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Joined: Aug 20, 2005
Messages: 3065
Location: Upstate NY

What are the numbers that can be put into this feild? I want to shortent he length of the day.

#Length of Day

#wr_envdaylength XXX



Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 5444
Location: In Exilium

PhroG wrote:
Did anybody (Void?) get the dense population thing figured out? This is something I'd value ALOT.

Nah, I haven't come up with anything that looks noticably different, yet... Which is odd, because the Richworld stuff is entirely client-side. I should be able to bump up the numbers to get a ton of people walking around (like in that screenshot on the main page of DN1. SMILEY )

- Void

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3261
Location: The Code

I believe Pyraci and Phant worked out the densely populated thingymajig, I was talking to him about it yesterday, he said it didn't cause much lag except for some areas I believe.

Let's just hope he posts here ^_^

- Ð

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1081
Location: Awake. Instance: Syntax

So is there any way to shut down the personal aura that is enabled at nights?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1570
Location: The Indutiae Faction: Fallen Horizon Organisation: Zion -- Server: Recursion

I remember reading about it...

"Turning off your Night Light"

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1081
Location: Awake. Instance: Syntax

oh, thank you. ... how could I not find that with the search function, hmm.

Now I got another problem though, with the ScreenFilters_GreenShift commands. I wonder if there is a way to stop its cycle. For example, I want this to be permanent and not shift into this (and then back) all the time. (the red tone could be any color though, I only want the colorless darkness)

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3261
Location: The Code

Well with the greenshift filters, I found that it doesn't revert back to the norm if you have another set underneath like so:

#This changes the colour filter, add 1 to whichever colour you want displayed.
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_1_R = 0
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_1_G = 0
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_1_B = 1
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_0_R = 0
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_0_G = 2
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_0_B = 1

Obviously replace the numbers with whatever you want darkenifying :smileywink:

- Ð

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 11597
Location: New Zion

Where is Bayamos nowadays :\

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3261
Location: The Code

He had it in his sig somewhere that his account had become inactive and he was trying to get his parents to let him use their credit card or something along the lines of that :smileysad:

- Ð

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1081
Location: Awake. Instance: Syntax

Having any combination of these


...set to one, makes me constantly to have a constant colored tint to the world. Which is not what I am looking for. (only exception is when all are set to 1, and that somehow cancels out the whole tinting and it has no effect at all)

With any of these set to one, while the above commands are set to 0, I will get the tinting cycle between black/grey and whichever color I have set. It is the blackish color I want, nothing else.


So I am assuming that if I want this cycle to end, I would need another command, if such a thing exist. Since what these commands do is not enough to change the tint as I would like it. (the first group adding a color that comes and goes, and the second group adding a permanent color)

EDIT: eh, so I managed to fix it without having to disable the cycle, instead of trying with rgb (red green blue) I tried with cmyk (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and it worked nicely with those too. So now I have simply added this in addition to the first commands (which are set to 0 all of them)

ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_1_K = 1
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_0_K = 1

Message Edited by Faithlessness on 06.08.2006 02:45 PM
Message edited by Faithlessness on 06/08/2006 04:45:02.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4676
Location: All up in your constructs.

Do you have screenshots of this in action?

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1081
Location: Awake. Instance: Syntax

one and two

But on those shots my blurscale and lightpool radius isn't set correctly.

more and more

Message Edited by Faithlessness on 06.08.2006 08:47 PM
Message edited by Faithlessness on 06/08/2006 10:47:41.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 21, 2005
Messages: 1852
Location: Recursion Organization: Zion Operative Level: 50

Faithlessness wrote:

one and two

But on those shots my blurscale and lightpool radius isn't set correctly.

more and more

Message Edited by Faithlessness on 06.08.2006 08:47 PM

Is it pitch black only at night with those commands or is it really dark all the time with them on?

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1081
Location: Awake. Instance: Syntax

It's still days, but the colors are much sharper and darker.

Joined: Jun 9, 2006
Messages: 44
Location: Enumerator

Okay, here goes. I'm sick of waiting for UPS to deliver my gamecard, so I made a temporary trial account to use for the time being.

Dragonram: Rarebit has said grass is serverside, and my testing confirms. Drawgrass is boolean (true or false), and load_dist / draw_percent don't appear to be client settable. Sorry SMILEY Dathen's launcher screenie was done by hexediting the launcher.exe's text strings, most likely through a disassembler and recompiler (or plain ol' Notepad). Editing the files like that is against the EULA, which is why I haven't discussed that sorta stuff.

Phrog: I myself haven't had too much success with Richworld overrides; even setting values of 9999999999 doesn't seem to create the desired "really really busy" effect. Hopefully Void finds something :o

Canuck13: If by lowering graphics you mean making the game run at reduced graphical quality, then well, useropts can do that. You can supplement lowering options in "Advanced Video Options" with these parameters:

RezMgr_Dead_Rez_Count = 0 (resource manager)
WR_DrawWeather = 0
WR_DrawSkyBox = 0
WR_LoadProps = 0
WR_ExtFarDist = 500
WR_SLodFarDist = 5
WR_PrefabLODEnable = 0
Detail_CfgDetail = 1 (graphics detail)
CopyMassiveData = 0 (should stop ads from loading)
Richworld_Enabled = 0

Keep in mind that not all of these might work, I haven't had the time to test each individual parameter but know most of them should help you out.

Traxada: Ah, the infamous HackView. This is the parameter everyone asks me about, because they can never get it to work. I myself posted once that it was broken, I believed the devs ruined it when in fact it had stopped working for me. It's a weird parameter - sometimes jacking in and out will make it work, sometimes disabling other parameters will make it work... weird, really. Anyway, these are the settings I currently use, and they make the game look like this.

CmpChar_HackView_Enable = 1
CmpChar_HackView_MinLvl_Float = 10
CmpChar_HackView_MaxLvl = 700

X-Lord-Slayer-X: Useropts.cfg works by calling specific parameters that are defined by the client. The engine is programmed to read after each newline hex value for a parameter, thus, when you make a new line which doesn't contain a parameter, it refuses to work, as "(make the duel time longer)" is not a valid parameter set by the client. To override this, tell the client that those specific lines should not be loaded by inserting a "#" beforehand. SMILEY

Vesuveus: The parameter "wr_envdaylength" tells the client the time in seconds that one daily weather cycle should last. So, if you set wr_envdaylength = 10, the sun will rise and set every 10 seconds, and the weekly weather cycle will rotate in a minute or so. You can add any value you want in there - if you jack in and find that you really like the weather, you can jackout, set the parameter to 99999999999999999999999999 to freeze the weather, and jack back in immediately.

Faithlessness: It's certainly odd that CMYK worked to solve your problem, as I don't have those parameters in my list. Either a) the client was being funky, b) they're new parameters and I need to update my list, or c) they were defined in an unconventional place. Odd.

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