I want to sign up! Mana come on...forget RL and start it lol.
*Blows dust off the flyer*
Well folks, RL is finally settling down now that I moved so Im gonna shoot for the last week of October, first week of November to get this going, to take advantage of the Haloween week and all.
Im thinking twice a week so it doesnt last the entire 15 weeks, Tuesdays and Thursday Nights, starting at 6pm EST (3pm PST, 11pm GMT), which is just a bit after I get off work but not too late for the players accross the pond. They will last around 2 Hrs approx so check your calendars and let me know if these times will work for most of you.
IN THE MEANTIME, look back at the first post and START SELECTING YOUR TEAMS! Please start making an assessment of who in your faction/crew will participate - again, one faction CAN have more then 1 team, but lets try to not make it more then 2 teams per faction.
Ill be working thruout the month to get everything ready to go so stay tuned here for more information, requirements, and details.
Im looking to get all final details posted by this Friday so stay tuned for updates please.
Get your teams ready, start getting your entry fees going, and train hard Vector....its almost time
I need every team/faction to create a banner for themselves
I can have it resized later so they all look standard, for now just make a banner with your team/faction name.
Ill be posting the flyers soon but the actual event nites will be Tuesdays and Thursday Nights, starting on November 6th, at 6PM EST, 3PM MCT, 5PM CST, 11PM BST
Mark your calendars ppl!
Got a couple of the flyers ready, 2 more to come (just posting it here for FYI, main thread will be up when everything is ready to be posted)
Thx to Twaggz for the flyers!
Oh boy, 8 weeks :O
I guess the Champions League will have to wait a few months before I start it off