Although i missed the event since i had a class to attend, i'm glad EPN actually got one this month, i've heard mixed things but its nice to learn more about these bizzare beings i suppose. The more i think about it, the more i wander into negative view points and thoughts about them though so i'll stop here.
So Halborn is dead in the real, and is not mentally stable. Now he's old. What next, is he going to be suffering from Lung Cancer?
I have to say, As a machinist, I was glad this event occured. My team, consisting of 6 Collective members, Were able to do enough damage to all but one of the accelerator programs on the outside of the building to procure six accelerator bits. Always a fun time with the children.
You Know, I wonder if anybody has realized that the overide programs that are popping off might actually be planted by Carlyne and not Halborn? Sort of a munchousen(sp) by proxy sort of deal to give him a good way of proving himself to the various organizations so they trust him. I mean could we tell the difference if it was him doing these?