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Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 227

Wolfess wrote:

Kybutra wrote:

Tranta wrote:

Oh, and as for an amusing story. I remember Fuscienne and I were helping out with a player event; a bluepill extraction. Everything was going well until the bluepill died. I was upset, and so was Fuscienne, IC of course. And then someone Rezzes him, and he comes back to life like nothing happened.

Fuscienne and I made very quick, very hasty excuses and got out of there. We were mortified that it had happened whilst we were involved, but I couldn't stop laughing about it for a good while afterwards.

I was there for that event, the people the bluepill was following ran it right into a mob of npc's and they killed it. I remember everyone screaming "GET REZ" and next thing we know the bluepill was rezed and people rolled with it, at that point many of us bailed.


That reminds me of another bluepill blooper I was part of once; myself and another Sig'er were filling in as bluepill scientists for a Merv event on Syntax. We were on team with the Merv liaisons and I forget who else. Anyway, the other bluepill scientist and I were waiting for the players to finish fighting mobs and come back to us. Someone on our team killed a spawn that was close enough for us to get XP - so players rush in to see these two bluepills level up suddenly. There was this awkward silence and then people started filling the area chat with 'gratz!'.

Lmao, I remember that event. It was such a great time. We just decided to roll with it even though he was level 2. Then there are those times when people accidentally get a hardline and level up.

Message edited by SWFOwner1 on 06/02/2009 18:14:22.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4571
Location: The Real

ChloeAnn wrote:

Whats your alls favorite moment as a liaison?


It's really a tough call for me because I enjoyed all of my stint.  My most memorable moment would have to be the first time Fuscienne and I crossed paths in Mara.  PvP seemed to stop in its tracks while our catfight carried on.  I think at one point there was a circle of people around us while we interlocked.

Other than that, I always enjoyed the banter from various enemy players like Shinspeudo or xWarAngelx.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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Location: Lost in Translation.

Punting Haigen, when Trep had just unlocked the ability, was also an immensly enjoyable experience.

The beating she took afterwards, not so.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 10, 2005
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The Black Code always had a secret crush on Haigen



Joined: Mar 24, 2007
Messages: 257

The planning stage with Vogt and other liaisons was always my favorite thing to do. There's nothing better then getting an idea and expanding on it to execution. 


I also enjoyed the times where anything happened 'off script', like when an event character was unexpectadly rooted, even though the story would depend on them getting a speedy getaway. 


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 227

SIMLO wrote:

I also enjoyed the times where anything happened 'off script', like when an event character was unexpectadly rooted, even though the story would depend on them getting a speedy getaway.

Or when they crashed in the middle of events. That was such fun too.


Joined: Mar 27, 2007
Messages: 279

AbraCadaver wrote:

MetaLogic wrote:

Pentothal wrote:

MetaLogic wrote:

Why was Rarebit late to events?

He wasn't late usually, he was setting up event related things like NPC spawns and decorations and the like... it just took a while for him to do that.


Ahh.  I remember one Cypherite event where he played Cryptos, and we were to meet him at one of Cryptos's box.  He had this great smoke effect.  Any idea on hiw he did that?

Put a dev animation on it, smokecloud or cloudsmoke if I remember correctly. Was funny, it was Rej's idea to do that and Rare had forgot how to do it so one of the other LESIG members had to track it down for him.

I hate to correct you and look like a tool for wanting the recognition :/ but the smoke effect was my suggestion. 
"Clouds/Fog around the Cryptos box would be a nice touch"

Once Rarebit told us he could do a smoke effect, I was trying to think of how I could incorporate into an event for a long time.

"messagecloud" was the command. It looked brilliant.


And here is what Rarebit wrote right before the event.  He usually had a lot of things going on during the day but would be right on time but it would take a long time to set things up sometimes.

"Darn it, too many distractions today... I'm trying to jump in with Cryptos now so that I can catch up via crew chat. At the moment I am almost completely unprepared. =/ "

Message edited by exivy on 06/02/2009 21:08:27.


Joined: Mar 27, 2007
Messages: 279

MetaLogic wrote:

Ok, so this is a big one, Reinsertion.  Was Rarebit going to leave it as "Reinsertion was a lie" or was there going to be more to it?

Rarebit quotes about the reinsertion topic.  I just copied/pasted. I hope this doesnt create more questions than answers! This was a long topic discussed from april 07 to august 07.


Have we done a reinsertion as part of the story?

I don't remember that we have, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't forgetting something.


I'm thinking about having Cryptos ask Gray to reinsert him. Gray's answer would be that there is no such procedure and never has been


From the Machine point of view, reinsertion isn't efficient; if the subject has already shown a propensity to reject the simulation, they would be just as likely to do so again, even if they could be restored to a mental and physical state compatible with pod insertion, which also strikes me as unlikely, since generally that's begun from birth. Even if they could, it would be a very risky and expensive procedure, not possibly worth the battery power that would be gained from the few individuals concerned. Far easier simply to kill them.


I anticipate that it will upset some Cypherites, but if I'm going to do it, I might as well do it while things are already in an uproar with the Cryptos thing.

Reinsertion is one of those story things that just doesn't really make good sense, similar to the EPN lovey-dovey hardcore freedom fighter conundrum. As it is there are constant arguments about "well if you want to go back why don't you just do it and save us your complaining." It makes it difficult to play the Cypherites as though they really belong; it's part of what may have been a subliminal planned obsolescence Paul had concerning them, since they were, under his original scheme, a temporary group.

It also makes things difficult from the Machine point of view, because people can complain about "well why don't you reinsert so-and-so," and the Machines generally have no motivation to do such a thing.


There you go. Everyone can blame it on Rylet. =PPP

The Cypherites are not going away. They are changing, by necessity. What you have seen here is just the beginning. When the Oracle talked about their destiny of making a discovery or however she put it of changing the Matrix, lots of deaths and suffering, etc, she wasn't kidding. The reinsertion thing will be a speedbump compared to that, when it hits...which is actually pretty darn soon. I don't have much time left to get Cryptos' head sorted out and get him back on his feet... So I'm still inclined to do this now and get it over with before stuff really hits the fan. I hope we'll still have a few people left as Cyphs somewhere once the dust clears...and I think if we put our heads together we'll still be able to come up with ways to make the Cypherites a fun org to join.


As far as I know, the Cypherites were always Paul's invention; I don't think the Wachowskis had anything to do with them. And dispelling "reinsertion" as a myth is my idea, not Paul's. Paul and I are discussing it too.

The Machines are going to have their own popularity problem soon enough.


The reason for debunking reinsertions doesn't really have anything to do with keeping Cryptos around; it's just a good way to bring it up, and it's the context in which it occurred to me. It does have something to do with what I think is part of a necessary reconstruction of the Cypherite organization's purpose and goals. It also has a lot to do with building tensions, and bringing the Machines to a certain point as well, but I can't give you all the details of that just yet.


How players take story changes are a concern for me. Obviously changing something like this (and, in reference to a slightly earlier post, it's not entirely accurate to say that this is something that was just come up with, as we've never confirmed reinsertion, and it's always been a question in my mind) will have an impact on many of those people who do care about the story. It's a question, I suppose, of potential gain vs alienating the current player base. If you take a story element like reinsertion away, as some people will see it, you'd better have something to put in its place (beyond just perhaps a more logical story, although I realize that's an arguable point). This could mean that 7.3 is a rough time for some people in that they're looking for purpose, but we are bringing major changes in 8.1, so 7.3, with the weather returning to normal, will in some ways be the lull before the storm.


"Luckily, 99% of the reinsertions were players quiting the game..."


Yes, differentiating Cypherites from Machines is a questions that has been on my mind since we started coming up on the revelation about Cryptos. Both groups support the System, and want to get rid of dangerous terrorists. When conflict against said terrorists ratchets up, it is unavoidable that the Machines and Cypherites will draw a little closer, even just from appearances, as the contrast against the other side (Zion/EPN) increases.

The trick is to keep some reason for EPN/CYPHs to exist. I do think that having an alternative to the main orgs is useful--it gives players a little more choice on how they want to play their characters. The question is, given that they already have the same broad goals as Zion/Machines, how do you differentiate them?

The primary way so far, aside from the reinsertion angle, has been mostly that EPN/CYPH are more radical than the other groups, and disregard the Truce. Given that the Truce could go away, though, you've got to have something else, too. I think EPN is faced with this problem more severely than the Cypherites, actually, since Zion's own goals and motivations are much less narrowly defined than those of the Machines, and it's more difficult to come up with a sharp contrast against their wider outlook.

One answer to this issue for the Cypherites has been, as you've seen with Veil, to take a more mercenary approach. They will work with the System, but they expect more than a handshake and a pat on the back for their efforts.

The other main one has been that the Cypherites, not guided and restricted by mechanical Machine thinking, are more adept at dealing with things on a human level. One fairly crude manifestation of this has been their greater capability of infiltrating Zion--the spy reports Machines have been receiving come from Cypherites. And, getting back to the mercenary outlook, they have less hesitation about using assassination, infiltration, etc to achieve their ends.

I think also though they can have issues on which they disagree with the Machines. That's one of the things I want to come up with. Veil's sort of keeping the Machines at arm's length is a bit of a stalling tactic in that regard. But the basic difference is that the Cypherite leadership is human (okay, Cryptos might be a little mixed, but he was born human, anyway , whereas the Machine leadership is Machine, and the differences in approach that the two groups take serve as one of our best mechanisms for illustrating the differences and similarities between man and machine, which *will* be one of the very important themes in the storyline.

Hm... It may also be possible that with the sort of self-negating impulse of the Cypherites cut out, their group becomes more interesting to a wider audience. Thoughts on that?


By the way, this *is* being discussed with Paul, and he has pinged the brothers on it, so we'll see how that goes.


Nope, haven't heard back yet on whether the Brothers are cool with it


He messaged then a couple times, but I don't think they got back to him.


Hard to say. But Paul's job is to make these calls. He was initially concerned about process and blue pills and how it might all work or have worked, but I kept the conversation really simple, without going into mechanics or anything like that. Basically it goes:

Cryptos: This suxors, reinsert meh!
Gray: Say what?
Cryptos: LOL GG.

Well okay not quite like that. But that's about the amount of detail it covers.

Live Events thread

Message edited by exivy on 06/02/2009 21:30:48.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Eh, Rarebit's hair-brained ideas weren't canon.  Reinsertion was shown to have happened in the Matrix Comics.  But, I think that's an argument that can last forever.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1874

Shinryu wrote:


There were two events I recall in which the Syntax Machinists "failed"  The first was dealing with the Technician going into Datamine to harvest nodes for data he needed.  Now, doing anything in Datamine is always a risk especially when you're tapping with a high level tap and Agents are likely to spawn, which is what happened.  Seeing as how the whole thing was something of a crapshoot, were we expected to succeed at that event?

The Second "failed" event was with Imelda Kroller in Vogt's last operation leading us.  Did we just miss something entirely as a group on that one, or was it pre-determined Kroller would wander into the street, run into Wright, and get killed?  I can't help but feel there was more to that event that we never did get around to doing.

Excellent questions! I intend to answer to these two when I go into an event by event behind the scenes thoughts. This should go in my Man behind the Machine thread, which I will hopefully have time to add a chapter tomorrow!

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1874

And yes, Rarebit would be pretty much late all the time! How many times I've felt bad having all the Machinists waiting with me and the other LOs for an hour... Hopefully, people knew it wasn't our fault and they were tolerant!


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Jan 31, 2006
Messages: 364
Location: Hiding under my desk.

Harpalos-mxo wrote:

And yes, Rarebit would be pretty much late all the time! How many times I've felt bad having all the Machinists waiting with me and the other LOs for an hour... Hopefully, people knew it wasn't our fault and they were tolerant!

After a while, it just became funny (at least to me). I think most folks knew it was just Rarebit doing whatever it is Rarebit did.

But hey, it gave some of us goofier machinists time to be... well... goofy.

I still wonder if that item found by the burger box was intentional. <_< (Assuming anyone even remembers the joke about the Miraculous Appearance of Neo's Face in a cheeseburger.) I wish I could find a better reference for the event I am thinking of... my event log folder is an ungodly mess.

Message edited by Mithuial on 06/02/2009 23:16:09.

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2226
Location: Syntax

Harpalos-mxo wrote:

And yes, Rarebit would be pretty much late all the time! How many times I've felt bad having all the Machinists waiting with me and the other LOs for an hour... Hopefully, people knew it wasn't our fault and they were tolerant!


It was a mix of frustration and humour, really.  We all knew how busy Rare had to be, so it was easy to make light of things, especially, as Mith noted, given the good nature of most in attendance.  That doesn't mean it wasn't a bit frustrating, though, when we'd be waiting for over an hour for something to happen even if it was expected.

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2226
Location: Syntax

Harpalos-mxo wrote:

Shinryu wrote:


There were two events I recall in which the Syntax Machinists "failed"  The first was dealing with the Technician going into Datamine to harvest nodes for data he needed.  Now, doing anything in Datamine is always a risk especially when you're tapping with a high level tap and Agents are likely to spawn, which is what happened.  Seeing as how the whole thing was something of a crapshoot, were we expected to succeed at that event?

The Second "failed" event was with Imelda Kroller in Vogt's last operation leading us.  Did we just miss something entirely as a group on that one, or was it pre-determined Kroller would wander into the street, run into Wright, and get killed?  I can't help but feel there was more to that event that we never did get around to doing.

Excellent questions! I intend to answer to these two when I go into an event by event behind the scenes thoughts. This should go in my Man behind the Machine thread, which I will hopefully have time to add a chapter tomorrow!

Excellent.  SMILEY  I am quite eagerly awaiting that.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1874

Mithuial wrote:

I still wonder if that item found by the burger box was intentional. <_< (Assuming anyone even remembers the joke about the Miraculous Appearance of Neo's Face in a cheeseburger.) I wish I could find a better reference for the event I am thinking of... my event log folder is an ungodly mess.

I vaguely remember the cheeseburger thing. There was a big coincidence there which had us laugh like crazy in crew chat. I'd have to ask SIMLO if he has more details!

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