Rank: Co-Leader


Joined: Apr 5, 2005
Messages: 3316

It's a community pot, available for your entire community to use as they see fit.

If you feel any resource is more precious than it being used by anyone as much as they like, then store it someplace with more granular permisions, like well, the guild bank.


Server: Nagafen
Guild: Shadow Stalkers
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Nov 14, 2004
Messages: 733

Atan@Unrest wrote:

It's a community pot, available for your entire community to use as they see fit.

If you feel any resource is more precious than it being used by anyone as much as they like, then store it someplace with more granular permisions, like well, the guild bank.



Server: Nagafen
Guild: Shadow Stalkers
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Nov 14, 2004
Messages: 733

Hykaree@Runnyeye wrote:

Totally agree - I have just come back to EQ and found my guild with a lovely T3 Guild house, and the stockpile of raws. I am a compulsive harvester and dumped all my raws inclusing eg >1000 carbonite - back several days later to level my weaponsmith and no carbonite - kept my eye on it for the next few days and no more in either. I have never found the harvesters out - I send them out every time I pass now.

if you plan to use those mats don't put them in the guild're oviously trying to appear like your contributing to the guild while in reality you're not. So put mats in guild storage if you like others to use them but if you plan to use them then put them in your personal storage.



Joined: Apr 27, 2009
Messages: 74

Noih@Kithicor wrote:

Wanna bet, No seriously I think you have completely misunderstood me, or are unaware of various methods to tell if someone is just using a guild for ports and harvest depot.

1) get officers on the same page, compare data. Yes this is important.

2) Comunication, not an empty threat, not simply announcing steps will be taken, but announcing specific measures. No changes to the tool currenty avaiable nessesary. Really and truly

3) Restricting privileges is not halting recruitment, it does mean that newbie x cannot simply move 10 crafter bots into your guild by himslef ( I have seen several guilds with completely open recruitment ) and directs recruitment through officers or other trusted members.

4) perhaps you did not read the original post? The issue is more then the harvest box going empty, its not contributing to the guild in any fashion while using the guild's supplies, that is easy to check over the course of a week or two. No new tools needed except the officers paying attention.

5) what did you misunderstand about this part? It is easy to check if your supply use vs inbound supplies have normalized, over the course of a week you should have similar or more supplies in the Harvest box.

You can only tolerate slackers and users for so long before your Guild becomes a haven for them, and drive out or subvert contributing members. These folks can often be identified without any additional in game tools. One hint, if they do not play with or talk to guildies , you do not need them.

Unless of course you are a raiding guild, then the answer becomes if they do not show up or performyou do not need them...and it is even more important to get the users and slackers out.

Yes I did misunderstand in part: it never occurred to me that anyone would have such a huge and impersonal guild that "10 crafting bots" could just arrive and start using guild amenities, so obviously I didn't realise that people are actually concerned about the normal use of harvestibles from the supply box, only about mass amounts being removed from the box itself. In fact, every point on which we differ stems from me having a totally different idea from you as to what a guild is.

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