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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 11597
Location: New Zion

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's right folkeroonies, Dragonram here because he can't post on his own account, and can't re-subscribe because he's from the future where it is actually June 1st; just quickly, thanks to my wonderful wonderful boyfriend you are all also now reminded of The Game.

So this is it huh? The big button is gonna be pressed, alas I cannot be there when that jaunty windows shutting down tune plays, but at least I can write (not 'wrote' like I just typo'd) a somewhat lengthy parting message. Most of you probably won't remember me and I'm willing to bet that very few of you noticed I left!

First things third I guess, being as everyone else has done it, I may as well make it official (because I'm pretty certain most of you figured it out) that I was the liaison *drum roll* Osterfail; Or Osterlind, or Osterpup to my former-fellow-LESIG-mates. I just wanna say ('just wanna', original right?) that you guys on Recursion, were pretty awesome to RP with throughout that albeit brief period of time that I was with you, I thoroughly enjoyed it, almost as much as I hated having to deal with NightTrace! But seriously, you guys rock (but not as much as Syntax, fo' life yo' ). LESIG, you guys were awesome too, I read a Yasamuuuuuuuu post earlier that says until you've done it you don't have a clue (paraphrasing duh, I'm not Rainman) and it is so so  true. You guys, did/do/have done/still do/will-do-if-this-game-ever re-opens an awesome job, much love; Oh yeah and don't break the Matrix.


The rest of you suck.

- Ð





















Except no, no it wasn't, nor was it true and for my incredibly deceptive lie and unfunnininninneness I can only apologise.

The community, made this game. Without a doubt, you guys are some of the most fun people I've ever met and I only hope to meet you all at some point in the future, 'cause seriously you guys kiss arse, I mean kick arse... Whichever, you do, you do it to arse. If I could, I'd play with you on that last day (though initially I wasn't bothered); But I can't and it's no use crying over spilt mik, after all whenever you spill something you usually manage to save at least an inch of it when you scramble to save it in the first place.


So I'm no good at writing lengthy messages, I'm not particularly witty or funny but I am apparently "Overtly homosexual, and way too dungeons and dragons." Thanks neolivesftw . Basically, I thought being as I can't play I'd leave you all a little message really to thank you for making my time with this amazing[ly underappreciated] game. Special love out to The Glitch Society, you guys are incredible, as I've said before you were like a second family to me, I loved every minute I played with you guys (kinky) and you kept me jacking-in over and over again just to see what hilarity would ensue that particular day; long live TGS.


Others know who they are so I won't list names, those who weren't listed but know they should've been would feel left out and I just couldn't put people through that. But you'll know who you are and my awesome hugs go out to you all.

And so, with a warm feeling of indifference snagged on a tiny hook of departing sadness I guess? I leave this community again, if you need me you'll find some way of contacting me, but I wish you all the very best in your lives and hope you get all you want; I actually mean that as well, live each day to the very best you can because they're far too short and you're far too awesome.

Goodbye, Star Wars Galaxies.

- Ð

Message edited by PBlade on 05/31/2009 18:47:55.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 21, 2006
Messages: 1901


MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2226
Location: Syntax

Best wishes  SMILEY  Hopefully they get things worked out so you can make it back in for the end.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 6801

The game?

Please.... I gained immunity from that a long time ago!

Try again, Sir.

Edit: Also, that explains why I won those sig competitions... And here I thought I was getting better. =(

Keke, I jest ofcourse. I know I'm super awesome.

Carry on, gentlemen.

Message edited by MxO-PhanthomZtryker on 05/31/2009 19:15:31.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Sep 30, 2005
Messages: 336
Location: all servers

lol,  I don't think it matters where in the world you live but I think that the system is programmed to not accept subs after midnight of the deadline date.  (megacity time,  P.S.T)  that would be my guess

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3287
Location: HvCFT Revenant

From NightTrace:

You loved every second of putting up with me and you know it


Styling by me. It sounded like a love story.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2955
Location: HvCft Nuria


It's good to hear from you one last time Ð.  Take care out there, hope to run into you again one day.  Contact info is being amassed in another thread, look me up if you care to.

You were also one of the very few in MxO that could successfully rock out the face tatoos.  Just sayin'. SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4217
Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

Draggy! Blast SOE and their reluctance to accept money. (Huh? ) The Glitch Society loves you right back! Not in a kinky way. Well, not from me at any rate.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1881
Location: Los Angeles \\Zion//

Dude, never knew you personally, but of course we all know you as one of the legendary vets. Hope you can get back for at least a week with a trial key as a newly Awakened with an all too familiar Handle.

Fansite Operator

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Draggy! Much love.

Just remember, I know where you live! >=)

Well, where you learn. And at least the city where you live... but still!


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4571
Location: The Real

<3 Oster-pup

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 11597
Location: New Zion

ArchDuke wrote:

You were also one of the very few in MxO that could successfully rock out the face tatoos.  Just sayin'.

Careful who else goes in that list.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3261
Location: The Code

My... what a redundant post, so I have an account back thanks to my awesome cool partner. I'll be there for the end, partyin' hard and rockin' my awesomely sexy RSI! SMILEY

- Ð


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4571
Location: The Real


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 20, 2005
Messages: 6419
Location: SC|Sentience -973069242

Get a room you two :p

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