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Server: Nagafen
Guild: Purity
Rank: Ronin - Friends And Family


Joined: Sep 23, 2005
Messages: 252

I can see a bit of unforeseen PVP issue with crit mitigation gear allowing for 100% crit mitigation BUT at the same time healers still can have 100% crit heals, so basically it's 2 times harder to kill them in PVP now.


Joined: May 20, 2007
Messages: 148

Chia_Pet wrote:

Lemme get this straight. you're complaining about a 66% chance to land a spell that litarlly can one shot most people except tanks, and even them if it double attacks.

on top of the fact that if its resisted you get to try again within a few seconds?


please stop, seriously, just stop.


If you dont like how easily you get hit by melee classes, boost yer dang avoidance already...

For the love of god, when will people like the quoted person realise that 99.9% of spells cast in PvP can't 1 shot you.

Ignorant, poorly geared people like you are the reason this game's balance is so, to put it plainly, bad.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Fortitude
Rank: Core


Joined: Apr 6, 2007
Messages: 901

Azol@Nagafen wrote:

I can see a bit of unforeseen PVP issue with crit mitigation gear allowing for 100% crit mitigation BUT at the same time healers still can have 100% crit heals, so basically it's 2 times harder to kill them in PVP now.

This is not "unforseen" at all, this is true life and has been since shortly after the release of TSO.  PVP armor chest and legs alone (275 PVP writs) gives you 50 percent Crit Mit on top of what your toon already has (around 10+ish), so you get 60+ Crit mit with just 2 pieces of PVP gear.... which most people had a few weeks after TSO release.

WIth the recent Lavastorm / fame debacle that SOE released, it made farming for PVP gear a 1-2 day event for a full set... You saw entire guilds gear their entire raid force in PVP gear in a matter of a week, so they all had 100 percent Crit Mitigation on all their toons, so they could raid with ease and get even better gear for their raid....

Its very much "seen" currently not "unforseen".

Healers can crit all day long on heals, but nobody can crit any damage on them.... yes i understand the "desire" to remove a large portion of PVP damage, but Crit mit gear was not the way to do it.


Joined: Jan 2, 2006
Messages: 508

Sprinng@Nagafen wrote:

Orthureon wrote:

Chia_Pet wrote:

Lemme get this straight. you're complaining about a 66% chance to land a spell that litarlly can one shot most people except tanks, and even them if it double attacks.

on top of the fact that if its resisted you get to try again within a few seconds?


please stop, seriously, just stop.


If you dont like how easily you get hit by melee classes, boost yer dang avoidance already...

I agree with your sentiments about the big hitters having a high percent chance to get resisted. I mean one good crit and it is lights out for most people, especially if it double attacks.

Hmm, my toons dont get critted on... I wonder why that is... i'll ponder that and get back to you..

Oh wait.. I got it.. because i actually have good gear on them and dont go around whining about getting booty banged because someone crit me with one shot.... because i took the time to get gear on my toon like anyone can and take 0 crit damage...

Just like every other whiners in the forums who see people doing things with good gear and master spells and 200 AA points that they cant do with the ROK legendary junk set, 133 AA points and Adept 3's.....

People want instant gratification for things they dont deserve... If you dont go out and PVP and do instances to get so your taking 0 crit in PVP, dont cry about taking crit, go out and get the crit gear and dont take crits anymore

But you just want to be able to dumb everybody elses toons down to your MC / Adept1 levels... because if they are killing you they must be cheating / hacking / OP / need a nerf... When its just they put time into their toon that you arent willing to do.


I have been hit with BoI and Fission NON-CRIT with 10k or so cold resist and almost instantly killed. Also, what about the people new to T8 they are to be instantly killed until they get crit mit? You must realize not everyone has the luxury to play all day long to get the uber loot like some people here.

I have seen people with higher resists and more crit mit than me almost one shot with BoI and Fission. I am not saying OMGz I got one shot with DT please helpz HAXORZ.

Also, is Sprinng the name of your actual PVP toon on Naggy, if not please tell me the name. I have never seen him around just curious.

Message edited by Orthureon on 06/08/2009 15:30:46.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Purity
Rank: Ronin - Friends And Family


Joined: Sep 23, 2005
Messages: 252

Fission is not an instant kill, it's an 3.5 sec kill if you are lucky and have haste gear.
Talk about instant kill when a brigand kills you in 1-1.5 seconds. Want a parse?

Server: Venekor
Guild: Circle of Storms
Rank: Officer Alt


Joined: Dec 8, 2006
Messages: 1283

We_want_your_soul wrote:

Chia_Pet wrote:

Lemme get this straight. you're complaining about a 66% chance to land a spell that litarlly can one shot most people except tanks, and even them if it double attacks.

on top of the fact that if its resisted you get to try again within a few seconds?


please stop, seriously, just stop.


If you dont like how easily you get hit by melee classes, boost yer dang avoidance already...

For the love of god, when will people like the quoted person realise that 99.9% of spells cast in PvP can't 1 shot you.

Ignorant, poorly geared people like you are the reason this game's balance is so, to put it plainly, bad.

Before you responded to him, I was going to add; I don't think I've ever missed a mage with a melee attack, in fact the only classes I ever remember missing are Bruisers, or Monks. Would be nice if as a caster you only had to worry about resists on one, or two classes.

And last time I checked Warlocks, Illusionists, Coercors, Necromancers, Conjurers, Furies, et cetera can not one shot anyone.


Joined: Nov 19, 2004
Messages: 256

We_want_your_soul wrote:

Chia_Pet wrote:

Lemme get this straight. you're complaining about a 66% chance to land a spell that litarlly can one shot most people except tanks, and even them if it double attacks.

on top of the fact that if its resisted you get to try again within a few seconds?


please stop, seriously, just stop.


If you dont like how easily you get hit by melee classes, boost yer dang avoidance already...

For the love of god, when will people like the quoted person realise that 99.9% of spells cast in PvP can't 1 shot you.

Ignorant, poorly geared people like you are the reason this game's balance is so, to put it plainly, bad.

LOL really? thats funny because ive been one shotted with 15k HP and 80% crit mit, by a hit that double attacked and DID NOT crit me. granted I make a habit of actually fighting onyx instead of running/ evaccing from them, thus I have a better idea of whats going on from one extreme to the other then you people obviously do.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Purity
Rank: Ronin - Friends And Family


Joined: Sep 23, 2005
Messages: 252

As someone else has replied to the other post - "Parse or it didn't happen"

I am trying to make my points and share my concerns proving them with parses of some battles I was part of.

So if you have nothing except bitterness of dying in PVP battle - well, you have your point but you have nothing to prove it with.

This "one shot" normally asks for 3-4 second uninterrupted cast time plus Mythical (or a good set of high-end raid gear like Trak belt) plus pure luck Devs call "game mechanics".

Message edited by Azol on 06/09/2009 00:25:06.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Purity
Rank: Sushi Maker - Alt


Joined: Mar 2, 2006
Messages: 1692

Orthureon wrote:

I have been hit with BoI and Fission NON-CRIT with 10k or so cold resist and almost instantly killed. Also, what about the people new to T8 they are to be instantly killed until they get crit mit? You must realize not everyone has the luxury to play all day long to get the uber loot like some people here.

Ok, so you want a poorly geared healer (who invested little time on his toon) to absorb the biggest attack of a well geared wizard (who invested a lot of time on his toon) easily ...


So what happens when said wizard meets a well geared healer who invested a lot of time on his toon, who made the effort to get the crit mit, the stoneskins, fear and power procs ?

Yeah he stands no chance...

You may consider it bad design, but as a matter of fact there is a huge gap between top end gear and low end gear. If you are not happy with that ask for the gear to be brought in line, but don't call for class nerfs.

Also it's a fact that the whole crit mit story is biased toward healers, should game mechanics change because you don't want or can't get it ?

Message edited by AerieHeart on 06/09/2009 00:33:13.


Joined: May 20, 2007
Messages: 148

Chia_Pet wrote:

We_want_your_soul wrote:

Chia_Pet wrote:

Lemme get this straight. you're complaining about a 66% chance to land a spell that litarlly can one shot most people except tanks, and even them if it double attacks.

on top of the fact that if its resisted you get to try again within a few seconds?


please stop, seriously, just stop.


If you dont like how easily you get hit by melee classes, boost yer dang avoidance already...

For the love of god, when will people like the quoted person realise that 99.9% of spells cast in PvP can't 1 shot you.

Ignorant, poorly geared people like you are the reason this game's balance is so, to put it plainly, bad.

LOL really? thats funny because ive been one shotted with 15k HP and 80% crit mit, by a hit that double attacked and DID NOT crit me. granted I make a habit of actually fighting onyx instead of running/ evaccing from them, thus I have a better idea of whats going on from one extreme to the other then you people obviously do.

Thanks for proving my point entirely.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Fortitude
Rank: Core


Joined: Apr 6, 2007
Messages: 901

Orthureon wrote:

Sprinng@Nagafen wrote:

Orthureon wrote:

Chia_Pet wrote:

Lemme get this straight. you're complaining about a 66% chance to land a spell that litarlly can one shot most people except tanks, and even them if it double attacks.

on top of the fact that if its resisted you get to try again within a few seconds?


please stop, seriously, just stop.


If you dont like how easily you get hit by melee classes, boost yer dang avoidance already...

I agree with your sentiments about the big hitters having a high percent chance to get resisted. I mean one good crit and it is lights out for most people, especially if it double attacks.

Hmm, my toons dont get critted on... I wonder why that is... i'll ponder that and get back to you..

Oh wait.. I got it.. because i actually have good gear on them and dont go around whining about getting booty banged because someone crit me with one shot.... because i took the time to get gear on my toon like anyone can and take 0 crit damage...

Just like every other whiners in the forums who see people doing things with good gear and master spells and 200 AA points that they cant do with the ROK legendary junk set, 133 AA points and Adept 3's.....

People want instant gratification for things they dont deserve... If you dont go out and PVP and do instances to get so your taking 0 crit in PVP, dont cry about taking crit, go out and get the crit gear and dont take crits anymore

But you just want to be able to dumb everybody elses toons down to your MC / Adept1 levels... because if they are killing you they must be cheating / hacking / OP / need a nerf... When its just they put time into their toon that you arent willing to do.


I have been hit with BoI and Fission NON-CRIT with 10k or so cold resist and almost killed after a 4 second cast time which could have been inturrupted 10 times and rendered a non issue but i wasnt paying attention or wasnt with a tank to taunt the mage off of me, or a scout that could have destroyed the wizzy before the casting of that spell, so i was solo and wasnt paying attention, but i feel I need to complain about 1 spell that one class gets and has an extremely long cast time and can only one shot people if said person has sunk 100's of hours into raiding and instances and they are casting it against someone who has done none of that, yet still wants to complain about how OP "mages" are in general using that one example over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Also, what about the people new to T8 they are to be instantly killed until they get crit mit? You must realize not everyone has the luxury to play all day long to get the uber loot like some people here.

I have seen people with higher resists and more crit mit than me almost one shot with BoI and Fission. I am not saying OMGz I got one shot with DT please helpz HAXORZ.

Also, is Sprinng the name of your actual PVP toon on Naggy, if not please tell me the name. I have never seen him around just curious.

Yes it is, and that may be your primary problem... if you dont PVP very much, how can you expect to win?  And if you only PVP, you cant expect to have as good of gear as those who PVE / PVP...  thats just the nature of PVP servers.. always has been, always will be...

Free gear, masters, skill, kills in '09!!!!


PS, fixed your typeo with the "instant Fission" kill you posted... your welcome


Joined: Dec 16, 2004
Messages: 1406

I did some pvp earlier. got a 55% hit rate over 3 mins

Message edited by Siphar on 06/09/2009 20:26:00.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Onyx
Rank: Friends and Family


Joined: Aug 7, 2006
Messages: 200

 Arturr, Im willing to bet cash money that non crit for 10k was by someone with an insane amount of base dmg gear. There are some items out there that are insane but very, very hard to get. Look at zarakons, instanced anashti, tyrannus and avatar loot and youll get a better picture of why some hits are so big.


Joined: Dec 16, 2004
Messages: 1406

Finks@Nagafen wrote:

 Arturr, Im willing to bet cash money that non crit for 10k was by someone with an insane amount of base dmg gear. There are some items out there that are insane but very, very hard to get. Look at zarakons, instanced anashti, tyrannus and avatar loot and youll get a better picture of why some hits are so big.

Or a certain ring from a certain heroic instance? but to discuss that would be de-railing.

The developers have stated that if we highlight issues - they will take a look at them. This is what the OP is trying to say. I (also playing a mage of one of my toons) feel this as well, as have many others that play mages. 

I have stated that it is particularly frustrating for summoners and enchanters that have very little defence to be consistently resisted - and I am in raid fabled gear.

If it's an issue with armor in PVP having too high resists in general on certain archtypes - that should be looked at. 

If it's a coding issue that is causing an unfair disproportionate amount of spell damage versus melee damage - that should be looked at.

As far as my opinion stands, having to stand still for 2-6 seconds in PVP (which is an age) to cast an interruptible spell should not be resisted up to 45% of the time in T8 end game raid gear versus random players.


Joined: Jan 2, 2006
Messages: 508

Faenril@Nagafen wrote:

Orthureon wrote:

I have been hit with BoI and Fission NON-CRIT with 10k or so cold resist and almost instantly killed. Also, what about the people new to T8 they are to be instantly killed until they get crit mit? You must realize not everyone has the luxury to play all day long to get the uber loot like some people here.

Ok, so you want a poorly geared healer (who invested little time on his toon) to absorb the biggest attack of a well geared wizard (who invested a lot of time on his toon) easily ...


So what happens when said wizard meets a well geared healer who invested a lot of time on his toon, who made the effort to get the crit mit, the stoneskins, fear and power procs ?

Yeah he stands no chance...

You may consider it bad design, but as a matter of fact there is a huge gap between top end gear and low end gear. If you are not happy with that ask for the gear to be brought in line, but don't call for class nerfs.

Also it's a fact that the whole crit mit story is biased toward healers, should game mechanics change because you don't want or can't get it ?

Why do you say poorly geared healer? Do you fail to comprehend this sentence: "Also, what about the people new to T8 they are to be instantly killed until they get crit mit?". I am not the only one complaining about it. Critical Mitigation is your whole basis for your argument. Oh what did everyone do without it, I mean it has been out for SO long right? I only have 36% sure, but that should absorb the majority of the crit. Alas your BS reasoning still falls on deaf ears, as a buddy of mine has around 12k cold resist, 60%+ crit mit, around 13.5k HP and gets nearly killed by BoI and Fission. Let me guess he needs to "L2P"? I mean the Wizard doesn't have a stun, or a root right. You should be able to interrupt them np.

As for my gear I have decent gear, I mean nothing compared to people that spend their entire lives on this game. However, that cannot be helped, as more time invested nets better gear which it should. I am stating NO matter how well geared the Wizard is they should NEVER one shot ANYONE. I mean unless the person being one shotted is level 10 exile or such (extreme example).

Also, I haven't seen you around in PVP, let me guess you are leveling a Wizard?

Message edited by Orthureon on 06/10/2009 02:03:50.

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