Ah, We already have Lucien Dress shoes, formal shoes, but now.. we should have..
Gargoyle SHOES!
KoenhX wrote:
Ah, We already have Lucien Dress shoes, formal shoes, but now.. we should have..Gargoyle SHOES!
You see someone wearing those at a bar, don't give him money for the jukebox.
Someone said a drop such as the mask, I agree with that.
How about $10 off for all those that have been within MXO since the trans. to SOE...??
To not be playing.
A developer who actually can model and knows C++ and other pretty standard things in the industry.
Peace and love
A flying yellow rhinoceros that shows sparks out of it's -- uh... tail?
Or some reds to PvP with.
CR1... that is all
and to travel back in time so i can stop myself from having that long break when i missed basically everything...
remember these?
the cheese helmet is still my favourite...lol
"I'm drunk, I'm nobody, I'm drunk, I'm famous, I'm dead..." lmao
anyway, yea...I want Zen Master
It would be nice to actually have some players on Vector in time for Christmas !!!
1. I would like 1000% enrage your enemy bonus clothing .
2. Lowbies under lvl 16 flagged for pvp .
3. Hand grenades.
4. /safechat to work both ways .
5. My "Madbent Protecktz Me T-shirt"
The list goes on but these are the most favored ones for me.
I agree with the hand grenades...gimme !!