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E Pluribus. . .Kid?
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker


[It should be noted that the following is the result of a collaborative effort from the leaders of the three factions included in this story.] 


E Pluribus. . .Kid?

"We are not getting anywhere with this!" Gami slammed his fist down on the slim, red folder for emphasis. Or maybe he was just pissed about the current orders from Command back at the Old Zion base.

Shi Xin, standing a few feet away from the desk, noted that the smooth plastic surface of the folder retained the shape of Gami's hand for a second or two, bearing a stark contrast to the unyielding wood surface of the mahogany desk. He himself had been through that folder a half dozen times, memorizing its contents as if their lives might depend on it because, well, it might come to that. Inside the folder was a report on the program written on the disk they had recently decrypted using "borrowed" sequences. There were also several thermographic and topographic maps. Maps that supposedly lead to an area that no free human, Zion or otherwise, had even seen in recent history. And the folder also included their orders.

"If we wanted to chase ghosts, we could just drop in on the Merovingian," Gami remarked as he turned to stare out the floor-to-ceiling window behind him. "Why waste valuable time on this?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," replied Steelle, who had been studying a copy of the maps. "None of this makes much sense. Like why the hell Zion has never explored this area before? It's only a few hundred miles from here, at best. But, what I really don't understand is the importance of this now. What is Michael thinking?"

"I'll tell you what the Kid is thinking," replied a third voice, from the corner of the room. The voice belonged to Shinpseudo, leader of another of EPN's remaining factions, True Humanity. He stood up from his chair and walked to the desk, his brown leather coat rustling around him. He picked up the glossy folder and slid its contents out on the desk. "This is what he feels Zion should be doing themselves. The prodigal son is attempting to show Daddy how to stand on his own two feet again. Like our attack on the power lines; an attempt to show Zion up. Or maybe an attempt to get us back home?"

"Some of us don't want to go back to that," Gami growled. "Fighting only when attacked. Cowering underground. Waiting for the Machines to figure out a way to go in there and slaughter everyone. It's a stupid way to live."

"Yes, it is - we are all in agreement on that; but let's talk suggestions now rather than complaints. What do you propose we do?" asked Personlll. Shi Xin felt the corners of his mouth twitch upward at the "no-BS allowed" question from the no-nonsense leader of the Winter Brood. "None of us, not one Captain in this room, is the type to run and hide from the fight. None of us like it. But I can promise you one thing; none of the Brood is planning to quit operating under the EPN flag anytime soon!""

"I do not think that Gami is suggesting we break ranks. But I agree with him; enough of this blind order taking. It's time for some answers." The last person in the room that had not spoken yet, Shi Xin had been waiting patiently for this. "Neo would be taking the fight to the Machines right now, while they are still trying to recover from the Intruders, and so should we. If we could just--"

The rest of what Shi Xin had been about to say was lost when the door popped open and another EPN operative slid neatly into the room. Shi Xin recognized him as a Winter Brood member, but couldn't place his name. Old age, he thought with a grimace.

"Op just called. He says the police band is blowing up with reports about this neighborhood," the newcomer announced calmly. A light of recognition went on in Shi Xin's head. Vynndrasan, another of Personlll's captains.

"Wow, that was faster than usual. Well you heard Vynn, let's move!" Shinpseudo said, nodding agreement at Shi Xin as he turned to the door. Or maybe it was just a gesture of understanding of the frustration that they all shared.

"All right, get everyone to their exits," said Gami to the now-bustling room. "Be quick, but be safe. I'll be in touch with Catalyn and Fuscienne to see about getting us some answers. In the meantime, remember. . . For Neo."

"For Neo!" they answered in unison.  

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