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Idea for improved 2 handers
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Joined: Nov 9, 2004
Messages: 1373

I know that 2 handers are the red-headed step child of the EQ2 dev team... but I would like to make some suggestions... maybe some can be altered and used.

1) Give 2 handers a much higher proc rate than a normal weapon. - I don't mean, since its slower it has a higher chance to proc... no, I mean, give it a substancial increase in procs. Instead of the 1.8 standard proc per minute, how about giving it a 4.0 chance at procing. And make the proc something meaningful as well... not a 500 damage proc, which a single swing of the weapon can do... something like 1% health damage (to a maximum when fighting epics).

2) Add an AA to dual wield 2 handers (only by the classes that CAN wield 2 handers). - Warriors, Berzerkers, Paladins and Shadowknights have been training their strength and agility for a very long time... eventually, wielding a 2 hander should be so easy that one hand can do the job.

3) Give all 2 handers the innate ability to strike multiple mobs. - 2 handers are big... and I mean huge... a swing of one should be able to strike many foes with very little effort.

4) Increase the range of 2 handers. - Following the same logic of size, 2 handers should be able to damage mobs from farther away... now, nothing like a ranged fighter... but doubling the current fighting radius sounds about right... specially if you are using a pike as your 2 hander.

5) Give 2 handers a higher innate ability to crit. - 2 handers can be huge and bulky and shard as any other blade... so swinging it down on your foe should more than likely cause a critical strike.

Granted, I don't want ALL these mechanics to be added to all the 2 handers (that would make them insanely overpowered), but I feel it would be a good idea to use them to upgrade both existing and new 2 handers coming out to make them more desirable... I think the last time I used a 2 hander was way back in T5... which is really a shame...


Joined: Nov 16, 2004
Messages: 3072

Given it seems to be as hard to itemize two handers as it was dual wields and that so much of the damage seems standardized, I don't see why they don't just do a similar change; when there isn't a secondary item equipped, those classes that are two hander enabled get a damage multiplier to the main hand.

Server: Nagafen
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Joined: Aug 6, 2007
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Freliant wrote:

I know that 2 handers are the red-headed step child of the EQ2 dev team... but I would like to make some suggestions... maybe some can be altered and used.

1) Give 2 handers a much higher proc rate than a normal weapon. - I don't mean, since its slower it has a higher chance to proc... no, I mean, give it a substancial increase in procs. Instead of the 1.8 standard proc per minute, how about giving it a 4.0 chance at procing. And make the proc something meaningful as well... not a 500 damage proc, which a single swing of the weapon can do... something like 1% health damage (to a maximum when fighting epics).

Bad idea, just give 2handers more damage, and the 1% health damage is a horrible idea... a raid of24 people being able to down epic with there weapon procs

2) Add an AA to dual wield 2 handers (only by the classes that CAN wield 2 handers). - Warriors, Berzerkers, Paladins and Shadowknights have been training their strength and agility for a very long time... eventually, wielding a 2 hander should be so easy that one hand can do the job.

Brawlers? all other classes can weild 2handers btw...

3) Give all 2 handers the innate ability to strike multiple mobs. - 2 handers are big... and I mean huge... a swing of one should be able to strike many foes with very little effort

you cant just swing it around and expect to hit everyone, though a good idea.

4) Increase the range of 2 handers. - Following the same logic of size, 2 handers should be able to damage mobs from farther away... now, nothing like a ranged fighter... but doubling the current fighting radius sounds about right... specially if you are using a pike as your 2 hander.

not to much use for pve, and stretching it a bit for pvp

5) Give 2 handers a higher innate ability to crit. - 2 handers can be huge and bulky and shard as any other blade... so swinging it down on your foe should more than likely cause a critical strike.

This has nothing to do with crit

Granted, I don't want ALL these mechanics to be added to all the 2 handers (that would make them insanely overpowered), but I feel it would be a good idea to use them to upgrade both existing and new 2 handers coming out to make them more desirable... I think the last time I used a 2 hander was way back in T5... which is really a shame...

Your kinda pushing it a bit...


Joined: Mar 1, 2005
Messages: 5819

The easy thing to do would be to increase the damage two-handed weapons do.

Server: Nagafen
Guild: Karnage
Rank: RAID - Rotate


Joined: Aug 6, 2007
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Location: Everywhere yet No where

Noaani wrote:

The easy thing to do would be to increase the damage two-handed weapons do.

we need to remember about a little thing called myths...

But there are some very decent two handers out there. me and my guild went to the x2 in lavastorm, and the first name on the right dropped an amazing two hander. our berserker got it, and did very well with it.


Joined: Nov 9, 2004
Messages: 1373

So, logically... what do you think will do more damage... 2 daggers repeatedly stabbing a dragon, or a big 20 pound broad-axe?

I know the 1% deal is much, but I was trying to make a point... the current proc on a 2 hander (with avatar loot exception) is no good. You can get better stuff by equipping a 1 hander and a shield, or 2 one handers.

Currently there is no incentive to use a 2 hander. Never have I come up with a 2 hander drop that made me go "gee... I should drop all my defenses to use this 2 hander." I would rather just use two 1 handers and I end up doing much more damage than a 2 hander... which logic dictates shouldn't be so. Wielding a 2 hander should do twice the damage of an equal quality 1 hander, or more... 1 handed fabled does 101.5 dps... then a 2 handed weapon should do at least 203.0 dps, not 123.0 like they do now... Heck, I get much more procs from equiping 2 1 handers even if procs only go off from the main hand, because the secondary will have a proc as well...

But I guess we just have to wait and see what the devs will do...


Joined: Mar 1, 2005
Messages: 5819

Ocik@Nagafen wrote:

Noaani wrote:

The easy thing to do would be to increase the damage two-handed weapons do.

we need to remember about a little thing called myths...

I was unaware that you could get a mythical weapon at level 30.

Whats that? you can't?

Are you suggesting that SoE should ignore the rest of the game just because those at the top end wouldn't use the item type in question?


Joined: Nov 16, 2004
Messages: 3072

Noaani wrote:

Ocik@Nagafen wrote:

Noaani wrote:

The easy thing to do would be to increase the damage two-handed weapons do.

we need to remember about a little thing called myths...

I was unaware that you could get a mythical weapon at level 30.

Whats that? you can't?

Are you suggesting that SoE should ignore the rest of the game just because those at the top end wouldn't use the item type in question?

Yes because there is a reason those at the top end aren't using the item type and it's not just epics. Your argument can be used for the Rogue wisdom line to not be changed to something actually more useful.

Two handers remove equipment versatility and excepting melee priests, sit largely neglected because main hand + whatever is almost always a better option and even more so since they added the delay to weapon slot equips during combat. 

Besides coding issues, I don't see a probelm  with just dropping the weapon type like they did dual wield and maybe adding a special line to a few choice weapons like --if secondary empty>effect, not unlike the current Rogue wis line and a lot of other AP before they were changed.

Server: Kithicor
Guild: Trinity
Rank: Recruit


Joined: Nov 12, 2004
Messages: 499

          If innate AE autoattack was added to all two handed weapons that might very well be enough reason to switch to thier use for non-mythicaled characters in easier content.   I would also suggest an old eq1 adaptation, at one point certain two handed weapons counted as shield for the attacks that required a shield.  If they also added the protection of a buckler to them,  they could very well become the prefered selection for offensive tanking. 

The delay in switching  is another reason many will dual weild rathen then go with a twohanded weapon.

iirc Dual weilding does more dps then similar quality two handed weapons,  which do more dps then similar quality weapon and shield


Message edited by Lleren on 05/25/2009 02:30:04.


Joined: Mar 1, 2005
Messages: 5819

Deson wrote:

Noaani wrote:
cik@Nagafen wrote:
Noaani wrote:

The easy thing to do would be to increase the damage two-handed weapons do.

we need to remember about a little thing called myths...

I was unaware that you could get a mythical weapon at level 30.

Whats that? you can't?

Are you suggesting that SoE should ignore the rest of the game just because those at the top end wouldn't use the item type in question?

Yes because there is a reason those at the top end aren't using the item type and it's not just epics. Your argument can be used for the Rogue wisdom line to not be changed to something actually more useful.

I was stating that the fact that mythical weapons exist at end game is an invalid reason to not adjust two-handed weapons, as they should be a viable alternative to anyone that wants to use them. Fact is, there is no point in the game where a two-handed weapon is prefered over an equal quality single handed weapon and either a shield, symbol or off hand weapon in the secondary slot.

This is what needs to change, reguardless of mythical weapons.

If the rogue wisdom line is indeed viable for leveling up, then it has its uses, but it is debateable as to whether it is useful for leveling up, and so a debate as to its need to be changed is warrented. 

Two handers remove equipment versatility and excepting melee priests, sit largely neglected because main hand + whatever is almost always a better option and even more so since they added the delay to weapon slot equips during combat. 

To me, this is an itemization system failure more than an issue to do with the four possible combinations of item types that can go in the two hand slots.

Basically, with itemization practises used in this game, damage rating, shield protection and mitigation values on items are not factored in unless they are specifically increased from their base. This means that unless there is a change in the way items are created, two-handed weapons will never have the combination of stats, effects and damage of dual wielding, and also suffer from the lack of customization of being able to equip a shield or symbol.

Besides coding issues, I don't see a probelm  with just dropping the weapon type like they did dual wield and maybe adding a special line to a few choice weapons like --if secondary empty>effect, not unlike the current Rogue wis line and a lot of other AP before they were changed.

Mechanically, this is perfectly sound. Limiting the weapons it is applied on to only those with a graphic suitable for wielding in two hands would be perfectly accetable imo. 


Joined: Jun 30, 2007
Messages: 332
Location: Farthest East

A new stance for 2H weapon for fighters, especially crusader?

It is logical that a big 20 pound broad-axe do more damage than 2 daggers repeatedly stabbing to a dragon, imo.

But this is a fantasy. And at the same time, a game.
I hope 2H weapon viable, but this will cause more complicated game mechanics.

Server: Runnyeye
Guild: Defiant
Rank: Council member


Joined: Nov 10, 2004
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Location: Finland

I'd like to use 2 handers again, since as a berserker after KoS came out 2Hs have been next to useless for me. Increase the damage and i would use them on multiple mobs, since my AE auto attack only triggers from primary.


Joined: Jan 2, 2006
Messages: 508

Increase the damage of all 2-handers by about 60%, increase the PPM, proc damage increased by 25-50%, innate 10% chance to AoE autoattack. That should atleast bring it up to par with dual wield.

Server: Runnyeye
Guild: Order of the Guiding Light
Rank: Acolyte - 5,000+ & Alt Rank


Joined: Feb 24, 2006
Messages: 556

Just to add support to improving two handers - I don't know which idea/ideas are best, but almost all of them are better than the current situation. They of course remove the ability to shield dependant CA's Shield Bash etc along with less procs, less damage etc.

One unrefined idea could be a secondary effect proc inbuilt into each type

Pierce - "impale" - holds target in place

Slash - "cleave" - would seem to be just more damage, or "knock down" due to the pure force involved

Crush - "stun" would come to mind, or "break bones" for a temporary combat penalty. (non skeletals exempt, skeletons susceptable)

AE attacks would be hard to rationalise - once your weapon strikes something the force should be transferred into that target - but the current damage doesnt do enough to make it worth it. Extra reach is reasonable, especially pierce weapons.

Maybe the shield CA's could be modified to give a boosted two hander attack - allowing them to be used would at least raise dps a bit.


Joined: Mar 8, 2006
Messages: 125

or they could just design 2handers worth using over (or as good as) dual wield
its doabe and there was one in rok: \aITEM 1015701991 -996035977:Fiery Axe of Unending War\/a

there are 0 raiddropped and very few instance dropped 2handers in tso so its just them not wanting 2h weapons in the loottables for whatever reason

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