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[8.1.4] Zion mission feedback thread: "Broadcast Depth"
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Joined: Dec 2, 2005
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Scheduled for tomorrow.

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
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hmmm guessing we find a more secure way to broadcast?


Joined: Mar 9, 2007
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Like his last MxO sketch maybe? I thought that was creepy, like everyone back in pods almost. Wait, I'm a Cyph, that's not creepy SMILEY

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Oct 27, 2005
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Hmm, yea, well done.

Two things I'd like to say:

1) It somehow felt like there was some text missing from the Machine redpill. I mean, he just said "Data submitted.", no word of a hopping mad Zion squad storming his place... Might have been nice to read a conversation between the operative and the program in the room.

2) The empty box in the first part of the mish, why is it there? It didn't seem of any use.


Joined: Aug 20, 2005
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I like the struggle for communication, it's practical. The dialogue is good, too. Refering to them as squiddies and such.


Joined: Mar 9, 2007
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Location: Eshean West

Hmm...I thought Veil was joking in the Machine mission. Guess not. Does the Kid really think he can get there?

Systemic Anomaly

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Actully acording to two of the EPN LOs on Syntax no plan has really been made. Bombing 01 sounds like a dramization on Veil's part to create more of a stir in the war and untill someone can show some sorta proof, its just her word aginst ours.

Systemic Anomaly

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As far as we know, there has been no actual plans of an attack, just Kid mentioning to Niobe the possibility of EPN planning an attack on 01 in the near future.

Basically, it's Kid being Kid. Foolish, naive, and the worst possible idea anyone could have currently. They would not even get close to 01, unless they somehow developed specialized ships with weapons, stealth, etc.

The only hostile to enter 01 was Neo, and we all know how that was accomplished...

Fansite Operator

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Looks like the Machines are trying to shut down each of Zion's systems one by one in the matrix, first communication now recruitment. You could say the mission is too easy because the phases where there are hostiles you can avoid by going stealth as the objectives are to just search the area, I didn't do that myself because I want to make the most of a crit but someone could do that if they wanted to rush it. Still an interesting mission with all the comments from the NPCs and the possible plan we heard from the Kid.

Systemic Anomaly

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GamiSB wrote:
Actully acording to two of the EPN LOs on Syntax no plan has really been made. Bombing 01 sounds like a dramization on Veil's part to create more of a stir in the war and untill someone can show some sorta proof, its just her word aginst ours.
But making a "threat" like that from the Kid, would allways get some attention don't you think? Evne if it's not a plan, it sure would get someone to look into this, to see if it's true or not.

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