Recently I switched from an ethernet hardwire connection to a wireless one. When I first switched I was able to get online for a brief period of time (actually in game running around), but then I would crash due to low connection from my wireless. For the past couple of nights I have attempted to log into the game, and I can get in fine until I hit Loading UI Resources, then it refuses to load anymore. My connection issue is fixed, and I get no error message. I run Profit UI and have tried to load up my game in the default UI also and still have the same problem. Any suggestions?
I'm not sure of the exact files, and when I get a spare minute I'll get the exact, but if you know of your specific UI files, just delete them. Note that this will make you revamp your hotkeys, but atleast your game will be able to load. 80% guaranteed fix. Will edit soon for exact files.
Thank you for the reply. Should I delete the files for all my characters? I tried to log onto my alts and had the same issue.
Yes. There is also a generic dll file that contains general UI information that you should delete. If you browse past posts you'll find the list. Got the daughter on my lap and she's not feeling patient enough for me to look into it further! I promise I'll find the files later when I can if you can't find em ><
Here's the full on list of files to clear any UI issues!
You may want to delete the following files and folders:cache foldereq2_recent.inieq2_default.iniEverQuest2.exeeq2.iniAs well as the character specific files, these will appear as such:Servername_CharacterName_EQ2_uisettings.iniStationname_characters.iniTo do this, please follow these directions:1. First look for your EverQuest II directory. You can find the default directory in: C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II2. Click on MY COMPUTER and then proceed into local disk C:3. Navigate your way to the default directory, or your chosen installation directory.4. Next look for any files explained above and delete them. 5. Afterwards, please start EverQuest II to have these files re-downloaded by the patcher.
There is the generic copy-paste I was looking for.
Thanks again for the response! Is the Everquest2.exe file my launcher?
That's the executable file that starts your launcher, yes.
Thanks for all the help, but this is still not working for me even after deleting the neccessary files.
That's no good! If you can send me a PM with your account name, I'd like to take a look at something and even send a test or two your way via E-Mail. I have a couple of hunches.
Sent you my info, thanks again!
PM returned - we'll get this resolved for sure.