Mouserr is a Kerran Shadowknight who lives at 1 Freedom Road, South Freeport, Everfrost. He asked me a VERY long time to decorate his home. He requested a manly residence with bits of evil that reflected his personality. His color preferences were blue and brown. He had limited furniture and a very small budget, but I finally got it done! Let me take you on a tour.
This is the entry area.
A dining area with a small kitchen. Yummmm looks like orc and mushroom stew is cooking on the stove!
Across from the dining room is a small outdoor area with a bird bath. Hmmm I hope he doesn't try and eat the birds!
Next we have the great hall, which contains a bar (Mouserr loves to party), billards, chess and pool tables. Wow SKs must have some powerful magic...that looks like water flowing in the walls!
Now we will head up the stairs to the bedroom and library. The bedroom has a see thru fireplace that looks into the library. There is also a semi-enclosed room off the bedroom that looks like it houses a fancy hot tub, but take a closer look and you will see a custom step-up litter box complete with sand!
Further upstairs and outside we find a large hot tub surrounded by pillows for ummmm I guess visitors, since Kerran's typically don't like water!
Next we head downstairs to the lower level. You will see a small torture area and a large trophy room, which needs to be filled!
Our final room is the nursery/nanny's room. They must be out for a walk! Phew! The nanny left a dirty diaper on the changing table. I wonder why, the diaper bucket is right there! Thank goodness she lit some incense!
Thank you for visiting! Mouserr's home is open for visitors if you would like to see it in person. Thank you in advance for your feedback.