When 9mmfu said he was going to have a go at balancing the MKT (or knifer trees) Mabey when he said that he wasn't limiting it to the MKT tree on its own and mabey he will be looking at the other trees and what they have related to it
Destroy Resolve is the only attack you need against MKT's, hit em with that and the fight will be so yours! although I do see where your coming from with accuracy vs. defense, I've stated before that MKT is just a huge win button due to the lack of defense clothing against it and the huge amount of accuracy it possesses. With Update 52 it changed that slightly due to the fact you can block their sneak attacks much more easily now, and that miss - miss actually happens now (although I'd much rather have the combat system returned to pre-update 52)
Maybe we could make the bonuses only available on the Network Attacker tree so that there would be some kind of counter to loading it. It would be rather annoying fighting someone who had Dots to interrupt every attack, devastating instant debuffs that you can pick and choose compared to any other tree where it's a bit random, and 2 cannons that shave off half health while someone is sitting there for 30 seconds rooted and powerless.
There is one major flaw (in PvP, that is) for hackers, and you know it's true. If someone is sensible enough to stock up on alot of anti 5.0's, when fighting on the field around 8 times out of 10 your biotic will sweep away your debuffs with ease. Not only with ease, but speed. That, and compared with the number of time it takes to cast some of the hacks (look at dev field, for example.. sheesh) the anti would have rinsed all those precious downgrades you took so long to cast on them (Providing they hit). There is no other tree you fight that will desperately require you to use anti's like they were candy canes, except for knife thrower, and maybe immobilising shot. (shock, horror!) There are absaloutely *no* thrown defense bonus's whatsoever, which does really not come as a surprise. Maybe changing effective code down the vector tree (IS regain bonus it has at the moment i'm sure) to add in thrown defense 10%, or somewhere in one of the resist abs (contagion, etc) I also notice there are hardly any thrown defense clothes with decent %'s, except for this grubby mask (2%), so maybe that's another thing to have a gander at. Hm, I do think the hacker has enough downgrades on MKT, it really does not need a thrown damage debuff if you have downgraded their accuracy so as they won't hit you, you won't really need a % damage debuff, makes sense right? Considering, of course, they don't drug themselves up with anti's again!When fighting a MKT, I use the environment as best possible, keeping your distance and out of range is good, but you won't be able to do that if your fighting a handfull of ravenous reds. Take into consideration hackers have a far better range than MKT's, too. Hacker can cast their hacks out of distance which would help, ish. ;)It's really a cat and mouse game, but I do feel the root of the problem lies within the cast timers, and the lack of thrown defense bonuses, definately.spha x
I have beat Numerous players in duels and Pvp with Hacker Loaded from Mkts to Ma's without Destroy Resolve, i think hacker is fine as it is.
However Antibiotics are a *CENSORED* with Ravager loaded and the UM's Autosweeps ftl