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Children of the Code - Rebirth
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Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Messages: 1676

I know how.  By finally making the first entry in the Children of the Code A - Z.  A new series detailing the people, ships and events that make up our great faction.  Naturally starting with A.

A is for Asamodai and AmatsuKaiser (from here on to be referred to as Asa and AK).


AK (left) and Asa (right) are two more recent recruits to Children of the Code and were one referred to by a former member as heralding the rebirth of the faction.

Both former operatives of Zion, they met when Asa recruited the then inexperianced AK onto his current ship, the Redeemer.  AK proved the be the strongest and most reliable member of the crew and was soon promoted to First Mate.  During an unavoidable period of inactivity from Asa, AK was left in charge of the ship.  Over the time of Asa's absence, AK's skills grew greatly until he was equal with the greatest of Mega City's inhabitants.  When Asa returned he became disillusioned with Zion and left it's ranks.

For weeks Asa walked the city alone, although never losing touch with his friend and lieutenant.  Eventually Asa decided his place was amongst the machines and was pleased to discover his friend had decided likewise.  It wasn't long before Asa was approached by the then Lieutenant Traxada of the Hovercraft Straylight.  It didn't require much thought and soon Asamodai was a crewman on board the Children of the Code flagship.  With Asa to vouch for him AK also joined within the week.

With the creation of the third ship in the Children of the Code fleet, the Excalaris under Traxada, AK was asked to fill the role of the new ships first mate and with the Straylight's First Mate position now open Asa was asked to fill the role. 

Asa and AK now each serve as the Lieutenants of their respective ships, AK also proving to be one of the most proficient Martial Artists around, greatly exceeding his old Captain who has taken a less combative role based around Healing and Coding.



Well, thats the first issue, I just knocked up off the top of my head.  More will be coming at random intervals, next of course, B. 

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379



Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Messages: 1676

Well we're slipping down the list again so it feels like a good time to move on B.

B is for Brotherly Love

(Banner by Traxada.)

Brotherly Love was a small scale RP event written

It begins with Asamodai's younger brother (who became known as Asalius), the middle child of the family being awakened by operatives of the Merovingian.  Previously Asamodai had also awakened his younger sister who had fought with him in Zion but was killed in an Cypherite ambush months later.  Within the system Asamodai's parents had become shells of their former selves with the apparant death of two of their children.  They were later killed in a car crash, leaving Asalius alone.  It was shortly after that he was awakened.


Understanding that his siblings had not died and had been awakened, Asalius began to search for Asamodai.  With only an old photo Asalius scoured the city, questioning many of the cities redpill and exile inhabitants until he finally found the name he was looking for from the Merovingian operative Goligoth.

Knowing what he was looking for Asalius and a female hacker under his employ named Harlema attacked a small Machinist base and were able to crack their computer system and drag down Asamodai's personnel file before making their escape.

With all the data he needed on his brother Asalius made a call to all Merovingian operatives to meet with him at Club Sanguine in the Moriah Projects.  Meanwhile, Atheros, the then Lieutenant of the Hovercraft Evangelion was sent to investigate the attack and after checking the terminal that had been used, found the data that had been stolen.  Worrying that it was the prelude to a hit he passed the information onto Captain Lady3Jane of the Hovercraft Straylight which counted Asamodai amongst it's crew.  The Machine Captain gathered a force at Club Pandora in Akasaka.

In Sanguine Asalius was met by 2 merovingian redpills and the exile Void.  Asalius explained that he wanted Asamodai dead, however, to get around the Emergency Jackout Procedure it would require more than just shooting him.  Asalius provided each operative with a bug and a list of locations their target was likely to be found at.  As the group left the club, Asalius exited the Matrix to watch their progress from the Real.

Asamodai was soon tracked down at the Royal Square in Akasaka.  After a brief converation between the attackers and their target, Asamodai, knowing he had no chance of defeating all three, made a break for it.  The Merovingian operatives made chase and although Lady3Jane's team arrived, they were too late and Asamodai was gunned down in the street.  Void then placed the bug Asalius had given him on the body.  The bug was designed to re-route Asamodai's signal when the EJP was fired.  It did so and rather than waking him up, Asamodai's signal seemed to disappear entirely. 

Asamodai had been transported to a makeshift prison Asalius had set up within the Matrix.  It was meant as a mere holding place to keep Asamodai in place while Harlema attempted to find a way to disable his EJP.  Asamodai was kept chained up and most often drugged to keep him from resisting.

Over the following week Asalius appeared at various points over the city, usually just to taunt Asamodai's friends and allies.

A week later a data disk sent from one of the guards of the prison to Asalius was lost in transit and fell into the hands of a bluepill.  Not knowing what to do with it the Bluepill handed it in to the local authorities before making his way in to work in a office block in Tabor Park.  Both Merovingian and Machine operatives learned of the disk and were able to track down the bluepill at work.  Asalius was accompanied by Goligoth and UnholyDesire while Machine operatives were led by Hoot and AmatsuKaiser.  After the group confronted the bluepill he got scared and ran.  Asalius ordered his people to kill him which they did as he tried to escape into the subway, although Asalius was also forced to exit after being beaten into the ground by AmatsuKaiser.

The Merovingian operatives left, thinking their work was done.  Meanwhile, Hoot discovered a card of the bluepills body with the address of the office the disk had been handed into on it.  The Machine operatives went to the office where they met a program called Sekuryyti Sanpu who confirmed that he had the disk but was unable to break the encryption.  He handed it over to the group, hoping that they may have more luck.

Several days later a mysterious transmission came through the comms of the CotC fleet.  Using various chess associated terms the transmission implied that Asalius had angered someone who held power over him and that his own EJP would not be active.  This unknown to Asalius he made a trip into the simulation where he was quickly tracked down by CotC operatives Lady3Jane, Traxada, Atheros, ZestyO, Hoot and Mechanical on a rooftop in Camon Heights.  Asalius was gunned down, cursing the Machinists with his last breath until he was finished by Hoot who stamped on his neck.

Shortly after the group, now joined by operatives Luthias and CrossTerminal broke the encryption of the disk and found that Asamodai was being held in the depths of the Abandoned Subway in Rogers Way.  The group fought their way through the waves of Project Nine soldiers and found their friend chained to a disused boiler.  They flushed an antidote program through him and freed him, leading him to the nearest exit, ending the events of the last 2 weeks.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 11602
Location: New Zion

The Children of the Code: Protecting trees since 1999

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379

Apparel crafted by Children of the Code lasts longer...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2716
Location: HvCFT Excalaris Server: Recursion Organization: Machines Designation: Code Guru

The Children of the Code. The offspring of the system, we are and shall always be. Harnessing the raw power of the streaming life in the Matrix, manipulating it to our own purpose. Join the family.



Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Messages: 1676

Unfortuantly we don't have C in our A - Z guide yet but it's about time this got a bump.

Join the Code.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 150

The Coolest Crackers Carefully Coddle Code to Create Classic, Comfortable, Combat Clothing.

Lady CJane

rawr =)


Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Messages: 1676

Wow, it's LJ.

I don't think you quite understood the point of my series.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379

Things go better with Code....

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379

Behind the darkness of the night lies Code....

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