Well, it seems I got to know the wrong crowd, lol, jkBut really, I wish i actually knew Tseng, this would go perfect with the stories I've been writing on the origin of my own character...*sigh*
Tell me about it.
I could maybe dress up as Shickle and try and make that look 2d...
Truly, truly wonderful artwork. Once again the bar for MxO artist standards has been raised.
### Ident ### John Bradges ### Hvcft ### Effectual Reality ### Rank ### Captain ### Alias ### HostileIntention
"Operative ID4635 national sports pistol champion at age 12, Olympic hopefull, recruited by the army. Enrolled into the black ops program. Ran numerous campaigns in Columbia before being recruited by the Cypherite movement. During his time among them he became one of two recipients of the entity known as melliaks cheat codes. Head hunted by the machines to head up the anti terrorism task force, a diligent and relentless force to those who should cross his path."
"eyes by ht"
### Ident ### John Bradges ### Hvcft ### Effectual Reality ### Rank ### Captain ### Alias ### HostileIntention "Operative ID4635 national sports pistol champion at age 12, Olympic hopefull, recruited by the army. Enrolled into the black ops program. Ran numerous campaigns in Columbia before being recruited by the Cypherite movement. During his time among them he became one of two recipients of the entity known as melliaks cheat codes. Head hunted by the machines to head up the anti terrorism task force, a diligent and relentless force to those who should cross his path." "eyes by ht"
### Ident ### Chase Ashford ### Hvcft ### Alecto ### Rank ### Captain ### Alias ### Sphairo
"It is better have loved and lost then to have never to have loved at all. Who ever said that never lost a loved one. Past times and memories gone by leave deep scars, though you cannot see them on the surface they do not cut any less deeply"