I already had it set as admin and compatible with xp, still no go for me.
Yay! It's updating now.
Nvm my ? before...
*sneaks out as a snowman*
arrrrrgh station launcher dont work either!!!
Any updates on the progress?
Also having problems with the normal launcher.
shams112 wrote:
It's taking longer then expected to fix but we are still working on it.
Thanks for the reply do you have an ETA on this?
Not yet.
Hey V,do we have any idea what caused this problem?
TonyJaa wrote:
Lol, you mind telling us what caused it?
Doh! After doing some reading about the Station Launcher, I found that it uses Microsoft's Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to update games. I usually have this service shut off unless I really need it. It's now doing a full scan. It's completely my fault. ^^;
In the patching process a file didn't get patched correctly to all the correct patcher servers. Station Launcher and the old Launcher use two different patcher servers. (but I'm not a programmer or engineer so I may not be explaining it exactly correct)
Guys i downloaded the station launcher, and it came up with a message saying that insuffient user privilages, so i went onto my harddrive and located the station launcher folder in my program files, i right clicked the folder from there and selected run as administrator and my firewall popped up, i accepted it and then it opened up without a error message and i entered my username and password as usual, now i selected matrix online from there, and it is working! im just waiting for it to update, hope this helps, bye my games launched xD!!!