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Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 2774

Lost is an addiction

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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Location: Lost in Translation.

Kybutra wrote:
Lost is an addiction

Like Jacks addiction to anti-anxiety pills? XD

The latest episode was OK. I thought the pace of it was a little off but the good thing is there's not really too many new mysteries being thrown into our faces while some are being resolved.

Daniel and Charlotte, I think they're trying to couple up just about everyone in the show SMILEY

Keamys men living seemed a little strange, considering the ferocity in the smoke monsters attack. I'm glad Keamy is still alive though, it's good to have a bit of a loose cannon around for killing off redshirts. XD

I think it's fair to say that the scientist team wasn't at all aware of the Mercs plans, but at the same time, you have to think it's a little counter productive and contradictive to have these scientists not interested in killing folk on the same boat, presumably hired by the same man, to visit the island and explore it while the Mercs just kill everything. I dunno, I'm a little hazy on that I guess it'll be sorted out in full soon enough.

Good to see Christian Shephard back and involved again. I wonder if he was leading Claire off to Jacob? I expect we'll see her again at some stage before the season is out.

Jack said "You're not even related to him" to Kate about Aaron. I'm in two minds as to whether this was meant to be ironic or whether by the tone he might actually know he himself is related to Aaron.

I'm glad Miles is getting some character development too. "I would have followed her, but I had a restraining order". Classic. I guess we know for sure that Danielle is dead, I had no doubts about Karl. Still, would have been interesting to have some kind of flashback sequence involving Danielle and her time on the island.

Horace Goodspeed was in one of the trailers :O Next weeks episode looks really interesting.

Systemic Anomaly

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Holy Mother of Zombie Jebus!

That was one of the best episodes ever.

Systemic Anomaly

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After last week's trailers and sneak peeks, I'm really looking forward to this one. But it'll have to wait till lunchtime. -_-

Systemic Anomaly

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Location: Lost in Translation.


I need to watch it again and again. That was awesome.



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After seeing the promo's for this episode with it promoting "A glimpse at John's destiny." I really expected more.

That's not to say I didn't like the episode, thought it was pretty good, guess I was expecting more from the last episode before the finale (Next part is part 1 of a 3 parter so technically its the last episode before the finale story). Oh also LOST needs to stop pulling the "Something important is about to be said by a character but we will cut away to outside of the scene and learn about it in a few mins..." it happens way to often and they need to stay in the scene now and again rather than cutting away all the time, it spoils the flow. Although Hurley sharing his chocolate bar with Ben was great, got to love Hurley. SMILEY

Great to see Richard Alpert back as the mysterious non-aging Other shame the actor who plays him had other commitments and couldn't be available for the whole season as he seems our only real link with the 'true Others'. The test John took was interesting, especially since Richard really hated it when John picked up the knife considering John is still very close to his knifes. (look when he wakes up hearing Horace chopping and his hand immediately goes to his knife rather than grab a gun) Also who thinks that Locke really owes Matthew Abaddon that favour about going on a walkabout? Granted this is LOST and everything connects and they probably will meet again but will Locke think he owes him it?

Claire has gone all weird... being all spooky in the cabin with Christian. o.O

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 8685
Location: Lost in Translation.

odj wrote:
After seeing the promo's for this episode with it promoting "A glimpse at John's destiny." I really expected more.

That's not to say I didn't like the episode, thought it was pretty good, guess I was expecting more from the last episode before the finale (Next part is part 1 of a 3 parter so technically its the last episode before the finale story). Oh also LOST needs to stop pulling the "Something important is about to be said by a character but we will cut away to outside of the scene and learn about it in a few mins..." it happens way to often and they need to stay in the scene now and again rather than cutting away all the time, it spoils the flow. Although Hurley sharing his chocolate bar with Ben was great, got to love Hurley. SMILEY<img src=" />

Great to see Richard Alpert back as the mysterious non-aging Other shame the actor who plays him had other commitments and couldn't be available for the whole season as he seems our only real link with the 'true Others'. The test John took was interesting, especially since Richard really hated it when John picked up the knife considering John is still very close to his knifes. (look when he wakes up hearing Horace chopping and his hand immediately goes to his knife rather than grab a gun) Also who thinks that Locke really owes Matthew Abaddon that favour about going on a walkabout? Granted this is LOST and everything connects and they probably will meet again but will Locke think he owes him it?

Claire has gone all weird... being all spooky in the cabin with Christian. o.O

Mm, but remember the trailers are made by ABC and have a history of being a little innaccurate (apparently there's a glaring example of this from a Season 3 Promo).

I do kind of agree in regards to the cutting away from the important line but it's one of the few ways they keep us guessing, I suppose. Agreed, though, that scene with Hurley and Ben was fantastic.

I suspect that maybe when John says 'Move the Island' perhaps the bearings of how to get there and back change and maybe that prevents more than the oceanic six getting out.

It was good to see Alpert back, he (like the unfortunately deceased Danielle) has a lot to offer in terms of mysteries and secrets. I suspect time travel or "porting" is involved. I think Richard was just preparing him for his path to the Island. I suspect both Richard and Abaddon are able to time travel or something to that effect and that they are seen to be paving the way for him to come to the Island but if thats the case then there's a heck of a lot of questions that I really can't get my head around to answer in regards to, for example, Widmore and Ben and whether they can time travel and what the "rules" are that they spoke of. (Perhaps the rules are, no killing family members?)

It's good to see Claire getting some fairly important/mysterious role. Her character was starting to be come a bit of a bore. Christian said Aaron is where he's 'supposed to be'. I wonder if thats down to the fact that Kate takes him off the island and that he will be the main cause of bringing the O6 back.

Also, the Dharma logo on the booklet Keamy pulled out looks identical to the Orchid stations logo. I think the thing wired up to Keamy might be some kind of device that if he dies, then it is triggered.

Information overload in that episode ~_~



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Location: UK - Wales

Yasamuu wrote:

Information overload in that episode ~_~

Hah you said it all right there. Lots of answers, but to many more questions. Got to love LOST. SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

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Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

That thing Keamy's wearing must be a bomb. Reminds me of the Farscape episode 'We're So Screwed', only I don't see Keamy striding across tables any time soon.

I've got no idea what Claire's up to, but I saw the Christian thing coming. I'd love to see the real Jacob though; Ben was talking to him in Man Behind the Curtain, unless he was in the habit of referring to Jacob's various avatars as just Jacob.

Also not sure what to make of Abaddon. Is he actually on the Others' side rather than Widmore's, or is he really so confident that sending Locke to the island is going to pay off in the end?

Systemic Anomaly

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Definitely a lot of information in this episode. I wonder how they'll "move" the island, what will happen to the helicopter and Sayid (although we know he lives and gets off the island anyway). Claire's thing in the cabin is odd, and she seems to know something more now, very interesting that for once she's not stressing about the baby. I was expecting to see Christian there as well.

I also wonder why the knife upset Richard so much, apart from it being just the wrong answer. To think that John would have gotten on the island much earlier if he had chosen the Book o.O

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 8685
Location: Lost in Translation.

Orexis. wrote:

I also wonder why the knife upset Richard so much, apart from it being just the wrong answer. To think that John would have gotten on the island much earlier if he had chosen the Book o.O

Well, I think in regards to that he's just acting as if he's annoyed. I think he's maybe testing Locke or something, so that he eventually ends up on the Island. When that little meeting happens the Dharma Initiative wouldn't even have been on the Island and Richard would still have been a real "Other" at the time.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 2774

Hurley's just not having any luck since he got off the island, his parents throwing him a Hawaiian party, the lotto numbers on his car.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

Not a bad episode, but nothing too noteworthy (well, okay, there was the Oceanic 6 stuff, but I don't really care about them). Just building up to the finale really.

In two weeks' time. SMILEY

Good to see Alpert though! Can't wait to see what the Others will pull out of their bag of tricks.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 8685
Location: Lost in Translation.

Yeah, Desperate Housewives and Greys Anatomy both have a season finale next week which put Losts back a week I think was the reason. Which sucks.

The episode was ok, but like you said it's all building up to the next two parts. I guess the main question to come out of it is what happens to those that they ferryed onto the freighter.

Message edited by Yasamuu on 05/16/2008 05:23:17.

Jacked Out

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your a nerd yasy heh


you need some Rob & Big in your life

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