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Do you think Neo would have become the one if he had NOT eaten "cookies" from the oracle?
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 7, 2005
Messages: 1960

i readsomewhere that as part of the oracals programming she is the one who supplies the one with the code that hes supposed to take back to the source to start the matrix over again. but this time she rebelled against that programming and gave neo a code that would allow him to absorb and be absorbed by agent smith. thus setting off a chain of events that would make the source depended on neo to save the matrix instead of to save zion. thats what the cookies were.

Joined: Apr 4, 2006
Messages: 166
Location: Mega City training Construct

if you observed the films you would know that the architect is the program who balances the equation.

the oracle does the opposite and by creating an imbalance.
she cannot create code she can only manipulate it as she herself is an exile just like the frenchman.

the architect is the boss of the matrix he has the pwoer to write code but it is done only to try and balance the forces within the matrix.

every now and again an annomally occurs and that is what neo is an anomally.

if you allow an anomally to progess it advances until it unbalances the forces within the matrix.

that was why smith was resurrected and modified by the architect to balance the equation. but computers do make mistakes as we are all aware of im sure.

neo is a bug within the matrix program itself.

the archetect had a system for defeatingthe bug by restarting the matrix.(reboot pc) meaning when the one returns to the source the matrix is reset to default and it starts all over again.

but because the bug is in the original program it keeps coming back.

cookies are nothing to do with it nor any other baked goods.

the ONE is a title to discribe this anomally. and if you recall there were others before neo so in actual fact neo is not the one instead he is one of many.

the only difference is he walked the path the others chose not too

Message Edited by fowkes on 04-19-2006 11:37 PM
Message edited by fowkes on 04/19/2006 14:37:59.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 7, 2005
Messages: 1960

i dont think your right and ill explain why.


first you say that the oracle cannot make code and that she is an exile like the frenchman. i think shes much more important than that. even the source says shes the mother of the matrix. and she cant be like an exile. exile are defected programs who ran from deletion. the oracle is a program in the matrix serving her purpose. her purpose could include writing code. and if you watched the movies the frenchman wrote the code for the there goes your only the source can write code theory.


second. the one is an anomoly. but it is clear that neo is not just an anomoly. the source picks up on this when he notices neo responded to his answer of neos purpose faster than the rest. the end of the movie the source tells the oracle that she played a dangerous game. if he was referring to her intended purpose he wouldnt have called it a game. she bent the rules of her own purpose to achieve and ends that was not meant to be. that is why he said that to her. so what did she do that was different from what she did to the other one's. who knows. but my guess is the same as i stated above. that she put a different code into cookies or candy to create the imbalance between him and smith.


or maybe it was the idea that neo fell inlove with trinity and it has nothing to do with cookies or candy. maybe that was the difference between neo and the other one's. either way you cant downplay the oracles roll in it. she did something different to achieve the outcome that happened.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

It's the Great Three:

The Architect - lords over all big code thingies in the Matrix

The Merovingian - the Trash Can or Recycling Bin of the Matrix (keeps after programs that don't wanna be deleted), and may or may not have orginally been a Library program to keep the RAM for Archy fresh. (Like those who keep their Halloween masks in their alts' inventories. You know who you are)

The Oracle - studies the human soul and probably maps it out for the other two


Notice how they all have "The" in their title, and not even a name when they were first designed?



The One code can be found in the cookie.

The Three code can be found in the orgasma cake.

Both of them make you feel good.

Message Edited by ZippydaSquirl on 04-20-2006 04:46 PM
Message edited by ZippyTheSquirrel on 04/20/2006 12:46:04.

Joined: Apr 4, 2006
Messages: 166
Location: Mega City training Construct

well thought out DarkHaze but

ask yourself what is the frenchman, what was his purpose, why was he coded.

perhaps the frenchman wwas the architect from the first version of the matrix, you do not know.

the ONE code was constructed on neos birth like any new user if they do not understand the code they cannot use it to its full potential. the one code became active during is first insertion after his extraction. his lenght of time within the matrix was alot longer tha nother redpills therefore his mind had more time to learn the code. yes you read it right that is what made him different his scepticism allowed his mind to process the matrix code in a new way allowing him to learn how to use it to get the results he needed.

if the oracle could write code or modify the one then it is only logical to assume that the architect could too so why didnt he. i tell you why becaause you cannot change what you dont understand. as stated in the films the one is a code anomaly. and i say that it is only the one code that is the anomaly. neo is a person and is experiences within the matrix and within himself are the deciding factors ni weather on not the one code follows the same path as it has previously done.

if the one was code was created by the oracle it could just as well be deleted. but since the film clearly states the one is an anomaly. and that it surfaced numerous times within numerous RSI's since the creation of the matrix. it is only logical to assume that it is part of the matrix itself therefore cannot be destroyed that is why when the one is discovered it is returned to the source so as the matrix can be restarted.

also consider the fact that the one might have been purposely created so as the machines have a method of discarding those who dont accept their lies. if people were suddenly to die off when they stopped believing then eventually the lie would revealled. humanity cannot be controolled as it has been proven by the fact that the machines must manipulate their minds inot believing that the matrix is the real world. such a large death rate would create suspicion and eventual the viel would fall.
unless you are to believe that zions randomly go around picking people to extract. how did you think morhpeus discoverd neo.
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