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[8.1] Machinist Critical Mission Dialogue and Screenshots
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

Chapter 8.1

Mission 1: War

Agent Gray: Operative, Cypherite spies have confirmed the existence of a new base built by Zion, intended to protect them from the threat of extermination by our Sentinels should they break the Truce.
This action itself directly undermines the function of the Truce. We have been directed to prevent Zion from extracting more humans from the pods. The use of force against Zion operatives has already begun.
Agent Pace will provide further details of the current situation.

Operator: Zion broke the Truce? We're already fighting them? Holy--

Agent Wilson: Do you hesitate, Mr. Kennedy? Regulations will guide your actions.

Agent Pace: Welcome, Mr. Kennedy. So, we have finally discovered where the supplies leaving Zion have been going for these many months. They have attempted to escape from the Truce by retreating to a more remote base--a place some of them apparently call "New Zion." They seem to hope that a combination of natural strata layers and EMP charges will allow them to disrupt the System with impunity. They will find that they are mistaken.
Zion underestimates our knowledge of their network interfaces within the simulation. Most of their secrets here are already known to us. As they have chosen to violate the law they agreed to follow, they will be punished, and their operations disrupted. Agent Gray will give you your first target.

Operator: I can't believe Zion would do that! Are they crazy? Didn't they know what it would mean?

Agent Pace: Execution of your instructions is your only priority, operative. We must protect the System against all threats.

Agent Gray:
The indicated location is a Zion network hub whose existence has long been known to us. Remove any Zionites in the area, and access the hub terminal to locate further enemy strongholds.

I'm reading a computer network in there, and a bunch of unidentified redpill signals.
well... Looks like this is it.

Zion Scattershot: It's the Machines!

Zion Gunslinger: Lock down the terminal!

Zion Despoiler: Too late!

Hacked Computer:
Personnel transfer is moving to full capacity. Those of you who haven't been relocated yet, expect your berthing reassignments shortly. Hovercraft are being given precedence in order of captain seniority. Please direct any questions to Zion dock control, line A2.
- Commander Lock

> net list con -l
7221.837.PGJ:881 (open)
977.10.KNG:817 (listen)
523.447.EHA:1001 (open)
2034.99.ZAA:332 (standby)
4 connections found.
> _

Operator: Okay... We'll get those network locations tracked down.

Agent Gray:
The third network connection has been identified as a Zion activity center. Proceed to that location, and eliminate resistance. System reinforcements will be on hand.

Got more unidentified reds in there. A few support units are supposed to be on their way now.

Machine Enforcer: We have made contact with operative Cap0ne.

Machine Enforcer: Crime does not pay.

Zion Karate Grandmaster: *CENSORED* you!

Zion Kung Fu Grandmaster:

Operator: Area's clear. We'll have a scanner team in there in a minute; you can come out and report to Gray.

Computer: Remote connection [INSIT.B92] lost.
> _

Agent Gray: Mr. Kennedy, as I am aware that this turn of events concerning Zion carries a certain significance for you, I thought it was best that we should meet face to face at this time. You will find me at the indicated location.

Operator: Got some Machine programs in there. No sign of trouble.
Zion better wise up fast; that's all I'm gonna say.

Agent Wong:
We are pleased to see that your efficiency remains unimpaired by Zion's aggression, Mr. Kennedy.

Agent Gray:
Operative, it is not unexpected that you may have certain feelings or sentiments relating to Zion, and the humans therein. I want to make it clear that we do not engage in the unnecessary termination of life; neither do we take hostilities against Zion lightly. However, Zion's action in constructing a new fortified base reveals a clear intention to resume their past activities of attempting to damage the System, and in this circumstance, the lives of the vast majority of mankind reliant on the continued operation of the Matrix, not to mention the existence of the many programs whose existence depends upon the simulation, must take priority.

Agent Pace:
Tesoro, although we may not often say so, I want you to know that we very much appreciate your efforts on behalf of the System. Many humans do not have your...understanding of the simulation's true importance. We know that you will do your utmost to ensure the continued stability of this world. If only the others had your insight, such terrible conflicts as this one would not exist.
Thank you, Cap0ne.

Agent Gray: Thank you, Mr. Kennedy.

Agent Gray: With your continued assistance, Mr. Kennedy, we trust that this state of conflict with Zion will be brought to a rapid conclusion.

Message edited by ThePigeonKing on 07/12/2007 19:41:56.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

Didn't get any "Data Sentry" hostiles in yours, huh?

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

I don't believe so. It was all Zion, three in the second mission area, aaaand...  ~5-7 in my third mission area. Killed off my Enforcers there. I had a screenshot of the room filled to the brim with Zion, buuuut I accidently forgot to turn off my HUD for all four of the screenshots I took of that, so they all look crappy. :'(

Message edited by ThePigeonKing on 07/12/2007 20:14:33.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

Mission 2: Vulnerability

Agent Gray: Our intial response to Zion's breaking of the Truce has met with sufficient success that we are close to accessing vulnerable portions of Zion's Matrix network interfaces. Insertion of viral routines into these interfaces will significantly accelerate our efforts to shut down these illegal systems, and significantly reduce Zion's threat to the stability of the Matrix.
Agent Pace has continued to pursue this avenue of attack. You are to rendezvous with her, at which point she will place several viral routines in your charge.

I'm picking up Machine programs in there, and some unidentified reds. Man, I hope Pace knows what she's doing.

Agent West:
An operative has arrived, Agent Pace.

Agent Brown: Thank you for your concern, operative, but we have already...secured this area.

Agent Pace: Buon giorno, Mr. Kennedy. Ah, Agent Gray sent you, did he? Very good. I have two viral routines with me that have been designed for Zion network targets.

Operator: Get those two babies from her.
Aren't they cute? All right, out you go.

Agent Pace: Agent Gray will have instructions for you on their use, Cap0ne. Applied correctly, those viruses will help bring down the terrorist network.

Agent Gray: We have already traced extensive sections of Zion's network structure within the simulation. Many areas, they believed were unknown to us have been a matter of record for quite some time, and with their forfeit of the protection guaranteed by the Truce, exploitation of these areas has been a relatively simple matter. Our data indicates that the location marked on your HUD contains a vulnerable Zion network array. Locate a local terminal, and insert the appropriate virus into their system.

Operator: Unidentified redpills in there--configuration of systems in the area is consistent with Zion patterns.

Zion Gunslinger: No! Please!

Operator: That's weird... Why aren't they attacking? What are they up to?

Zion Arbalest: Think about what you're doing! If the Machines destroy Zion, nothing will prevent them from holding humanity in subjugation forever! They tell you that they're trying to save mankind at the same time that they're using you to wipe out our last real hope!

Operator: For crying out loud... Look, can we get on with this? If they're not going to try to stop you, then just hit that computer.

Zion Gunslinger: Do you know how many billions they killed?


Operator: Oh, now that's cute. They deep-sized their system rather than let us get to it. Just a stall for time... Agent "Efficiency" Gray isn't going to like this little turn of events.

Zion Gunslinger: You're a traitor to your own kind.

Zion Arbalest: We're just not getting through...

Agent Gray: Such tactics by Zion are both pathetic and futile, operative. Many such targets are available to us; if they wish to cripple their own systems before we reach them, that merely facilitates our progress. We cannot count on a consistent measure of such cooperation, however. Continue to the next target location, and locate a vulnerable terminal.

Operator: Same profile as the last spot. Hopefully these reds are a little less cooperative.

Zion Despoiler: Stop!

Operator: Oh goody, they're trying to resist.

Operator: Ah, now that terminal's giving me the readings I like to see. I'd say the Firebolt Virus should be just perfect for that one.

Operator: That's cutting the mustard. Time to see if Gray's got somewhere we can stick that other virus Pace gave you.

Zion Gunslinger: *CENSORED*!

Agent Gray: The virus is returning data, operative. Proceed to another vulnerable Zionite system.

Hm... Getting a basic low-level electronics buzz in there, but no real activity.

Computer: No operating system found on primary boot device.
Searching secondary drives...
Searching network drives...
SYSBIOS Error 9927: No network connection.
SYSBIOS Error 210: Boot failure: No operating system found.

Well, this is just getting silly: more "scorched Earth" tactics from Zion. You'd think the skies would remind them that those can backfire.
At least we know they know they're in trouble.

Agent Gray:
I see. Thank you, Mr. Kennedy. I am having the remaining virus decompiled from your inventory space.
Zion appears to realize at least some aspect of the vulnerability of their situation. They have begun to undertake several defensive measures, such as emergency firewalls, but these measures have proven inadequate when confronted by the full processing power of the System. The...emotional appeal they attempted hardly bears mention. If this conflict continues to follow projections, it will not be long before Zion falls, and peace is restored.

Message edited by ThePigeonKing on 07/19/2007 17:19:46.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

'and pace is restored'
Typo on the Mission or was it just a accidental omission by yourself? Shouldn't it be peace? I've not done the crit yet so I've not seen it myself...

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

Croesus wrote:
'and pace is restored'
Typo on the Mission or was it just a accidental omission by yourself? Shouldn't it be peace? I've not done the crit yet so I've not seen it myself...

My typo.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Ah, Ok, no worries! SMILEY Thought something had happened to Pace.... Again....!

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2006
Messages: 207
Location: Sera

Nice I already know what's going to happen in that missions before I even run it, Heh!

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 6, 2005
Messages: 693
Location: Being perma banned for no reason at all thanx SOE!

Dark_Rider wrote:
Nice I already know what's going to happen in that missions before I even run it, Heh!

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2201
Location: HvCFT Ishtar

Just thought this bears repeating.




MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2227
Location: Syntax

I was actually a little surprised to see Gray mention the programs in that little speech.  It's certainly a good thing, a very good thing in fact, that he and 01 view them as important "things" to protect, but it was nice to see it so publicly stated like that.  One of the fews things 01 has done lately that I agree with.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

Mission 3: Spiral

Agent Gray: Mr. Kennedy, our effort to neutralize Zion's aggression goes well. However, we must not underestimate the damage they can cause as they become increasingly desperate. Every possible precaution must be taken.
Police reports indicate a suspicious break-in at a nearby apartment. It is your task to search the area thoroughly for signs of Zionite involvement.

Operator: That's the apartment complex. The police report says there are three witnesses in the apartment that was robbed.

Verla Darcy: They were, like, tall, and really mean-looking. Henria Ackerman was afraid, but not me. One of them was kind of cute, but not really my type. I think they might have been sailors,!

Brandii Anselm:
Some creeps dressed in leather--like we told the cops--just went right out with our computer. One of them shouted something about a "blue pill" when Verla nailed him with a shoe. I'd say they were on drugs; probably traded our computer for a quick hit.

Nah, nothing there. Uh... the ID in that says it belongs to Henria Ackerman. You'd better give it back.

Henria Ackerman:

Operator: You know what? I say we just put all that down in our report, and let the Agents bust their heads over it. I guess it could have been Zionites, but I don't know if I'd call those three reliable witnesses, exactly.

Agent Gray: I...see. It suggests a possibility of desperate Zion operatives scavenging computer parts. I will flag this case for further investigation.
At this time, however, I have a more pressing assignment for you. Viral routines planted in Zion's network have revealed the location of their broadcast signal control center. The destruction of this center, and its database, will severely impair Zion's ability to coordinate their operatives when jacked into the Matrix. You are to eliminate all resistance, and confiscate any available data.

I'm reading lots of redpills in there, and a networked computer system.

Zion Gunslinger: *CENSORED* it, the comm's still down...

Zion Aikido Grandmaster: Son of a--

Zion Arbalest: Suck on this!

Operator: That's it for the hostiles in the area.

Log 00017 deleted.
> _

Operator: Someone just cleaned the net log off that system. They wouldn't do that unless they were trying to cover their tracks after sending some data...and since I don't see the broadcast database we were looking for in there, I'm gonna go ahead and guess that they transferred it somewhere else just before you got there. We'll have to see if Gray can pull some record of the transaction.

Agent Gray:
Report received. A backtrack scan is running...
Yes. The data was transferred to a previously unmapped system, not far from your present location.

Operator: Let's see what we've got there... A computer...and a couple bluepills. No hostiles in sight.

Bluepill: Workin' overtime, overtime...
While I'm in my prime...

Whoops! Thought you'd hide from me, huh, Mr. Paperclip? Hah!

That's the system Gray was talking about, but there's nothing on it.

Bluepill: Just sweeping up. I'm not in your way, am I?

Bluepill: Huh? No, no--just some other poor slob working late, too. Burly type, I guess...but they'll hire anyone these days.
Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a spare coffee filter on you, would you?

Operator: All right, there's no data there, and it sounds like Zion's already been through. We're gonna need Gray to get another scan run.

Agent Gray:
Operative, one of our Agents sent to shut down a newly detected unregistered network uplink has abruptly ceased function. Subprograms in the area returned feedback indicating the presence of Zionite hostiles before they were terminated. That this has taken place simultaneously with your pursuit of the missing broadcast data is unlikely to be mere coincidence. You are being routed to the uplink to investigate further.

I'm reading some carnage in there: dead programs, redpills--heck, even a dead terminal.

Operator: You're getting close to that dead system.
Hm, speaking of dead...
Ho-kay. One dead Agent, plus one dead illegal uplink terminal, plus one batch of missing network data... I'd say this is adding up to Zion managing to smuggle that broadcast control database out from under our noses.
But what the heck took out that Agent?

Agent Gray: The failure to capture Zion's broadcast control data is...unfortunate. However, the destruction of their control center will impair the efficiency of their operative signal capabilities, even if we assume that they bring a backup system online.
The sudden termination of the Special Agent assigned to investigate Zion's emergency data uplink suggests the interference of a powerful third party. The list of suspects capable of such an action is a short one. This will be investigated. It serves to remind us, Mr. Kennedy, that the longer a chaotic situation is allowed to persist, the less predictable will be its consequences. This is why we must work to bring a quick resolution to the present conflict.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3991
Location: Recursion (as Cap0ne)

Mission 4: Potential

Agent Gray: As you are no doubt intimately aware, Mr. Kennedy, Zion's foremost weapon in their so-called "war" against the System is their capability of unplugging humans from the security of our growth pods--what they call "recruiting."
Thanks to the overzealous approach of one of Zion's recruiting operatives, we have learned from a human they considered unplugging--one of their "potentials"--that their operative named Ferret has high-level access to their recruiting operation.
I am sending you to the location that passes for Ferret's private residence. You are to subdue him quickly. A data extraction team will then be employed to acquire the necessary information from him.

That's the address, and I'm picking up a redpill signal in there. Should be Ferret. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes about ten minutes from now. You know how those "data extraction" teams work on redpills? Br-rrr...

Ferret: What is it? Who are you?

Operator: Oh, almost forgot: Clark the Exterminator has a disk you'll be needing.

Norris the Exterminator:
I see that you kept him intact. Good capture.

Clark the Exterminator:
I've got a data storage disk with your name on it, sir.

Operator: All right, get out of there, and let them do their thing. You don't want to stick around to watch that, believe me.

Clark the Exterminator: We'll take care of this, sir.

Agent Gray: As our initial information suggested, Ferret did indeed possess useful knowledge. According to what we have learned from him, the location you see marked out for you is a Zion recruiting center where data for many of their recruiting teams is stored. This is precisely the data we wish to obtain. Locate the data, and copy it to disk.

Operator: I'm seeing multiple reds in there, computer systems... Should be the recruiting center.

Hacked Computer: ## CMD MSG INC ##
Don't forget that because you're running your own distributed broadcast control, broadcast depth just got a lot shallower. Watch out for patrols, and don't take unnecessary risks. This is already dangerous enough as it is. No forecast yet on how soon we can get a central broadcast control system running again.
-Captain Niobe

Zion Karate Grandmaster: It's a tool!

Operator: I'm reading a hefty amount of data on the machine in that room. I think that's what we're after. You'll need to copy it to that disk you're carrying.

Zion Upgrade Artist:
How'd they find us?

Operator: Okay, now dump the recruiting data to the disk.

Computer: > dump .* -rSMILEY12
Transferring files...

Operator: Good. Grab the disk, and hit the streets!

Agent Gray: Well done, operative. Proceed to the indicated location, and upload the data at the terminal you find there.

Operator: Almost there...

Machine Captain: You can send the data from the terminal in the next room.

Operator: There's the upload system.

Computer: Ready for data transfer.
> _

Operator: Badda-bing, badda-boom--file uploaded.
Wuzzah... Ooh, heads up. Looks like you've got some Zionites on your tail. I'm guessing they aren't too happy with you right about now.

Zion Physician: You *CENSORED*--

Agent Gray: That data should be very useful, operative. You will see it put to use shortly, once it has been thoroughly evaluated.
I have one final task for you today: a brief conference with the Cypherite controller, Veil. She appears to have some information she wishes to share.

Operator: I'm seeing only one signal in there; looks like it's just gonna be you and Veil. Better keep an eye on your...uh...wallet.

Veil: Congratulations on a deft bit of thievery, derie. It's so nice to see the Machines finally cracking down on Zion waking up every Tom, *CENSORED* and bluepill. We Cypherites have been fighting that battle on our own for oh-so-long.
Speaking of that... Those pesky E Pluribus Neonites have got some idea in their head about bombing the Machines' city. Silly--just the kind of thing they might latch onto. I thought I'd pass it along... Let us know if you're interested, and I'm sure we can find out more for you, hm?
Sorry to hear about the squiddies from Stalingrad biting it outside New Zion, by the way. If you want to get in there, you know who to call...

Operator: Sentinels attacking New Zion? What's she on about?

Veil: Oh, you hadn't heard? I'm sure it just slipped Gray's mind. Give him a big hug for me, won't you? There's a dear.

Agent Gray: Yes, it is true that some Sentinels returning from the assault on Stalingrad were diverted to probe the defenses of Zion's new fortification. They appear to have been disabled, likely by concealed EMP charges; precise information was not obtained in all cases, due to broadcast interference. We will continue to test Zion's defenses by every available means. No human construction can withstand us indefinitely.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
Messages: 732

I'm just piping up to show my appreciation for your work - keep it up, it's very valuable for those of us who don't have the time to have alts or wait for archive missions.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 3, 2005
Messages: 1556
Location: Ireland

Hmm looks to me like someones going to need a heart transplant fairly soon.
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