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Gimme that name!
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Joined: Feb 26, 2005
Messages: 7

Hello all!

This is my situation/question...


I was looking for a name that I had used in EQ1, and it turns out that the only time it was used happens to be on the server with my main on it, only its being used by a lvl 3 wizard who hasnt logged them in to the game for over a year or so... Im thinking it could be used by some one on a trial account,but i could be wrong.


I was wondering if there was any way to get a name already in use? I know that sounds crazy but if its being used by a person who hasnt logged in for a long time or on an inactive account, is there any way to petition? I know I could just change the spelling and such, but id still thought it couldnt hurt to ask... Its not life or death. I sort of remember reading some where back in eq live that characters on inactive accounts over a certain time period would be deleted. In no way am I saying, "hey i really like your name! let me petition to steal it!" just "hey that name is in use by an inactive accout over x amount of time, is there any way i could get it?"


Thanks for taking the time to read this post!


ps. and yes I looked it up on eqplayers haha... creeperish

Server: Runnyeye
Guild: Order of the Guiding Light
Rank: Acolyte - 5,000+ & Alt Rank


Joined: Feb 24, 2006
Messages: 556

There have been a couple of fairly large threads on this topic before - with no net (to this date) result.


Joined: Jan 22, 2005
Messages: 4179

Liviea wrote:

Hello all!

This is my situation/question...


I was looking for a name that I had used in EQ1, and it turns out that the only time it was used happens to be on the server with my main on it, only its being used by a lvl 3 wizard who hasnt logged them in to the game for over a year or so... Im thinking it could be used by some one on a trial account,but i could be wrong.


I was wondering if there was any way to get a name already in use? I know that sounds crazy but if its being used by a person who hasnt logged in for a long time or on an inactive account, is there any way to petition? I know I could just change the spelling and such, but id still thought it couldnt hurt to ask... Its not life or death. I sort of remember reading some where back in eq live that characters on inactive accounts over a certain time period would be deleted. In no way am I saying, "hey i really like your name! let me petition to steal it!" just "hey that name is in use by an inactive accout over x amount of time, is there any way i could get it?"


Thanks for taking the time to read this post!


ps. and yes I looked it up on eqplayers haha... creeperish

The account may not be inactive, just the toon. Some people put a place holder name so no one else can use that name on the server. TBH, if your do not particularly care which server you play on, just pick a different server and roll the toon with that name. Other than that...the only way that name will come available is if they do another name purge. The last one happened 3 years ago when they did server merges and free server transfers.

Server: Splitpaw
Guild: Light of the wolf
Rank: Elder Wolf


Joined: Apr 29, 2005
Messages: 1219
Location: The cupboard under the stairs

Unfortunatley there is no way to get a name that has been claimed already.
A while ago SOE did purge some unused characters, these where all characters that where under a certain level and unused for a set time ( i think it was level 10 and 6 months, although I am probably remembering that wrong)


Joined: Jun 27, 2008
Messages: 432

If the account has been inactive for some time you can /petition for them to release the name. I just did this a couple weeks ago personally so yes, it's absolutely possible to request a name release but only if the name is used by an account that has been inactive for a long time.

In my case, there was a name I've used on other games that I wanted to use again on a new alt here. It was taken by a level 16 whose account had no activity for 2 years. The GM who answered my petition released the name after a bit of research and I had to buy the name change potion from the cash shop to change to the new name after it was made available.

If the account is still active however, you might be able to get a hold of the main character with a bit more research on Eq2Players and see if you can work out some sort of agreement over the name.

Only thing you can do is try and see what happens.

Good luck!





Message edited by Tinrae on 06/10/2009 04:48:36.


Joined: Dec 11, 2007
Messages: 18

Hate to rain on your parade but I don't think you'll get any help on this.  I tried it a few weeks ago on a character that hasn't been played since Sept 2, 2005 (used eq2players to verify) to no avail.


Joined: Dec 11, 2007
Messages: 18

Tinrae wrote:

If the account has been inactive for some time you can /petition for them to release the name. I just did this a couple weeks ago personally so yes, it's absolutely possible to request a name release but only if the name is used by an account that has been inactive for a long time.

In my case, there was a name I've used on other games that I wanted to use again on a new alt here. It was taken by a level 16 whose account had no activity for 2 years. The GM who answered my petition released the name after a bit of research and I had to buy the name change potion from the cash shop to change to the new name after it was made available.

If the account is still active however, you might be able to get a hold of the main character with a bit more research on Eq2Players and see if you can work out some sort of agreement over the name.

Only thing you can do is try and see what happens.

Good luck!





I didn't try /petition.  I'll give that a try today.


Joined: Nov 9, 2004
Messages: 1277

If the account has been recently active, but the character hasn't, you could ask the GM's nicely if they could help you get in touch with whatever character that player is actively playing and try to work something out with them. If they made the char as a placeholder but have no intention of doing anything with it they may give up the name if you cough up the amnesia potion for them.


Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Messages: 1409

try and be more creative than him...that'll showem!


Joined: Feb 26, 2005
Messages: 7

Thanks for all the feedback guys! I contacted a GM and because the character WAS on a trial account I was given the name!




Joined: Aug 31, 2005
Messages: 2516

Just goes to show, it never hurts to ask. Just accept that some of the time the answer is going to be "no" and don't have a stroke over it.


Joined: Dec 11, 2007
Messages: 18

I actually got good news after following the sugestions on this thread too.  Using /petition I was able to get the name I've been wanting for years .  The account that held it was either in-active or a trial (the GM didn't go into too much detail).  But I can say that I'm a happier camper now lol.

Server: Lucan DLere
Guild: Order of the Rose of Erollisi
Rank: Chieftain of the Rose


Joined: Jan 4, 2006
Messages: 3246

Also remember that there are some REALLY excellent resources for finding cool names available, if the one you think of initially isn't available and can't be freed up for you.

When people ask me for a naming resource for fantasy worlds, I like to point them to the really useful Medieval Names Archive, which has names from worldwide cultures. That is a LOT of names, most never used in Norrath.

My characters tend to find their names based on Viking culture, so I use a different list that has some etymologies - meaning matters to me, even if it didn't to the people in ancient Scandinavia.

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