What are the numbers that can be put into this feild? I want to shortent he length of the day.
#Length of Day
#wr_envdaylength XXX
PhroG wrote:Did anybody (Void?) get the dense population thing figured out? This is something I'd value ALOT.
oh, thank you. ... how could I not find that with the search function, hmm.
Now I got another problem though, with the ScreenFilters_GreenShift commands. I wonder if there is a way to stop its cycle. For example, I want this to be permanent and not shift into this (and then back) all the time. (the red tone could be any color though, I only want the colorless darkness)
Having any combination of these
...set to one, makes me constantly to have a constant colored tint to the world. Which is not what I am looking for. (only exception is when all are set to 1, and that somehow cancels out the whole tinting and it has no effect at all)
With any of these set to one, while the above commands are set to 0, I will get the tinting cycle between black/grey and whichever color I have set. It is the blackish color I want, nothing else.
So I am assuming that if I want this cycle to end, I would need another command, if such a thing exist. Since what these commands do is not enough to change the tint as I would like it. (the first group adding a color that comes and goes, and the second group adding a permanent color)
EDIT: eh, so I managed to fix it without having to disable the cycle, instead of trying with rgb (red green blue) I tried with cmyk (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and it worked nicely with those too. So now I have simply added this in addition to the first commands (which are set to 0 all of them)
ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_1_K = 1ScreenFilters_GreenShift_Color_0_K = 1
Message Edited by Faithlessness on 06.08.2006 02:45 PM
one and two
But on those shots my blurscale and lightpool radius isn't set correctly.
more and more
Message Edited by Faithlessness on 06.08.2006 08:47 PM
Faithlessness wrote: one and two But on those shots my blurscale and lightpool radius isn't set correctly. more and more Message Edited by Faithlessness on 06.08.2006 08:47 PM