Lost is an addiction
Holy Mother of Zombie Jebus!
That was one of the best episodes ever.
After seeing the promo's for this episode with it promoting "A glimpse at John's destiny." I really expected more.That's not to say I didn't like the episode, thought it was pretty good, guess I was expecting more from the last episode before the finale (Next part is part 1 of a 3 parter so technically its the last episode before the finale story). Oh also LOST needs to stop pulling the "Something important is about to be said by a character but we will cut away to outside of the scene and learn about it in a few mins..." it happens way to often and they need to stay in the scene now and again rather than cutting away all the time, it spoils the flow. Although Hurley sharing his chocolate bar with Ben was great, got to love Hurley. " />Great to see Richard Alpert back as the mysterious non-aging Other shame the actor who plays him had other commitments and couldn't be available for the whole season as he seems our only real link with the 'true Others'. The test John took was interesting, especially since Richard really hated it when John picked up the knife considering John is still very close to his knifes. (look when he wakes up hearing Horace chopping and his hand immediately goes to his knife rather than grab a gun) Also who thinks that Locke really owes Matthew Abaddon that favour about going on a walkabout? Granted this is LOST and everything connects and they probably will meet again but will Locke think he owes him it?Claire has gone all weird... being all spooky in the cabin with Christian. o.O
Information overload in that episode ~_~
I also wonder why the knife upset Richard so much, apart from it being just the wrong answer. To think that John would have gotten on the island much earlier if he had chosen the Book o.O
your a nerd yasy heh
you need some Rob & Big in your life