Don't need to be level 50 just have to be able to make a crew , but if you are unable to make a crew send me a tell and i will invite you to mine or get you in the faction someway-somehow . The faction is going to be called . Matrix Guardians . We are a zion faction . The faction is going to be about Missions/Pvp/Making Friends/Hanging out and havin a good time . oh and im goin to let some people who like to role play have there own crew . I myself dont roleplay and tend to be a bad influence at evets
. But anyways , Its going to be a good faction so Send me tells in game if you willing to join and if everything sounds good to you or if you have any questions ... By the way this is Character : Lilwitch . so send me a tell or leave a message on forum here ... although i dont check forum to much ... L8trs