I know exactly that they really created Mega City for the sequels. They've created computer 3D models of it and designed it to make difficult sequences like the freeway chase or backgrounds for, let's say, the Smith fight. The Y-shape of this city is something you already could see in the beginning of "Revolutions", first in form of a Matrix icon, until it started to zoom in and revealed itself as a city. Does Chicago or any other city in the world have a shape like that? Honesty, I doubt it.
So can you really able to name off certain streets, or places that were mentioned or shown in the sequels?
However, it's obvious that Mega City wasn't created for the first part. The fact that you (and I guess lots of other people who know Chicago) recognized some places there, prove it: The first movie was obviously supposed to take place in a world like you've described it. I think, their original idea was that it's actually the world you and me are living in. So I guess the scenes were actually supposed to be somewhere in our world, maybe not obiously in Chacago or Sydney, but somewhere in an American city, which should serve the look and atmosphere they wanted for the Matrix (I mean, is there really the Metacortex building in Chicago?).
But then they started to design a fictive city for the sequels and let the movie take place there. It doesn't mean it's now supposed to be somewhere else, so the Oracle apartment is still where it was. But during the production of "The Matrix" there was no talk about the Mega City, and then, for the sequels, they've decided to create it for several reasons (I guess one of them was this game) and then "make" the first part take there either, although it originally didn't. Therefore, we now have some places from the first part here but look different, so maybe it now doesn't fit into the master plan).
However, I don't know this from an official source (so like John Gaeta said: "We really had no clue about creating a city for the first part, but then the brothers decided to make it". So maybe another knows?
One thing to note is that in MxO we only see a very small portion of the Mega City. Who knows what else is out there.
The most notable locations that I'd love to see:
- Lafayette Hotel- Neo's Apartment- Seraph's Teahouse- Oracle's Apartment (though rumored to actually be in Richland/Westview)- Merv's Restaraunt- Mega City Power Plant- Mega City Power Downtown office
And I've always been curious as to which club Neo met Trinity at.
Neo's apartment was just another apartment, I guess.
Seraph's teahouse is apparently part of the other Chinatown from Enter the Matrix, which is (unnecessary to say) not our lovely International District
The Oracle's apartment ought to be in Mara somewhere around Debir Court.
Like most cool things, the power plant is now a piece of cinder
Power office? If you mean the one where the Vigilant's crew died... maybe, but it wasn't really different from any other office floors (especially computer rooms) in office buildings.
However, my original point (or rather question) was that the whole idea wasn't yet born when the first movie was being done. So the club doesn't have to be anything like the clubs in MxO, just another club from the Real "
cshank wrote:
From what I've heard, the 'Mega-City' is a contruct made after the whole smith thing to accomodate all the humans in an easier way.
Wait, wait... where have you heard that? The Mega City was already designed for Reloaded and Revolutions, just watch the DVD bonuses. However, from what I can see, MxO and the movies aren't really canon regarding the world.
Yeah it won't be for a long time but it they will be opened some time, and when they do they are going to have to raise the max level as you will be able close to 50 with the access nodes and Hardlines alone.
Message Edited by 20136098 on 06.08.2006 01:54 PM
It's just logical. First of all, the three inaccurate locations (Government Building, Heart O' The City Hotel, and most likely Metacortex) are places from the first movie, whereas Hel Club and Debir Court are from the sequels.Another argument is that the city in "The Matrix" looked completely different from the one in MxO, without the rectangular shape and ... just different. So we see Neo and Trinity saving Morpheus from a place that's supposed to be in Downtown, and after a short helicopter flight, they go into a subway station which is not only supposed to be in Westview (since Neo runs from the subway to the hotel), but also looks completely different from every subway station in the game (as already pointed out, it still looks like a normal subway in the real world). I've read the hardlines' names were actually referring to streets in Chicago ("Names of locations" thread), the city that served as an inspiration for Mega City, and if I remember the Ultimate Matrix Collection feature correctly (I don't feel like watching it all over again at the moment), the city background for Morpheus' interrogation scenes was actually a Chicago wallpaper (something similiar at least). So everything seems to indicate that Mega City was born during the "Reloaded" and "Revolutions" pre-production. Does anyone know an official source or, even better, an official statement that refers to this issue?Of course, just others' opinions would be very appreciated either! lol