Why thank you very much, what makes that one more special to me is that the silhouette is me doing a round house.
(Im a kickboxer)
Liking your stuff too, I need to get some decent pictures of my RSI and give it a crack me thinks. 8/10 for your 3 above
The phire is phantastic in that one o.O 9.5/10
I've been playing with snow phlakes again, and can't decide which one of these to use. Help me out?
10/10 for the snowflakes in the second one 8/10 for the first(dunno if it's just me but the snowflakes in the first one look like doilies)
Great song, nice texturing work on the traincar, also I'd say your about 4 to 5 tokes over the line judging by those eyes!