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EQOA Gameplay Discussion
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Hodstock Item Database 3
05/15/2009 16:04:42
Tip of the Week – Norrath's Timeless Heroes Submissions 0
05/01/2009 18:45:58
Zone Maps 11
04/16/2009 11:03:42
TeamJosh: Spells List
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]
04/13/2009 13:14:20
Quests - The Walkthroughs 11
04/02/2009 06:41:53
Tips for Grouping
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 ]
05/09/2008 15:29:52
Need fixed in future update... 20
06/13/2009 03:41:28
Items you have never seen before 20

06/13/2009 01:38:20
Your take on Khal Viceroy?
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]
06/12/2009 23:28:55
old topic..kinda 8
06/11/2009 13:46:11
Server Down 12
06/11/2009 11:21:50
Graphics? 7
06/11/2009 05:54:59
It's been 2 months and 2 days. 34
06/11/2009 05:13:46
Your best memory in your time with EQOA... 34
06/10/2009 20:16:45
Raid islands still bugged. Fix your Zek rages. 5
06/09/2009 11:14:12
[Moved] New toon 0
06/09/2009 10:39:52
What raid would you like to see implemented next 34
06/08/2009 19:20:07
What if... 35
06/08/2009 13:48:42
There a way to remove vamp from a toon? 23
06/07/2009 20:37:50
your thoughts on adding zp spells to rest of zp gods or a quest to obtain them 3
06/07/2009 06:01:25
Master Class Suggestions centering around Faction 2
06/06/2009 08:58:28
Palladia epic gear 8
06/06/2009 02:29:14
Vampire Infection Questions
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
06/06/2009 00:30:36
Vallon Zek kill 6
06/05/2009 19:44:29
servers down, was there an update? 2
06/04/2009 16:54:50
Thantonian Gear 11
06/04/2009 13:32:27
tallon eyes 5
06/04/2009 13:12:06
Quality is not the same as bigger and tougher.... 23
06/02/2009 15:25:39
How to kill Rallos Zek 29
05/31/2009 09:29:37
Mobs that drop no loot? 9
05/31/2009 05:45:40
What do you think 7
05/28/2009 23:53:13
Hmm 25
05/28/2009 20:35:42
purple lvl 40 chain mail, who knows where it drops 3
05/28/2009 17:43:12
Procs, few questions and observations 8
05/27/2009 14:00:30
Tallon Zek Information 6
05/26/2009 21:45:17
Sapphyra's Necklace,Sword and Pants 2
05/26/2009 16:59:44
Daywalker quest 9
05/26/2009 05:07:59
Vampire Dot gone? 10
05/25/2009 23:47:07
Druid Charm again..
[ Go to Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
05/24/2009 06:15:25
spells/ charms/abilities/paths invitation to a a cross class comparison 2
05/24/2009 00:03:20
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