Hey Guys. This Therin again with another Trooper party. On Friday, 22 of September we will be opening up the doors at club duality at Kedmonth Central to all orgs. Same rules as before. This is the layout.
Location: Club Duality, Kedmonth Central
Time: Friday, Sept. 22, @ 8PM EST
Dress: the best you got if you want to win.
PVP code: Honor, fair one on one fight . If you use boosters..they do.
Prizes will total in 25 mil this time so be prepared to come back with a little extra spendin cash.
These are the prizes as follows:
Best Duel of the night: 5 mil
Level 10-20: 1 mil
Level 20-30: 2 Mil
Level 30-40: 3 Mil
Level 40-45: 4 Mil
Level 45-50: 5 Mil
Total Prizes: 25 Mil
Last time we had this event, everyone did great on non ganking, and provided a great foundation for a pwning party. Please do so for this one!.
*Note: Ganking will be extremely frowned upon. We are setting up this party for respect to all orgs reguardless of level. Pls be grown up and leave your tempers at the door.
EVERYONE IS INVITED! I even mean Epsilon, and some others known for ganking as long as they can behave themselves and show everyone how their dueling is. Lets have some fun and save the ganking for mara c.
Judges for the events wil be even between all the orgs and randomly chosen by me right before the competition.Total of 6 in a team. Vote wins.
Hope to you see you there!
Hail to the Troopers!