Flint wrote:
Is using Archive Missions a good way to level?
It seems quite slow to me, as it takes quite a few individual missions to level. Would it be better to take the standard missions (fast length and hard difficulty) from your organizations contact? I haven't got a chance to compare XP gain.
Yes the archives are a very efficient way of levelling.
The main bonus to this aswell as the raised XP is the rewars that can be attained after collecting so many of the tokens.
Now some are better than others but my personal favourites are:
- System Shades
- System Suit
- Ninja Scarf
- Flame Virus
- Code Eyes
Some of the others are a little pointless but none the less are all equally cool when activated together.
I would recommend Whilst doing the archives do them in a logical order IE 1-11 etc and actually read what is flashing up on your HUD it will not only give you a good background of the once existent storyline but will actually get you involved in what you are actually doing and not make you think what the heck? When bendy sati's are shooting at you!
In summary
Archives FTW
(Unless you got an UBER faction that does sleepwalker boxes all the way to 50. In that case GF NUB!)