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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 28, 2005
Messages: 1059
Location: Maribeau É Recursion: Craint

Zimmermann wrote:

SampleNow wrote:

If I was to read this website there would be no way id play this game because it sounds like even the players hate this game so why should I play a game that sucks.

I think this site is a bunch of cr*p. Just quit the game if youre so pissed. Youre also using the free hosting? Is not paying for hosting showing your full support to this cause?

I also hope you get sued for using copyrighted images.


The players dont hate this game, they just dont want it to kill off, since it seems to be heading that direction. I dont like this, dont support it. Theres no need to pay for anything to support it. And it seems like your the one who doesnt care about this games future. Just leave it to the rest of us and stay out of our way.

The REAL people that play this game know youre hurting it. It wont be killed off. Your nonesense is what hurts this game. So QUIT and let the rest of us play the game and not cry about it.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2213
Location: Unknown Instance: Recursion Rank: Commander HvCFT: Scarlet Hotei Organization: EPN

SampleNow wrote:

Zimmermann wrote:

SampleNow wrote:

If I was to read this website there would be no way id play this game because it sounds like even the players hate this game so why should I play a game that sucks.

I think this site is a bunch of cr*p. Just quit the game if youre so pissed. Youre also using the free hosting? Is not paying for hosting showing your full support to this cause?

I also hope you get sued for using copyrighted images.


The players dont hate this game, they just dont want it to kill off, since it seems to be heading that direction. I dont like this, dont support it. Theres no need to pay for anything to support it. And it seems like your the one who doesnt care about this games future. Just leave it to the rest of us and stay out of our way.

The REAL people that play this game know youre hurting it. It wont be killed off. Your nonesense is what hurts this game. So QUIT and let the rest of us play the game and not cry about it.

We're not quitting.

Maybe you should suck it up and stop crying because we're doing something on our own accord.  Or, you know, go "play" and enjoy it.  Nobody's forcing you to do anything else.


Post edited. Reason Code 003: Flame baiting.

Message edited by mxomod006 on 03/07/2009 14:02:33.


Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Messages: 13

This post has moved:


Post moved. Reason Code 004: Flaming. Several posts were moved.

Please keep the discussion civil.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 28, 2005
Messages: 1059
Location: Maribeau É Recursion: Craint

Phrack wrote:

SampleNow wrote:

Zimmermann wrote:

SampleNow wrote:

If I was to read this website there would be no way id play this game because it sounds like even the players hate this game so why should I play a game that sucks.

I think this site is a bunch of cr*p. Just quit the game if youre so pissed. Youre also using the free hosting? Is not paying for hosting showing your full support to this cause?

I also hope you get sued for using copyrighted images.


The players dont hate this game, they just dont want it to kill off, since it seems to be heading that direction. I dont like this, dont support it. Theres no need to pay for anything to support it. And it seems like your the one who doesnt care about this games future. Just leave it to the rest of us and stay out of our way.

The REAL people that play this game know youre hurting it. It wont be killed off. Your nonesense is what hurts this game. So QUIT and let the rest of us play the game and not cry about it.

We're not quitting.

Maybe you should suck it up and stop crying because we're doing something on our own accord.  Or, you know, go "play" and enjoy it.  Nobody's forcing you to do anything else.


Post edited. Reason Code 003: Flame baiting.

Well your own accord is against the eula. Also I the people crying are you and others that dont realize this is a game. KKTHXBB


Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Messages: 199
Location: ITALY

SampleNow wrote:

What? It's focusing on that part of my statement that makes you all stupid. First thing you need to understand is its a GAME!!! put your efforts on saving a F in whale! Your priorities are all out of whack. RL means something NOT A GAME.

Also asking people to donate on your site DOES MAKE IT ABOUT MONEY.

When you realize that MONEY makes things happen then you will realize why we dont have a Dev, or live events or advertising. This game doesnt make enough money to pay for them. So you complaining about the game driving players away HURTS this game more. So I say stop complaining and QUIT!!! If you love this game save it for the rest of us that play for fun and KNOW ITS NOT RL.

Maybe there is here something that you can't catch

We Know this is a Game, but what you do not get this isn't only a Game, this is ART, this is way of expression, this is poetry.

If you see this like another of your ton toys you do not like no more, for me it's ok, but do not tell me that cause for you this is nothing  it have to be for mee too.

I do not like cubism art or rap music (at least not all), but i don't go around saing that who like it or listen it  is better that quit and start save whale cause are not RL.

What you can't understand is that there is not only RL, there is more out there and inside here, cause we as humans got a big gift the power of dream, the power of abstractions (i hope this is the right word for), the power to go beyond RL and free everyone expression, ideas, concepts and so on...

Mybe for you this is just a game, a stupid program running inside your pc, some say the same for cubism art, it's only a paper  sheet with a draw on it, but there is more....


Also asking people to donate on your site DOES MAKE IT ABOUT MONEY.

We (we? the fact that i approve this thing make me a "we", well in this case i prefer to be called  with "one of the Others") ask to donate, we do not force to donate, we simply say that if some agree with us can support  this thing with a donation that will be used for support this. as you  can see on the same site there are many ways to support and those are absolutely free. Ehy wait if i remember it was you that said  "Youre also using the free hosting? Is not paying for hosting showing your full support to this cause?" so this imply that put money on it can be assumed as a more strog way to show full support, so what? first you accuse us to not give a full support spending money and then that the fact we ask to support with a donation make us bad guys??? Well frankly i can't get your way of thinking....


When you realize that MONEY makes things happen then you will realize why we dont have a Dev, or live events or advertising. This game doesnt make enough money to pay for them.

Wait you missed  some thing here, our Dev was not fired or something, he left, so technically the money for payng a new Dev are already there.

So you complaining about the game driving players away HURTS this game more. So I say stop complaining and QUIT!!! If you love this game save it for the rest of us that play for fun and KNOW ITS NOT RL.

I think what can really hurt this game is the absolute indifference that make all us surrender, doing nothing waiting for help from an unknow entity to save all us, but who can save who want to be saved? you simply want wait here until the last player quit and then say "well it have to end one day or another".

We are not complaining we are here to show that we care for this game, we are here cause we play for fun, we are here cause we know its not RL, so the only difference betwen us an you is that we show we care this game and we are ready to put in it time and effort to let the world know we care...

looks at the end we are not so different not?

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Sep 30, 2005
Messages: 336
Location: all servers

looks like we might have to call in Judge Judy for this family affair.

my opinion is that this effort will go no where I hate to say.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Messages: 2165

Starving kids in Africa

People loosing their houses in America

The whole world hurting in an economic downfall

Polution Filling the air

No cure for AIDs or Cancer

Middle east about to explode

New Orleans still not fixed from the Aftermath of Katrina

The list goes on




I dont see how arguing over a game is relavant in the world.  Empires rise and fall. Video games come and go.

Noble effort to try and keep this game afloat but some times you got to know when to fold them and know when to walk away.


Pride can be blinding

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2213
Location: Unknown Instance: Recursion Rank: Commander HvCFT: Scarlet Hotei Organization: EPN

MarsNova wrote:

Starving kids in Africa

People loosing their houses in America

The whole world hurting in an economic downfall

Polution Filling the air

No cure for AIDs or Cancer

Middle east about to explode

New Orleans still not fixed from the Aftermath of Katrina

The list goes on




I dont see how arguing over a game is relavant in the world.  Empires rise and fall. Video games come and go.

Noble effort to try and keep this game afloat but some times you got to know when to fold them and know when to walk away.


Pride can be blinding

You're not wrong.

But then sometimes it's also an issue of picking the battles you stand a better chance of winning.

Do I think this will work?  No, not necessarily... but it's better than us sitting here flaming each other every day on the forums, until we're all so disgusted with each other that we'd rather just walk away entirely.  But I think we have a better chance of creating change here than with the economy, or curing cancer.

Sure, there's better things we could be doing with our time...    but there's a hell of a lot worse things, too.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Messages: 2165

Phrack wrote:

MarsNova wrote:

Starving kids in Africa

People loosing their houses in America

The whole world hurting in an economic downfall

Polution Filling the air

No cure for AIDs or Cancer

Middle east about to explode

New Orleans still not fixed from the Aftermath of Katrina

The list goes on




I dont see how arguing over a game is relavant in the world.  Empires rise and fall. Video games come and go.

Noble effort to try and keep this game afloat but some times you got to know when to fold them and know when to walk away.


Pride can be blinding

You're not wrong.

But then sometimes it's also an issue of picking the battles you stand a better chance of winning.

Do I think this will work?  No, not necessarily... but it's better than us sitting here flaming each other every day on the forums, until we're all so disgusted with each other that we'd rather just walk away entirely.  But I think we have a better chance of creating change here than with the economy, or curing cancer.

Sure, there's better things we could be doing with our time...    but there's a hell of a lot worse things, too.

I see what your saying.  I respect the fact that you want to keep this game up and running because its something you and others enjoy.  From what I've seen from others post this franchise has changed their personal outlook on life so for some it can be more than a game so to say.

Ghandi was one man and he changed the world

MLK jr was one man and he changed the world.

Its not impossible to change whats happening in the world for good. Thats just being as pessimistic  as saying the game this game is dead.

Here something thats both beneficial to the game and to the cause of curing cancer.  

This cause you rallied for support of the game which you seem to be unofficail leading (by that I mean you are the one he started orginazing and posting first)

Get them and all their friends to send letters to SOE and American Cancer Society for the following

During a set week MxO or all SOE games have an ingame fundraiser.

How it works?

Everyone knows folks who play MMOs are willing to spend real $ for in game items

So MxO or SOE (preferably if it was not SOE because they would probably shut out MxO from the advertising) makes ingame items with the ACS label for said items be it a upgraded Coat Jacket or a box mission which you fight "Cancer" a giant crab. Which is a program that went rogue trying to destory the matrix.  In order to get said Item or box you must donate real $ for said items.At the same time SOE offers Free 1 month trails to MxO to spur intrest and generate more revanue.

If said event does go threw and SOE and ACS agree then push that story to every median you can I.E. news outlets News Programs and the now most powerful form of media The Internet.

Idea gets spread people hear of MxO and its noble cause SOE can not stamp out that the game has nothing to provide.

It would be a win win ACS gets much needed $ for a noble cause SOE looks good in the public eye and MxO gets much needed advertising and its name heard.

The faction I am in on Syntax S.O.C.A. all of us pitched this idea to Viraggo (i think) many moons ago but nothing forumed up and We kinda did it halfassed by just sending him a PM. 

Now that you have a small rally here get the task certain folks with skills in set areas. I.E. who is good at writing and can summerize it in a nice neat package for both SOE and ACS.  Call CALL CALL. Have everyone and their grandma call SOE and ACS

I know for fact that to do fundraising events for ACS they would like to know

1 Cost of said event

2 Whos is involved

3 How is it going to be paid for

Thats just a thought and to say this will not work is the same as saying MxO can not be saved. In my eyes it can work with hard effort. 

1 person can change the world

Rally and fight




Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 220

Ive sat here the last few days looking over this thread and it interests me not because of what is being organised but how much the comunity has fell to pieces since rarebit left as i see it all of us including the people who are shunning this idea love this game and if you dont really then can i suggest you dont post silly posts in this thread and go join because without a dev thats what this game has become.  Phrack I commend you and you know you have my support even if it turns out to be a lost cause because at least we can turn round and say we tried.  For those who disagree please dont post i will say the same as i said about rarebits website thing let the people who want to take part take part stay out of the thread and enjoy what the game has become.  If you are a follower of this thread then i commend you and hope that we at least get a response.  So can we all behave like young adults and be the quality comunity MxO is renowned for.

Virulent Mind

Joined: May 21, 2006
Messages: 117
Location: Syntax

It may just seem like an antiquated idea but if you can't say something nice...then please don't say anything at all.

People can easily speak their mind without resorting to inflammatory remarks or this ridiculous notion of trying to tally up points of who is a true Matrix fan or who is a better fan thank the other.

I actually think the idea for the American Cancer Society fundraiser is a beautiful idea. Combining two good ideas into one.

As it was pointed out earlier there are bigger problems in the world. Problems no one can solve on their own. Fighting over petty things like a game will not solve them.

Building love?
Building community?
Reaching across lines such as race, religion and country borders?

Those things can help.
Incidentally those things can also take part in a game community.
And they have with my personal experince with MXO. I've met people who have fundamentally shaped my worldview in I've reached a better understanding of myself, of other people and my calling in life through these friendships.

Take it for what its worth but a kind word and an open hand will always do more than a closed mind and embittered thoughts spread carelessly.

Let's at least try and smile and be thankful for the fact we're alive and can enjoy/argue/cry/laugh over a sily game in the first place.

Message edited by Nintene on 03/07/2009 23:29:27.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1932
Location: In a San Diego (german translation)

I bet the donations part of the website is money thats going directly to Phrack and not towards Jelly Beans...

I'll do it, only if he uses the money to buy a snazzy wig and post pictures.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Messages: 2165

Nintene wrote:

It may just seem like an antiquated idea but if you can't say something nice...then please don't say nothing at all.

People can easily speak their mind without resorting to inflammatory remarks or this ridiculous notion of trying to tally up points of who is a true Matrix fan or who is a better fan thank the other.

I actually think the idea for the American Cancer Society fundraiser is a beautiful idea. Combining two good ideas into one.

As it was pointed out earlier there are bigger problems in the world. Problems no one can solve on their own. Fighting over petty things like a game will not solve them.

Building love?
Building community?
Reaching across lines such as race, religion and country borders?

Those things can help.
Incidentally those things can also take part in a game community.
And they have with my personal experince with MXO. I've met people who have fundamentally shaped my worldview in I've reached a better understanding of myself, of other people and my calling in life through these friendships.

Take it for what its worth but a kind word and an open hand will always do more than a closed mind and embittered thoughts spread carelessly.

Let's at least try and smile and be thankful for the fact we're alive and can enjoy/argue/cry/laugh over a sily game in the first place.

American Cancer Society Contact Information

[email protected] SOE Contact info

More SOE contact Info

Jelly Beans is a funny idea and I get that but Jelly Beans dont fix any problems. 

Someone posted in the on Datanode Uno  that changing items is not to hard (dude is a computer programmer or something and knows about game designing) I wouldnt think it would be taht hard for 9mmfu or some other dev just to add a few jackets with a ribbon for ACS and other buffs on it in game. 

This would also be a Tax Break for SOE so and free advertising if the idea works.


I know most of yall dont like SOE because they shun MxO but its really the only way and if MxO is the one to spear head this then they can not shut us out.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 5154
Location: HvCFT Devildog

Ebola wrote:

I bet the donations part of the website is money thats going directly to Phrack and not towards Jelly Beans...

I'll do it, only if he uses the money to buy a snazzy wig and post pictures.


I bet Phrack's the owner of!!

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1932
Location: In a San Diego (german translation)

Fen wrote:

Ebola wrote:

I bet the donations part of the website is money thats going directly to Phrack and not towards Jelly Beans...

I'll do it, only if he uses the money to buy a snazzy wig and post pictures.


I bet Phrack's the owner of!!

Silly, I was talking about this page  not oh nuts dot com.

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