BeBe420 wrote:AAACHUUUUUUUUU -- Ookamiiiiii makes me sneeze. =/ SERV THE MERV
AAACHUUUUUUUUU -- Ookamiiiiii makes me sneeze. =/ SERV THE MERV
AAACHUUUUUUUUU -- Ookamiiiiii makes me sneeze. =/
And when we're creepin through the tunnels of the real, we don't eat bowls of snot. We eat chicken noodle soup ;P
.puts a bullet er...
/waves to Inguss
Great Pvp with you guys the other day! Thanks for coming over to Recursion.
Serve the Merv!!!
Add another Merv to Recursion, part time of course
What's your deal, Zippy?... Why the s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sarcasm?
Good Merv Faction. Good people. A mix of PvPers and RPers. If you're into both then this is the faction for you.
Manatik wrote:Add another Merv to Recursion, part time of course NO WAI, SRSHLY? THATS TEH AWESOM111
The Dark Alliance lives on, like Red and Meth and PB&C
We welcome operatives of all levels. If you're a seasoned veteran that is factionless and in search of a new beginning then step forward. We're an RP/PVP faction that specializes in assassinations and bounties.
Good Bunch of guys, well Most r pretty kool, I was in DM on Vector, was cool in vent while we pvp'ed/RP'ed. Good see you all are still playing....Even if it's not on Vector.