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Development Activities 3-24-09
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Joined: Aug 4, 2005
Messages: 976


Sorry I haven't posted lately...  


Trying to wrap up the Tallon Raid and the Rallos Raid. 


Both will be pushed at the same time next update. Which should be the end of this week, early next week if everything tests out okay. 



Re-looked at Minotaur's Persistance ability that was changed last time. I see what was noted as problem with replacing the 1 Def Mod with 2 Hp Mods. Although our calculators say that the HP mod is worth more, 2 Hp mods in place of 1 def mod was not exactly a fair trade. 

The problem is that if we return the Def Mod, we still run into stacking issues. 

So the 8 HP mods will now become 18 HP mods. This will make up enough HPs for "losing" the DEF mod. 

For example: (All numbers used are for examples sake)

If player has 7700 HP and is being hit for 77 dmg per hit. It will take 100 hits to get down to 0 (this is not factoring in HoT)

With the Def Mod mitigates that dmg from 77 to 66. So a player with the DEF mod will take 117 hits to get down to zero.

The 2 HP increase did not make up for the loss in mitigation. As: 7700 became 8000 meaning 77 dmg would take 104 hits to get down to zero. Obviously NOT enough to make up for the missing DEF mod. 

So the HP mod is being increased to 12 HP mods. This should increase your HPs in order to do what ultimately the DEF mod did. Which is to last 117 hits before zeroing your HP. 

This was totally my fault as I relied solely on what the tools were telling me. 

Until next time... SMILEY




Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Messages: 577
Location: Mo-Town, WV

Daemaas wrote:


Sorry I haven't posted lately...  


Trying to wrap up the Tallon Raid and the Rallos Raid. 


Both will be pushed at the same time next update. Which should be the end of this week, early next week if everything tests out okay. 



Re-looked at Minotaur's Persistance ability that was changed last time. I see what was noted as problem with replacing the 1 Def Mod with 2 Hp Mods. Although our calculators say that the HP mod is worth more, 2 Hp mods in place of 1 def mod was not exactly a fair trade. 

The problem is that if we return the Def Mod, we still run into stacking issues. 

So the 8 HP mods will now become 18 HP mods. This will make up enough HPs for "losing" the DEF mod. 

For example: (All numbers used are for examples sake)

If player has 7700 HP and is being hit for 77 dmg per hit. It will take 100 hits to get down to 0 (this is not factoring in HoT)

With the Def Mod mitigates that dmg from 77 to 66. So a player with the DEF mod will take 117 hits to get down to zero.

The 2 HP increase did not make up for the loss in mitigation. As: 7700 became 8000 meaning 77 dmg would take 104 hits to get down to zero. Obviously NOT enough to make up for the missing DEF mod. 

So the HP mod is being increased to 12 HP mods. This should increase your HPs in order to do what ultimately the DEF mod did. Which is to last 117 hits before zeroing your HP. 

This was totally my fault as I relied solely on what the tools were telling me. 

Until next time...



What happened to the 1CM cost cleric ability deathtouch you mentioned earlier SMILEY.


Joined: Jun 23, 2008
Messages: 1114
Location: Goodbye

Thanks for the info.


Joined: Sep 23, 2008
Messages: 20

Daemaas wrote:


Sorry I haven't posted lately...  


Trying to wrap up the Tallon Raid and the Rallos Raid. 


Both will be pushed at the same time next update. Which should be the end of this week, early next week if everything tests out okay. 



Re-looked at Minotaur's Persistance ability that was changed last time. I see what was noted as problem with replacing the 1 Def Mod with 2 Hp Mods. Although our calculators say that the HP mod is worth more, 2 Hp mods in place of 1 def mod was not exactly a fair trade. 

The problem is that if we return the Def Mod, we still run into stacking issues. 

So the 8 HP mods will now become 18 HP mods. This will make up enough HPs for "losing" the DEF mod. 

For example: (All numbers used are for examples sake)

If player has 7700 HP and is being hit for 77 dmg per hit. It will take 100 hits to get down to 0 (this is not factoring in HoT)

With the Def Mod mitigates that dmg from 77 to 66. So a player with the DEF mod will take 117 hits to get down to zero.

The 2 HP increase did not make up for the loss in mitigation. As: 7700 became 8000 meaning 77 dmg would take 104 hits to get down to zero. Obviously NOT enough to make up for the missing DEF mod. 

So the HP mod is being increased to 12 HP mods. This should increase your HPs in order to do what ultimately the DEF mod did. Which is to last 117 hits before zeroing your HP. 

This was totally my fault as I relied solely on what the tools were telling me. 

Until next time...



it says hp increased to 12 but at top it says 18 is one a typo?


Joined: Aug 4, 2005
Messages: 976

Oops...  Yes, it is a typo. Should be 12.


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
Messages: 298

Are warrior taunts being looked at as a whole.........It is getting harder to hold aggro off toons that are being revamped.

I have put tp's into strength and still tend to lose aggro unless I am chain taunting. I am not asking for a super duper buffed up taunt but just a little mod lol.


But anyway a big thanks for the re-vamp on Mino's Persitance.


Joined: Nov 17, 2006
Messages: 191
Location: tulsa,ok

was there a reason mino buff was changed? i been back maybe few months now just wondering was the df mod not working or something? and tyvm for fianlly posting something people was getting uptight wanting some info on whats going on


Joined: Sep 23, 2008
Messages: 20

mino didnt staff with death knight buff and thx dea i wuz gunna say dam 18 tats sweet lol


Joined: Nov 17, 2006
Messages: 191
Location: tulsa,ok

the df mod dint stack or the hps?

.:Jedi Master:.

Joined: Feb 2, 2006
Messages: 2457
Location: Bel Air Maryland

kunark wrote:

the df mod dint stack or the hps?

The DEF mod didnt stack with Death Scream.


Joined: Nov 17, 2006
Messages: 191
Location: tulsa,ok

nothing agaist any other class tank but id rather have my 1df mod over 5more hps factors on my defender.  way i was always told  1df mod is makes it so u get hit like your 1 lev higher so befor he had 7df mods so was like getting hit at lev 67 tank, now he has 6 but losses! 1 df mod for another class abailty not stacking, maybe can give an option to ether have the st buff at 10hp fac or st buff at 5hp fac 1 df make 2 differt spells id rather keep my df mod over the hps on high end raid mobs u need all the df mods u can get

Message edited by kunark on 03/24/2009 15:20:24.


Joined: Nov 17, 2006
Messages: 191
Location: tulsa,ok

also dae when u get rallos back will you guys be pushing marr and the akkesson gods back into zp sometine in the near future?


Joined: Mar 21, 2007
Messages: 519

kunark wrote:

nothing agaist any other class tank but id rather have my 1df mod over 5more hps factors on my defender.  way i was always told  1df mod is makes it so u get hit like your 1 lev higher so befor he had 7df mods so was like getting hit at lev 67 tank, now he has 6 but losses! 1 df mod for another class abailty not stacking, maybe can give an option to ether have the st buff at 10hp fac or st buff at 5hp fac 1 df make 2 differt spells id rather keep my df mod over the hps on high end raid mobs u need all the df mods u can get


Just looking at Deaa's post.  Without doing any math... I only see his numbers working with one specific HP amount. However, I'm still apt to take the lead Developer's explanation of how Defensive Mods work over the "way you were told". Not trying to be rude so don't take it that way.. but what exactly is the argument that you are making?  That Deaa's information on damage mitigation is inccorect and you should take damage as if the mobs are 7 levels lower than they are?  That would put Noro and raid mobs at what.. Level 59 or so?

All I know is tanks were MTing the same raid mobs before this Storyteller Buff, which is a free extra 720 HP... so isn't there better things to request changes for?

Dea can you please share your thoughts on a ZP Spell Quest?  I'm just looking for.. "I like the idea, we are looking into it" or "I only want spells to drop off raid mobs, but maybe some will be more manageable by smaller guilds"


Joined: Nov 17, 2006
Messages: 191
Location: tulsa,ok

not argument just would like to knows if 1df mods helpd better then the xtra hps on high end raid mobs was always told 1df make u like your lev 61 so on they can leave it as is.  more things to be worked on then the st buff i agree with you ther


Joined: Feb 1, 2006
Messages: 896

Oldrice wrote:

Are warrior taunts being looked at as a whole.........It is getting harder to hold aggro off toons that are being revamped.

I have put tp's into strength and still tend to lose aggro unless I am chain taunting. I am not asking for a super duper buffed up taunt but just a little mod lol.


But anyway a big thanks for the re-vamp on Mino's Persitance.

Not only warrior taunts, what about palidan? With the increase damage output done by dd's now it's hard for tanks to hold agro. I was xping with a level 55 pali the other day and pulled agro off him with my level 49 rogue every time I cut loose. Did I mention that I wasn't even using my 49 epic ability because I haven't done any of the quest for level 40 plus yet? So I don't think the argument that people need to control there damage holds much water with me. Something needs to be done with taunts.

As for adding more hp mods to the st buff, thats all fine and good but still does nothing to midigate damage like before. So you will need extra heals to cover the hp lost from damage. I guess I can pump more tp's into agility thru the cm's quest line. But at this point until I get the needed cm's for my build that won't be happening.

Message edited by poser on 03/24/2009 21:19:53.

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