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Broken Blade crafting help
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Joined: Mar 27, 2009
Messages: 72
Location: Direns Hold

 I've been trying to craft a archeotype soul for a bud of mine but I keep failing(I have failed to craft it in 1hr yet i can craft vicious vamp blood in less than 10min). The toon i use to craft weapons is lvl 10 weaponcraft with max dex and str, do i need to be lvl12 to suceed?


Message edited by darkerusaelp on 05/15/2009 15:56:18.


Joined: Oct 13, 2007
Messages: 418
Location: New York

I'am afraid so....  it is hard, we had a guy in our guild struggle alot tryin to make soul's at level 10, maybe try again at 11...  Good Luck.


Joined: Feb 13, 2008
Messages: 541
Location: Belgium

Took guildy like 8 houres (incl some breaks offcourse) to craft my ear and hes guild master crafter,so yea its hard.


Joined: Nov 17, 2006
Messages: 191
Location: tulsa,ok

think can make at around 11.2 or 11.4 but closer to 12 the easyer to make


Joined: Aug 8, 2007
Messages: 522

i tried for hrs at lvl 10 no luck , a guildy at lvl 12.9 i think was max  u can get had it crafted in under 5 mins SMILEY


Joined: Jun 21, 2008
Messages: 192
Location: Texas

Fildiarz wrote:

I'am afraid so....  it is hard, we had a guy in our guild struggle alot tryin to make soul's at level 10, maybe try again at 11...  Good Luck.

Thats me....tired close to 1000 time at level 10. So leveled up to 11.0 and got it after about 20 tires. At 11.5ish its not bad at all. Make sure your str and dex are very high....mine where 425 str and 630 dex.

Harbinger of Folly

Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Messages: 4273

aye, it's definitely easier at 11. I got it about 30 tries at 11.1 with 400 str and 565 dex.


Joined: Mar 27, 2009
Messages: 72
Location: Direns Hold

It seems as if leveling higher than 10 is my best bet, I'll try again at lvl11 and let ya'll know if I suceed. Thank you for all the great responses.

Harbinger of Folly

Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Messages: 4273

good luck, dark--let us know if you are successful. If not, and you're on clw, let me know and I can craft for you.


Joined: Mar 27, 2009
Messages: 72
Location: Direns Hold

At 11 made it in 4 tries woot!

Mail Esteem on direns hold if you need bb crated.


Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Messages: 3712

It appears the MC Berserker is best for crafting a soul.


Even at lvl 10, I have never taken more than 3 minutes to craft a soul with 650 str, 570 dex, and most of the time it has been in just a couple tries.


I've crafted about 5 souls for different friends/guildies ranging from as low as lvl 10.1 weapon crafting, to now I'm at 11.3, and I've never had it take more than 3 or 4 minutes.


If you want it to take shorter time, rehab, get to at least 550 str, 550 dex (something everyone can get, regardless of class) and craft it.  You might be surprised how much easier it is.


Just to show you how much str/dex plays a role in weapon crafting, even the hardest "gems" like negative energy stone, vamp blood, etc, I fail no more than once.  They get crafted in 1 or 2 tries every time.  I would actually say I have about a 75% success rate on those, they craft nearly everytime.

Message edited by Beowoulf on 05/29/2009 10:34:06.


Joined: Mar 18, 2004
Messages: 3712



I would DEFINITELY think strength plays a huge role. 


I rehabbed to Assassin for a RZ raid and was doing some weapon crafting while waiting for raid.


Now, I'm 11.4 in weapon crafting, and negative energy and vamp bloods were taking as many as 4 or 5 tries to craft each one, with 550 str, 620 dex.


When I'm a berserker with 650 str, 570 dex, I craft those the first try nearly every time.


I'm assuming that souls are similar just harder...


Now that I see how much harder tough gems are with lower strength, I wouldn't even attempt a soul with less than 550 str, 550 dex.




Joined: Oct 13, 2007
Messages: 418
Location: New York

Str seems to be best for craftin weps i changed to bravo worked great i crafted tank soul in 10 mins at level 10.2

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