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[9.1.4] I don't want another version - Recursion - 12/7/07
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Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3484

The Auditor said his version number is higher than the simulation.  His appearance is due to the incompatibility.  He also may have a much different jack than we do based on the throughput he is described to exhibit.  I will agree that he does appear to possess anomalous attributes.  The Anomaly from a different version theory does seem to be quite popular these days.  I don't want to detract from this line of thinking, but there does appear to be something more going on here. 

It is the question that drives us.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Neoteny wrote:
Vinia wrote:
Neoteny wrote:
Hah! Well, this gives me lots of hope for a new peace. Wonder what's going to happen to "incompatable" bluepills of this Matrix.

It doesn't necessarily mean that the new simulation is going to replace the current one, at least not for a good while as it's probably in a beta stage, which will give them plenty of time to adjust any methods required to ensure compatability for new humans. If we are unable to 'upgrade' then I would say that they will leave the current version running. When improving on something, best have the last good copy on standby... just in case...

Naturally. I mean, look at all of the other previous versions of the Matrix they've left running all these years.
How would you know if they had? Just because we haven't had visitors from previous iterations. I mean, if we hadn't of had Mr. Intruder come to visit us who would have believed in another Simulation run by the same Machines? Also I would tend to say that they usually just upgrade the simulation each time, but I've read something somewhere that someone (I think it was Persephone) has witness the same behavior from the Machines in the past suggesting that they have made a completely new Simulation. To prove a simulation may take some time, possibly long enough for even the youngest to live out their lives on the previous version. So like I said..... how would you know that they havent?

Message edited by Croesis on 12/12/2007 03:54:04.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Vinia wrote:
Neoteny wrote:
Vinia wrote:
Neoteny wrote:
Hah! Well, this gives me lots of hope for a new peace. Wonder what's going to happen to "incompatable" bluepills of this Matrix.

It doesn't necessarily mean that the new simulation is going to replace the current one, at least not for a good while as it's probably in a beta stage, which will give them plenty of time to adjust any methods required to ensure compatability for new humans. If we are unable to 'upgrade' then I would say that they will leave the current version running. When improving on something, best have the last good copy on standby... just in case...

Naturally. I mean, look at all of the other previous versions of the Matrix they've left running all these years.
How would you know if they had? Just because we haven't had visitors from previous iterations. I mean, if we hadn't of had Mr. Intruder come to visit us who would have believed in another Simulation run by the same Machines? Also I would tend to say that they usually just upgrade the simulation each time, but I've read something somewhere that someone (I think it was Persephone) has witness the same behavior from the Machines in the past suggesting that they have made a completely new Simulation. To prove a simulation may take some time, possibly long enough for even the youngest to live out their lives on the previous version. So like I said..... how would you know that they havent?

Well, for one, you'd think that the Merovingian wouldn't need to keep shifting his base of operations and worry about bringing the now-exiled programs of iterations past with him if these "past Matrixes" were still around.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Nov 13, 2006
Messages: 513

Tranque101 wrote:
GoDGiVeR wrote:
The intruder's from a newer version that the Machines haven't even developed? Well, maybe. That just means that there's a 3rd party out there we don't know of. If that grid guy start appearing in a grid-style in the real too, then we know where the origin lies. Right now, it could be just anything.

The Machine DID develop it. In a different matrix, maybe a test matrix.

A matrix where it relies on physically strong bluepill possibly... And if this intruder is from there then it would explain the lack of backwords compatibility regarding the failure to load his appearence.
Vinia wrote:
Neoteny wrote:
Vinia wrote:
Neoteny wrote:
Hah! Well, this gives me lots of hope for a new peace. Wonder what's going to happen to "incompatable" bluepills of this Matrix.

It doesn't necessarily mean that the new simulation is going to replace the current one, at least not for a good while as it's probably in a beta stage, which will give them plenty of time to adjust any methods required to ensure compatability for new humans. If we are unable to 'upgrade' then I would say that they will leave the current version running. When improving on something, best have the last good copy on standby... just in case...

Naturally. I mean, look at all of the other previous versions of the Matrix they've left running all these years.
How would you know if they had? Just because we haven't had visitors from previous iterations. I mean, if we hadn't of had Mr. Intruder come to visit us who would have believed in another Simulation run by the same Machines? Also I would tend to say that they usually just upgrade the simulation each time, but I've read something somewhere that someone (I think it was Persephone) has witness the same behavior from the Machines in the past suggesting that they have made a completely new Simulation. To prove a simulation may take some time, possibly long enough for even the youngest to live out their lives on the previous version. So like I said..... how would you know that they havent?

When Mary MacHenry's death was reported, the official cause was given as a fall during a cave exploring holiday in South America. While we do not know what the real reason for her 'death' was, we do know that the body at the funeral was not hers.

If the "Intruder" is a bluepill from another simulation with greatly enhanced physical strength and ability compared to the bluepills in this one, it may provide an explanation as to what happened to Mary MacHenry; her decision to organise a cave exploring holiday being the Machines' way of explaing her increased strength etc and the fabrication of her death - to explain her being extracted from this version of the Matrix (and taken to another version?).

        (( --- From Merovingian 8.3.5 "Unplugged"---

Persephone: When I was with the Machines, at the pods, there was a time when a human was removed from the tower next to mine. I did not know why or where they were taken. I was intensely curious. I tried to find out, but they would not tell me. I accessed the activity logs secretly, hoping to find the reason, but no--it only showed that they had been strengthened, then disconnected. The log entries looked just like those of the MacHenry woman.

Archivist: My colleagues are correct. However, the index refers us to another occurrence of similar log histories. This was during rev.1--that is, during the first iteration of the Matrix simulation. )).

... may suggest that the same process has been taking place ever since the Matrix was created.

Message edited by XElite on 12/12/2007 06:46:04.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Neoteny wrote:
Vinia wrote:
How would you know if they had? Just because we haven't had visitors from previous iterations. I mean, if we hadn't of had Mr. Intruder come to visit us who would have believed in another Simulation run by the same Machines? Also I would tend to say that they usually just upgrade the simulation each time, but I've read something somewhere that someone (I think it was Persephone) has witness the same behavior from the Machines in the past suggesting that they have made a completely new Simulation. To prove a simulation may take some time, possibly long enough for even the youngest to live out their lives on the previous version. So like I said..... how would you know that they havent?

Well, for one, you'd think that the Merovingian wouldn't need to keep shifting his base of operations and worry about bringing the now-exiled programs of iterations past with him if these "past Matrixes" were still around.
Considering that he utilises the Trainman just to aid exile programs to and from the Machine mainframe shows that he cannot personally move them. Why would he keep his exiles in a previous version when he has to go through other programs to do it? Far simpler to bring them across and keep them in the current version along with himself. Besides the simulation that the Lupines and Blood Drinkers are native to may have been shut down by now as even the longest living Human won't live that long...

Systemic Anomaly

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Previous versons are long gone. The first version, a paradise that was governed by Seraphim, where are they now? In a box because they faced deletion by the hands of the Machine when the system failed. Same with the second. The only remains of these iversions are the parts left within our current be they in construct or in the deepest sections of of the Matrix.

Now then, what we should be wondering now is "why". What purpose does a new version serve? We are currently in Version 3.6. Our version now has worked for six Matrix's and the only current problem is the lack of a working cycle. So why create the whole thing over? A completly new OS to fix a minor problem? Granted the lack of the cycle has left the balance within the simulation go to *poop* at times but its still not the version that is broken, just the cycle.

Could the Machine perhaps be looking to create a world where the choice isn't needed to maintain control?

Femme Fatale

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Only time will tell.




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Sphairo wrote:
nubious81 wrote:
so is this  guy a future " anomaly" as the machines would put it?

Maybe, we have no idea yet.  Capornicus keeps cropping up lately so maybe a little investigatory work into that might give us some answers

~ spha x
I think the whole relevance of Copernicus is that his definition of the Solar System radically changed people and the way they thought about the world they lived in.  The Intruder is clearly part of a revelation which is changing us and the way we think about the Matrix. 


Systemic Anomaly

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So with every iteration of the Matrix there are upgrades etc, but this seems to be a significant version change.

Possibly an attempt to prevent redpills jacking in. Possibly the missing bluepills are being used as a form of beta tester... they take the strongest and see if the new simulation can withstand them (less likelyhood of future awakenings)

He has mentioned that he has no more soul than a commando, so he could be a beta tester or programmer for the new matrix version. That would explain his interest in all locations associated with "high powered" events.

Heart o' the city hotel, rogers way, etc...

It would also explain the ability to create those decelerators.

P.S. Even though it makes me sad to see her as a Cypherite... Misfit is looking pwn as always!

P.P.S. I hope a new version means a game engine upgrade rather than game end *worries*

Message edited by phi on 12/12/2007 19:10:49.

MC Photographer

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GamiSB wrote:

Previous versons are long gone. The first version, a paradise that was governed by Seraphim, where are they now? In a box because they faced deletion by the hands of the Machine when the system failed. Same with the second. The only remains of these iversions are the parts left within our current be they in construct or in the deepest sections of of the Matrix.

Now then, what we should be wondering now is "why". What purpose does a new version serve? We are currently in Version 3.6. Our version now has worked for six Matrix's and the only current problem is the lack of a working cycle. So why create the whole thing over? A completly new OS to fix a minor problem? Granted the lack of the cycle has left the balance within the simulation go to *CENSORED* at times but its still not the version that is broken, just the cycle.

Could the Machine perhaps be looking to create a world where the choice isn't needed to maintain control?

Or could "the Machine" perhaps be looking at the possibility of a world where concious choice is inherent?  Why make the immediate assumption that a future version of the simulation is a negative step?

Systemic Anomaly

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Cuse I'm biased =P

But I do realize that it could be your way just as much as it could be mine and that it's way to soon for anyone to start acting off their ideas when we are all (okay maybe not the Machine) still in the brainstorming phase of figureing this all out.

Message edited by GamiSB on 12/12/2007 20:36:26.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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Location: Syntax: AlphaCoder Vector-Hostile: GuardianAngel

Well, if you ask me, which no one ever does, I reckon he was sent to replace the 'One' and return to the Source to restart the Matrix. Obviously he needs to be powerful enough not to be stopped, but it would also explain his lack of aesthetic programming, and basic 'skin' design.

However, as should already have been learnt from a previous anomaly, he got curious about our little simulation and decided to investigate more. Maybe they made the mistake of ot removing his memory from the Neo blueprint they may have used to create it, or maybe they made the mistake of giving it emotions, that I don't know. However if we are tossing ideas around, there's mine on the plate.

Edit: spelling

Message edited by AlphaCoder on 01/04/2008 19:25:55.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
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((Is it just me, or was there, somewhere, an event that revealed the matrix can be used to go backwards and forwards in time? Because of system digits, or something? xDD <- horrible horrible memory ))

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Sphairo wrote:
((Is it just me, or was there, somewhere, an event that revealed the matrix can be used to go backwards and forwards in time? Because of system digits, or something? xDD <- horrible horrible memory ))
Closest thing to what your discribeing would be this event and the point of it was to say that time doesn't change.


Joined: Aug 19, 2005
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Perhaps the fact that nobody cares what I think will stop you from really even listening to me, but, as so many before me have said before... I THINK THAT you all are over thinking it. What's the deal with that, eh? "He's The One", "He's Windows XP 2000000", he's--who cares?! Assumptions aren't going to help anything, it's just going to waste time which you could spend more 'efficiently' on actually doing some more research.

I'm apaulled at your arrogance, you only take action when a higher in command such as Veil is around. Not before! Before - you just question it, not after! After - you just -THINK- about it. If you would like to find something out, don't wait for Veil, Cryptos, Tylenol, or whatever her name is. Talk to some folk. Perhaps you'll pick out the right Machine that carries some information, it's better to try your odds constantly than to wait for one 50/50 chance.

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