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What Race do You Want to See?
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Server: Unrest


Joined: Aug 8, 2005
Messages: 1649

So, we know we're getting a new good-aligned city in the future, which means a 99.99% chance of getting an accompanying good-aligned race.  So, what do you want to see as that race?  There are three possibilities that I'd like to see:

1. Aviaks: I really want to see another winged race that isn't some breed of fairy.  There's two good ways I could see Aviaks working, 1: make the crow aviaks that lived in Antonica in EQlive playable, as they're currently the only breed of Aviak that we know exists, but hasn't shown up yet in EQ2.  Option 2: they could go whole hog, and allow character customization to look like any breed: Aviak, Hooluk, Vultak, Krag, and Spiroc.

2. Gargoyles: Again, and non-fairy winged race.  What little hints we have on the next expansion point towards Odus, so I think Gargoyles, which are basically magical constructs, would work especially well.  In terms of appearance, I'd honestly start with the head gargoyle from that Disney movie, and design from there.

3 Some sort of Centaur-style race: Centaurs themselves probably wouldn't work, if for no other reasons than that Centaurs would look ridiculous going up climbable surfaces, but a Centaur-style race with a slightly more agile animal half could work out, I think.  What I've currently got on my mind is some sort of lion-Centaur which, with a bit of explaining, could also fit well on Odus.

Other ideas?    


Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Messages: 3225

I don't like any of those.  Maybe they could add a real cat-race instead of gorillahumanbigcat hybrids like kerra.

The Otaku

Joined: Dec 2, 2004
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Location: Cheeseland, USA

Insectoid race. Bi-pedal Rhinocerous Beetles just like Stun from the Bloody Roar games.


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Joined: Nov 12, 2004
Messages: 499

More Ratonga!  maybe a good aligned Mousetonga!!!

Or Bunnys!!!

Message edited by Lleren on 04/19/2009 20:04:12.


Joined: May 12, 2005
Messages: 507

Otthimir or a Gnoll....


Joined: Oct 17, 2007
Messages: 227

Aviaks! Or an insectoid race would also be neat, I was pretty miffed at Arasai being recolored Fae and not insectoid....not even really unique aside from maybe a few hair styles and wings but who can really tell the difference or cares? I've always really wanted Aviaks since eq1 though, always found it neat that one of the arcane scientists either was one or had an illusion.

Message edited by Morghus on 04/19/2009 21:55:35.

Archive of Ik

Joined: Dec 3, 2004
Messages: 932

Lethe5683 wrote:

I don't like any of those.  Maybe they could add a real cat-race instead of gorillahumanbigcat hybrids like kerra.


Or a good looking wolf race, that doesn't look like a gnoll.


Joined: Dec 3, 2005
Messages: 5966

Hmm lets see...


An insectoid, avian, or new humanoid race...seeing as evil races seem to be the only beastial races SMILEY


Joined: Apr 4, 2005
Messages: 9
Location: New Mexico (...yes USA)

As far as I can tell from what I've read in the Devs QnA is that there is no plans for another race anytime soon, but for what its worth:

I played EQoA (PS2 Everquest), and around the time when Odus was introduced a new infection was as well, werepeople. If you did the quests to get infected they boosted your stats depending on tribe type, ex: Repilian for str/sta. There was also were-lion, were-rat, and were-wolf...all of them held the same shape as your toon and walked upright  but altered features (like shapshifting in your armor). There was also the option to become were-hunters. Downside to all of that was that you got faction hits as most cities had were hunters roaming around that would beat you up on sight, or you could get quests because they sensed what you were.Also, it became a "have to" thing to do if you wanted to stay up to par with the stats.

So, for Odus, I think a cool Good/Neutral race would be some sort of half-giant...not ugly things like ogres, but something the same size if not bigger with muscles instead of would fit in with the lore perfectly.

Or maybe Djinns as the Erudites are always playing with magick..that would open up for a good reason to go back to the Sinking Sands, which I LOVED (no void junk please).

One thing I do want/miss is a good GRIND too, if the level cap goes up, I'd like to have to invest time to getting to it and be rewarded well for it, there's NOTHING like the feeling of accomplishment in Eq/MMos for hard work rather than instant gratification.

And please, pleASE, PLEASE..NO void-shard type fact leave the void to TSO... PLEASE.

What do you all think??

The Otaku

Joined: Dec 2, 2004
Messages: 16087
Location: Cheeseland, USA

TheGreatBeast wrote:

So, for Odus, I think a cool Good/Neutral race would be some sort of half-giant...not ugly things like ogres, but something the same size if not bigger with muscles instead of would fit in with the lore perfectly.

... no it wouldn't. There are no giants or anything close to it on Odus.

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Cusashorn wrote:

TheGreatBeast wrote:

So, for Odus, I think a cool Good/Neutral race would be some sort of half-giant...not ugly things like ogres, but something the same size if not bigger with muscles instead of would fit in with the lore perfectly.

... no it wouldn't. There are no giants or anything close to it on Odus.

Thought the exact same thing when I read that. hehe



For me, I want a semi-aquatic race. One where their racial would be water breathing but would also transform you or your bottom half into a mermish form (IE, you'd grow a tail) which would only work while in the water. So, it'd basically be the reverse of how mounts work now. Instead of a mount disappearing soon as you get in the water and reappearing once you get out, our legs would turn into a tail soon as we hit water and would disappear once we got out.

hehe Sorry but I'm a Prexian at heart. SMILEY

Server: Najena


Joined: Sep 19, 2005
Messages: 154

The Transformer race!!

Just kidding.  I really don't like any of the suggestions so far.  I don't really think we need any more races added to the game.  The only other race I could see added is the Va'shir.  I know Luclin was blown up, but was every single Va'shir on Luclin when it happend?  Haven't they ever hung out on Norrath for any reason?

The Otaku

Joined: Dec 2, 2004
Messages: 16087
Location: Cheeseland, USA

Quinleigh@Najena wrote:

The Transformer race!!

Just kidding.  I really don't like any of the suggestions so far.  I don't really think we need any more races added to the game.  The only other race I could see added is the Va'shir.  I know Luclin was blown up, but was every single Va'shir on Luclin when it happend?  Haven't they ever hung out on Norrath for any reason?

The Vah'Shir (adventurers mostly) who were on Norrath at the time just went to the Kerran tribes on Odus, mated with them, and now the Kerrans you see now are the genetic evolution of the scrawny Kerrans and the large Vah'Shir. The original race itself is pretty much extinct.

Message edited by Cusashorn on 04/20/2009 12:03:17.


Joined: Dec 10, 2004
Messages: 792

My thinking on it was a kind of fish people, perhaps with some fins and webbing.  It would help if they could be made attractive.  I like the idea MW2K2 of having fish tails appear while swimming.

Server: Unrest


Joined: Aug 8, 2005
Messages: 1649

Snowdonia@Runnyeye wrote:

For me, I want a semi-aquatic race. One where their racial would be water breathing but would also transform you or your bottom half into a mermish form (IE, you'd grow a tail) which would only work while in the water. So, it'd basically be the reverse of how mounts work now. Instead of a mount disappearing soon as you get in the water and reappearing once you get out, our legs would turn into a tail soon as we hit water and would disappear once we got out.

hehe Sorry but I'm a Prexian at heart.

If they were going to go for an aquatic race, I'd rather like to see them find a way to bring back the Kedge (although, they would probably be a major pain for the art team to animate).

On the subject of Odus, if that's where we're going for the next race, they're going to almost have to come up with something semi-new.  I mean, who actually lived on Odus in EQlive?  I'm only remembering the Erudites, the various Kerra tribes, and some Kobolds.  So the new race would probably have to be something that migrated there, or were created by magic. 

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