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The Furious Pacifist
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Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

I decided that I am going to the Queen's Colony as my father had told me he wished me to do when I came of age. He died in a bloody battle against the clockwork on Faydwer, trying to repossess what he originally believed was ours by birthright. All I have from him are letters that he wrote to me, care of my mother, while she stayed safe in Baubbleshire. The first letters were all about justice and honor and victory. Later letters speak of blood and lost friends and hardship and dying dreams. In the end, he wrote of doubts and dismay. He stopped speaking of the clockworks as scrap metal with bad electrics and started describing them as real beings, with thoughts and feelings of their own.

When we received the letter from Waynil Garwater saying my father had been "lost", as if one day they might suddenly find him, it was as if someone turned a light out in my mother's eyes. She never seemed to care about much after that, not village life nor the household, not even me. She died a few years later - they said it was 'fluenza that took her out but I still think it was a broken heart.

I got a bit of silver from the Gnomish Orphans' Fund, along with an apology for the amount but things were tight and there were a lot of orphans. It was enough that I could rent a small room and finish my schooling. I decided very early that I wouldn't be a part of this constant bloodshed that seems to have inundated our lives. Kill the badgers, slay the goblins, stomp on the spiders, kill the clockworks. It's not like it's a question of survival any more. I know I can't change the world but I can be responsible for following my own moral compass and I think I've already seen enough death to last me a lifetime.

However, that isn't to say that I won't support my village nor that I've turned against Queen Antonia. Which is why I'll report for duty at the Queen's Colony and ask them if I can help in my own way, without causing harm to others. I have two good feet and two good hands, I'm quick to learn and I am not afraid of a little hard work. Why, I bet they might even be glad for someone who isn't looking to be a hero and is happy just to keep things smoothed over.

Wish me luck.

(ooc background:

Message edited by Faymar on 02/24/2008 16:39:31.


Joined: Nov 28, 2004
Messages: 1560
Location: DC baby!

I'm intregued to hear more about a someone who not going to do much smashing of mobs. Hmmmm please continue


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

niko_teen wrote:

I'm intregued to hear more about a someone who not going to do much smashing of mobs. Hmmmm please continue

Thanks for the encouragement! SMILEY


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

Isle of Refuge


I had the best of intentions, really I did. The first thing they asked me to do was to learn the art of combat. I told myself that it would, of course, be important to defend myself but I really wasn’t very comfortable with it.

I swung at my sparring partner, clearly going to miss by a mile, but then he blocked my arm and shoved at me and I swung back instinctively and from there it was frighteningly easy. He stepped back and told me well done. I was shaking.

I ran to the beach in tears. Once I composed myself I went back and said that I was happy to support Qeynos and Antonia but I would not under any circumstances fight or hurt another person. Everyone ignored me. I asked what I could do to help and got shrugs in return. I stumbled away, unwilling to let any of them see me cry again.

As I was walking along, berating myself for being a failure, I met another gnome, Ebik Wobblecog. He was rather self-centered, completely ignoring the state I was in but to be honest, it was a bit of a relief. He was trying to find parts from some doohicky which I offered to help him locate. It gave me a chance to explore the island and in the end, the look on his face when I presented him with the Size 7 Clunker that he thought was lost forever, well, it was worth it.

That was when I made up my mind that there was no reason to stay. I felt bad but surely in Qeynos there would be some way to help that wouldn’t involve hurting other people!

(OOC notes)


Joined: Nov 28, 2004
Messages: 1560
Location: DC baby!

Sorry about the delay at posting, I've been busy here at work and trying to think up excuses as to why I haven't had a new post nor posted many comments. hehehehe

It reall is bad that you cannot use a snare attack in your travels. That would make things a lot easier but then again you'd have to degrade to the point where you diffrenciate between hurting another living person and killing them.

Reguardless I am patiently waiting for your next installment.


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

OOC: ooops, well I'm glad you are patient! I ran into a hitch and then was on holiday. All resolved now and Paxmar is looking forward to finding out about Brell's Day!

Snare is an interesting one - if it does no damage it could be considered simply penning in to get out of range. But I agree that anything with a DoT is out.


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

It was wonderful to arrive back in Baubbleshire after my time away. Neezer Grund greeted me before I'd properly made it off the boat and just about talked my ear off! I promised I'd come back to him and went straight over to the Deductive Directory to see if they had any work. There were plenty of jobs but nothing that I was qualified to do. I was beginning to despair again.

That's when I made a wonderful new friend, Talwith Darkcloud was his name. He saw that I was at a loss and offered to help me out. I told him I wasn't afraid of hard work but I didn't know how to get started. He said they were in serious need of more skilled labor in Baubbleshire and that if I was willing to learn a trade, he's happily teach me. He gave me some basic tools and a bag to put them in and immediately put me to work making simple things.

What a relief to be back in a sensible place rather than surrounded by talk of subterfuge and Freeport all the time!

Talwith is a great teacher and in no time at all I was getting my own wood and pelts from Forest Ruins and making myself backpacks and boxes so that I could store all the bits and pieces that real tradeskillers have to have on hand. Things were going so well, I thought I could do anything!

I then collected the scrap metal for Neezer Grund, taking care not to get grease on my new bags. He was very grateful and gave me an almost undamaged cog as a souvenier. Then he asked me if I could help collect some Nogginspark Reactors.

I hated going back to him empty-handed but I had to tell him that I just couldn't do it. He made it sound so simple, just "knock those false-rats senseless and remove the reactors" ... but then when I caught one of the rats, I remembered what my father said about clockworks being real. Taking out their batteries felt like I was ripping out their heart. He didn't seem interested in hearing my explanations - it looks like I've lost a mentor. This isn't going to be so easy after all.

I had heard there was a bit of a party happening near the North Qeynos gates but when I went over there all I found was litter and a hungover dwarf who said I was too late and everyone else had gone home. Some days, I wonder why I get out of bed.


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

It seems the people of Qeynos are specifically looking for murderers to do their dirty work for them . I spent all morning trekking around the city, offering to help out with deliveries or cleaning up and the like and I get asked to rip the wings off of faeries, as if that's somehow non-violent behaviour. When I try to explain, they shrug and ignore me. Perhaps I need to dare the wilder lands, where a cultured gnome is a rarity instead of a dime a dozen. I was feeling rather disheartened when I went back to the Deductive Directory in Baubbleshire to see if I could be of any help there.

I was so excited to find out that some of the things I had harvested have sold to other tradeskillers, just as Talwith had told me they might. I had three gold to my name - thrilling news! I had been speaking to the Sage Indis Surion at the Mages Compendium regarding work and he'd said that they'd be glad to have my help but that the mages were not particularly flush with cash: I'd have to buy my own materials. Now I finally had the money to do so!

I rushed to South Qeynos and went through the books needing completion but most of them involved travel to places dark and distant - I think the mages need help from more dedicated adventurers than I. I was about to give up when I noticed that there was a simpler task to travel around Qeynos outlying areas and catalog the creatures for research data. That sounded like much more my type of work ... and I could look for interesting items for that poor lonely Mr Stadrin at the same time.

The fact that I only bought a few books meant that I still had money left over from my burgeoning little business selling resources. What to do with my new found fortune?

I decided that before going straight to work,I would take this chance to learn more around the world. I bought a ticket for the boat to Butcherblock with a view to hiking to Kelethin, which everyone has told me is a wonderful city for a weekend break.The Storm Breaker offers a regular service from the Thundering Steppes so I was able to go the same day.

The journey at sea was uneventful but I couldn't believe how dangerous the roads of Butcherblock were! I was gasping with fright as I sprinted down the road hoping desperately that I wouldn't miss a turn and get lost in these wild and dangerous parts. I was so relieved to see a dwarf keeping the roads clear he just laughed when I ran at him and congratulated me on making it through. "Aye, I remember my first time, sure gets the heart pumpin'" he told me. I felt aggrieved but he introduced himself as Trapper Coalbear and asked what I was doing so far from home. He really was quite sweet and when I told him it was my first time going to Greater Faydark, he gave me some contacts - including Thekela Gillywump who the trapper said was always looking for help gathering for her kitchen stocks and a fae called Venla Vaara up in Kelethin who, he told me, collects odd items from all around, both local and foreign. I should have brought her some of my feathers from Oakmyst Forest.

I shared a meal of grilled turnips with the trapper (who muttered something about having a second dinner later) and then hitched my backpack back onto my shoulders and made my way into Greater Faydark.


Joined: Nov 28, 2004
Messages: 1560
Location: DC baby!

I'm glad to see that you're still at it. I'm just imagining the run without buying collections to auto ding or killing any mobs for XP. It actually remonds me of the old EQ1 days running through kithicor woods to get to Highpass. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap Ahhhhhhhhhh run run run run."


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

The various newbie areas available now make a huge difference - although there are not many quests that she can complete, there are some in each area. But yeah, she does a LOT of fast running and for someone who never fights, she has a lot of her own deaths to explain. And it is a lot like EQ1 as I'm travelling tons, going to lots of different places.  I always got totally lost trying to get through Highpass, too.  My main problem is finding the time!

This game update woke me up and spurred me on - I've done half a level on the void storms alone - once Paxmar saw that they despawned without hurting anyone else she became obsessed with curing the tempest animals.


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

Once I left Qeynos it was as if I was consumed by a travel bug - I suddenly found it almost impossible to stay still. Although I enjoyed Kelethin and met some wonderful people, I didn't stay long. I spent some time near the Combine Spires collecting local beetles and grubs for Mervos Stadrin in North Qeynos - I'm sure he'll be quite excited to see such exotic specimens. Meanwhile, I found out there was an Aviak station on on the coast of Butcherblock which would take me to Timorous Deep. This seemed too good a chance to pass up so I went to the land of the Sarnaks. I made some friends there and saw some astounding sights but the frontier lands turned out to be rather dangerous. I took a wrong step and found myself under attack by the most ferocious looking Aviak who appeared out of nowhere. I ran faster than I ever have in my life. I made it to the front line of soldiers who slaughtered the bird that had the bad luck to follow me.

I was shaking and crying once I realised I was safe, sick from the sight of the bloodshed that I'd just witnessed but also relieved just to be alive. I couldn't help but feel that the entire incident was my fault for wandering into the battle zone - who could blame the Aviak for defending his territory, it was I who was in the wrong.

I retreated to the outer island and thought about what had happened. Once again, I got myself in trouble by not paying enough attention. There are these silt storms raging around the area and I wasn't watching my way and somehow I ended up in the heart of the storm! I was pulled up into the funnel and deposited, surprisingly lightly, on the grass of a hill that had been high above me. I was so lucky! I was rather shaken up, as you can imagine, and decided to stay up there for a while, which was serendipitous because I found a beautiful romantic spot with a bench. I wonder who put it here and what their story was.

This beautiful spot helped me to get grounded again. I went back to the Sarnak and offered my help away from the battle zones. I collected moths and helped tranquilize and tag the chokidai and generally explored the area. It was nice but soon I started to think about home again and I decided to break off my travels. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy seeing new places ... but I had run out of clean underwear.

I arrived to find out there was a bit of a kerfuffle about mysterious dark storms all over Norrath. I immediately agreed to help investigate them. It's become clear that the poor creatures that run into these storms are affected in some way and so I am now focused on curing them but I have to admit, it seems an endless task. I hope the Seeress learns more about these storms and the void beasts that they spawn so we can stop the destruction!

(OOC Version)


Joined: Jan 29, 2005
Messages: 9

Well, the last thing I wrote about was these odd storms popping up all over Norrath. Since then it's become a lot more frightening! The storms seem to be multiplying and it seems that they are trying to attack Norrath!

The Seeress Ealaynya is struggling to fight against them and gave me a magic potion she called Aab'l Hayat to reverse the effects of those poor creatures trapped within the storms. There were horrible creatures escaping from the storms as well, void beasts with evil intent. They disappeared quickly enough but I've never seen anything so frightening. But I kept at it until I was ready to fall over with exhaustion.

The mages of the Concordium gave me a new title of Tempest Chaser and showered me with gifts as a thank you, including a rather experimental icon that makes me fizzle and zap almost as if I am a storm myself! But in the end the darkness grew stronger and the storms began to emit more dark beings. The Seeress said that she no longer felt it was safe for me to try to save the creatures trapped in the storm.

The Concordium have decided to do battle against the beasts that are coming through the storms, which they feel are amassing to create an army. I do not know if that is true but I fear for our future.

In these dark times I turn to my books. I have been reading the histories of the races that I found at the mage tower and revisiting some of the locations they write about. This travel is important to me as I can't help but fear that Norrath may be about to change forever, and not for the better.

I hope the Seeress can learn more about these Void Tempests and help us to understand what they mean and how we can stop them from breaking through.


OOC: The Tempest Chaser


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331


Joined: Nov 27, 2004
Messages: 3171
Location: Minneapolis, MN USA

Gratz on 19 & loving the NPCs killed count. Wonderful concept.


Joined: Nov 17, 2004
Messages: 331

The continuing adventures of Paxmar, the furious pacifist. She's level 25 now and has finally written more in her diary, backtracking to Game Update 48. Maybe if she had a laptop, she'd update more often!

I haven't written much recently but in dark times I find it difficult to commit words to paper and I've seen some very dark times recently. I suppose I should just write it out and get it over with. The Seeress, my good friend Ealaynya, was murdered. When I heard the news, I rushed straight to the Temple of Life, hoping against hope that it wasn't true. Her body had been left lying where it fell. The sight of her mortal shell rotting shocked me to the core and the scent will haunt me forever... I feel as if I shall never inhale clean air again. I left the Temple and resolved to leave Qeynos, in hopes of ridding myself of the memories haunting every corner of the city.

I made my way to Qeynos Harbor where a gnome was recruiting workers for the Dedicated Individuals Recovering Technology of Yesteryear. To be honest, I didn't much care where I went as long as it was far away, so I agreed and found myself en route to the Desert of Flames via a magic carpet! That shocked me out of mourning, as you can imagine. I realized that Ealaynya would be disappointed in my moping around doing nothing and I resolved to work hard for my new employers.

And there certainly was plenty to do. D.I.R.T.Y.  had a large excavation site on the cliffs of the Sinking Sands. Once there, there was no end of tasks for me: shoo away the monkeys flinging their dung at the workers, dash to Qeynos to pick up a cure for a bitten excavation worker, shift sand from the main pit and sift through the results looking for relics. I was kept very busy although somewhat disappointing is that they insisting on paying me in D.I.R.T.Y. money which are quite interesting looking coins but have no real value. Someone said that Jimbo McDaniel would exchange them for interesting items but when I spoke to him, he was fretting about the infections that some of the workers were getting and was unwilling to discuss any sort of trade. I kept them in case one day they turn into collector's items.

Then one evening Digmaster Hidswinn told me that the excavation had concluded and they were building a launch dock and new airship! It turns out they found an ancient flying ship buried under the Sands of Ro and were building a new airship based on their discovery. All very exciting but there was nothing I could do to help. Building airships is best left to the experts!

Seeing the astounding constructions made me appreciate how important it is to be able to work with your hands. I returned to the Deductive Directory in search of work and was pleased to see that they had plenty for a burgeoning carpenter to help out with. As Frostfell was approaching, I was more than happy with indoor work and of course my family were thrilled to have me back safe in Baubbleshire.  I have spent a few quiet weeks with them, taking my young cousins skating at Frostfell village and eating enough to put a halfling to shame.

It's been very nice and I really have enjoyed the time with family but I am more sure than ever that I could never be content living out my life in this small village. This morning I awoke at dawn and felt in my bones that it was time to leave. I need to finish up a contract at the Deductive Directory but once that is done, I'm free to go. I've booked a room at Fish's Alehouse for the weekend - Qeynos Harbor is the best place to go for news of Norrath and I've found work there before that's taken me all over Norrath.

I feel confident that 3810 is going to be a good year for me.



(OOC notes on MMORPG-Info)

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