How many PS3 owners participate in the Folding @ home project. For those of you who don't know what this is, it is a program that you can download on to your PS3. It is computing network from Stanford University that uses volunteers and your PS3 to run a program that will, hopefully, find the cure for cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. To operate the program, all you have to do is to open it and let it run on its own. After a few hours, or even a day or two, a work unit is completed and it starts all over again. Folding @ home is free. You can stop at any time.
What I have been wondering how many work units each PS3 owner,and EQOA player, has?
I don't run my PS3 all the time so my number may be low. So far, I have completed 236 Work Units. What is your number of completed work units?
could you explain what the work units are? it sound interesting
Once you pop you cant stop,those where the days overclocking,custom SSE3-clients...
WCG is sponsered by IBM and several university's in usa participate in the crunching.
Its get even more addicting when you start with teams,the faster your pc's or ps3s in this case,the more datapackages you can work of the more points.
I guess this will be my last entry here as no one seems to share my enthusiasm for this.
242 Work Units completed.
That sounds like an interesting idea... Oops. I posted again!
243 Work Units.
You can't do this while playing a game. I usually run the program when charging my controller or when it will be only a few minutes until another work unit is to be completed.
246 Work Units completed.
Hey Cmax, sorry i didnt respond soone. I've been out of the forums a couple days. Building a guild these days is hardly an easy task....trying to run raids with 5 collaborating guilds is even worse. However just wanted to let you know, I have 2 Ps3s and a ps2. I don't tribox b/c it overwhelmes me so i try to use my ps2 and one ps3 to dual box whenever possible. So far I have had my extra PS3 running folding@home for about 600 units. I'm at work right now so I can't remember exactly the number but its around that. I've been periodically running Dual box folding@home lol. Not really sure what it does, and honestly I would rather not know the details. As long as I can put my passion for gaming toward something that really matters in life I'm just happy to help. So here's a WOOT to finding a cure for cancer/alzheimer's disease. I suggest everyone do this, one day we may have alzheimer's from all the EQOA playing and we'll look back and wish we had helped find a cure.
Gone all day yesterday so left PS3 afk on Folding, got up to 7 work units.