ok we all know that SMith can copy himself..RIGHT? yes im sure we do.. anyways.. i have a theory as to how he came about Copying himself within the matrix itself.
Smith Merged with neo ie"i watched you die,something imprinted off of me onto you maybe.." then he when he implanted his hand into Neo's Stomach lining he somehow when he retreated it.. got something of neo into his system therefore resulting in the Ability to copy and make multiple copies of himself.
Please add your thoughts.
Well, there is that blank period between the end of The Matrix and the beginning of Reloaded that always had so much speculation.
Who can imagine what kind of adventures Smith might have had during that period of time? Maybe he was picking up new subroutines and abilities and fragments of other programs like a certain other program in the Matrix.
Smith could always clone himself, it's just that when he was an Agent he wasn't allowed to control more than one clone. Neo set him Free.
Ahh out of all the posts that one made the most sense to me.
And u even destoyed my idea that hang on if Smith can copy....why didnt neo...but nope youve cleared that up for me...thanks
My Theory:
Agents are able to jump from person to person, Think of it as a copy, paste, delete the orginal. What happened was the last stage was stopped so Smith ended up always copying and pasting himself but either choose not to or couldnt do the final stage.
The reason Neo didn't copy himself is because he actually had respect and wanted to protect human life, not assimilate it out of spite like Smith did. Also, his ties to the real world may have bound him tighter than Smith. Theoretically though, Neo could have done what Smith did. They were meant to balance eachother out after all. So since Neo remained one, The One, Smith became many, and everything else. And once Neo gave into that thhey all went boom? But that's a whole other story, please don't start posting about that lol Just about Neo's intentions and why he did not resort to Smith tactics.
Well, there is that blank period between the end of The Matrix and the beginning of Reloaded that always had so much speculation.Who can imagine what kind of adventures Smith might have had during that period of time? Maybe he was picking up new subroutines and abilities and fragments of other programs like a certain other program in the Matrix.