SonnyBlack wrote:
I hope Mxo will live the next 3- 4 years. They can't throw this big licence in the trash.They should merge the Servers into one, to lower the costs. . With PvE and PvP Areas. E.G Like in Mara PvP Area and Tabor PvE.
I hope Mxo will live the next 3- 4 years. They can't throw this big licence in the trash.
They should merge the Servers into one, to lower the costs. . With PvE and PvP Areas. E.G Like in Mara PvP Area and Tabor PvE.
Yes on a merge but I dont think they will do even that.
Death by entropy and attrition is a horrible way to go. Eventually they'll have to pull the plug, if the entire MxO population literally drops below 50 or 40 or so. I can see that happening in a few months, sadly.
Probably head over to Earthrise with some Tabula Rasa vets I hang out with and continue playing LOTRO. Got a free beta key to Aion since Garriot used TR as his personal ticket to outer space, so I'll test it out for you people.
Otherwise, wherever the Trust ends up is where I'll end up too.
NavMatrix wrote:
Well, now that SCE has taken direct control of SOE there may be some hope. /invoke FalseHope
EvE. Now with wormholes.
Also, I'll be renouncing my religion.
Why have you forsaken me Dracomet? The dark lord has failed us. etc
Old Republic.
Aside from that, I don't really plan on committing to any online games. None have captivated my interest since this one, and that captive interest is long since gone from me.
Starcraft II, SWTOR, The Agency
MxO was/is my first MMO and i hope i don't see the doors closing soon. A merge would be ideal but they don't have the resources (managed it alright when we had more servers didn't they... lol they must be just getting past it to be any use, we know what SoE is like lol)
I'll prob try out The Agency, hope the servers are linked. Apart from that, i ain't going anywhere. Once the game does eventually die, i'll go back to smoking outside
I will be back to the real world, or built a matrix'y world in Second Life or something to stay there.I hope MxO exists for more years.
I will continue with City of Heroes/City of VIllains. Their next update will allow players to create custom missions that will be available to all players. I think this is a pretty cool idea.
Jumpgate Evolution.
xClavox wrote:
A lot of us moved to CoH/V. Check us out HERE if you need a SG. We're talking of making some "Matrixy" missions with the new "Mission Architect" (oh the irony).
The rest of joos need to first go HERE then up there ^^^.
My global address is @L3THAL.....hit meh up.
If i was to try another MMO, prob would be CoV.
I've lost my faith in MMOs. I tried EvE, but after sitting and watching my ship fly about on autopilot for half an hour just to buy one item that was a little cheaper than others, I decided it wasn't worth it. I'll stick with TF2, and try to squeeze my way into the Agency Beta. If it's good, I'll give it a try. If it begins to show early signs of SWG/MxO "we'll release now and THEN fix major issues with a massive patch later," I'll do my very best to grief and troll the game until I'm banned.
Who knows. But in 3-4 years, I'll be there to lol @ Agency being put on life support.